

The new rules for dungeons and dragons have dropped in 2024 and are called "DnD One." At this time, I only intend to allow you to play those classes and features that are in the Player's Handbook. This may change as the DM's Guide and other books are released. If you really want to play a subclass that is part of the old rules but not included in the new, let me know and we can discuss.


As I become more familiar with the rules, I may add, subtract, or change information on this page, including allowing more stuff. Thanks for your patience. Also, for homebrew changes regarding things such as 2024 game play, rules, spells, combat, etc, please refer to the Rules Page.


Below are changes to 2024 classes that I am implementing to either nerf or empower in the name of balance, logic, and whim. Also, you may see new homebrew classes altogether.




This class is not allowed in my world.






Wild Shape Spellcasting


At 8th level, a druid has enough experience using their wild shape form that they can cast prepared spells that only require a verbal component.


As per the 2024 PH, at 18th level, the druid's elevated experience has allowed them add spells that require somatic, as well.






Quite frankly, the 2024 rules didn't do the ranger class any favors. Below are things I'll be using to help make it a more usable class. I'll start with base class features only and then add a section regarding any subclass changes/additions.


Base Class


Archery Expertise


At 2nd level, a ranger that chooses the archery fighting style will, in addition to the fighting style feature, add an extra hp of damage per their proficiency bonus to the target with their ranged weapons.


Natural Explorer


When you forage, you find twice as much food as you normally wood.


When you travel alone, you can move stealthily at a normal pace.


Your group cannot get lost except by magical mean when you are with them.


At 3rd level, your knowledge of natural terrain allows you to move across it (when it is considered difficult) without penalty. This does not apply to any difficult terrain that is created through manmade or magical obstacles what would impose difficult terrain penalties.


At 8th level, any ally within 20' of you can also gain the benefits from above. The range increases to 30' at 13th level, 40' at 18th level, and 50' at 20th level.






Dread Ambusher


Starting at 3rd level, on your first turn of a new combat, you gain advantage on your first attack. Also, the first time you hit a creature with a weapon on your first turn of combat, you deal an extra hp of damage per your ranger level. So, a 15th level ranger hitting on the first round of combat with a longbow would do an additional 15 points of piercing damage to the creature he/she hits. This cannot be used again until the first turn of your next combat.






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