The Gods of Irith


The gods of Irith are varied and powerful. They have been a part of the world since its creation and their laws, pettiness, desires and other beliefs have helped the inhabitants of Irith shape it in the past and present. The gods of Irith are recognized and revered by all races and not necessarily for the same reasons. The one commonality will always be the god's name. Each god possesses the power of every domain, allowing their followers to choose whichever they like. Still, a worshipper of fire would hardly wish to follow Aroth, god of the sea.


By allowing players to pick a god without worrying which domain he/she/it has to give them the most powerful spells, I'm creating a game where the god can be chosen purely to spice up a PC's background.


As far as alignments go, each god has a range that depicts the alignment of his/her worshippers and the range of temperament for that god. For example, Aeixis's followers range from neutral to evil. This means, with few exceptions, you will not find any good worshippers. If the alignment range is "any", then you will find worshippers of all alignments. Law, Chaos, and Neutrality can be applied to any alignment within the specified range.


Below are human, humanoid, and fae gods, as well as arch devils and demon lords and their descriptions. The planes that each deity resides upon will be included in their description.


Types of Deities



Human Deities


Aeixis Darkness and Chaos Kobolissima Envy and Spite
All Creator God above Gods Mordrun Blacksmiths
Ardru Life Nynneon Song and Dance
Aroth Seas Orodar Heavens
Avizor Serpents, Wind & Wisdom Peleah Love and Pleasure
Breahal Matrimony and Women Pomoleth Philosophers and Poets
Celphea Combat and Wisdom Quill Peace and Knowledge
Cherivi Lies and Deceit Qurophys Dead
Dotorus Strength and Storms Revenkai Travelers & Good Fortune
Froyonnia Beasts Shozrei Healing and Medicine
Gharan-Dis Wisdom and Balance Su Reh Moon and Stars
Gonibrahth Underworld Thirion Tricksters and Mischief
Great Serpent Barbarians Tlancu Fertility
Grothkele War and Destruction Toh Pana Peace and Hope
Horgarin Flame and Law Vahntorii Strife and Suffering
Hstinzi Bountiful Harvest Vor Courage and Battle
Ianlia Rivers and Life Williommox Chance and Gambling
Jahrru Hate and Revenge Ya-Nu Mercy
K'tash Magic Ytos Nature
Kergon Mountains    




God of Darkness and Chaos

Alignment: Neutral to Evil

Home Plane: Astral

Aeixis's true form is unknown. Many describe him as a great black winged giant with two serpent heads that sport long fangs. His body is shrouded in a perpetual cloak of swirling darkness which never fully reveals his form at any one time. Aeixis wields a rod of pure onyx that destroys souls.

Aeixis's followers are identified by his holy symbol: a black sun surrounded by a bright orange and yellow corona. His priests dress as they please, never feeling obliged to follow any guidelines for regalia.

Temples: Places of worship for Aeixis are usually located in secret dark places, mostly underground or in fetid swamps or barren deserts. Somewhere on the temple itself with be the black corona of Aeixis.

Aeixis Proverbs

Darkness is the womb from which chaos is nurtured.

Human Deities

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All Creator

God Above Gods

Alignment: Any

Home Plane: Unknown (see below)


The All Creator has been a myth in the world of Irith since anyone can recall. Some say that he or she or whatever it is existed long before the Cleansing of the Light and is responsible for creating all there is, including the planes, the worlds, the people who live on them, and the gods they worship. None of the myths convey what the All Creator looks like. The only piece of trivia that obscure texts can agree upon is the symbol of a leafless tree.


A movement of late has begun and followers have slowly but surely begun showing up in cities across the land.


Temples: People who wish to pray somewhere to the All Creator have been building nondescript churches of no particular design. Usually next to the church is a scaffolding upon which is placed a telescope that is used the scan the northeastern sky for a nebula. Within the nebula is rumored to be the Silver Kingdom where the All Creator lives.

All Creator Proverbs

He who watches the watchers shall be supreme above all.

Human Deities

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Goddess of Life

Alignment: Neutral to Good

Home Plane: Tirilithea

Regarded as the Life Giver of Irith, Ardru takes the form of a giant tree whose branches are thick with leaves and orange blossoms. Other times, she will become a white dear with feathered hooves. If ever pressed into battle, she will cry out and cause any creature within earshot to become hopeless charmed by her.

She has the ability to raise the dead with a mere touch, and can instantly kill the same way. Just as easily, Ardru can take a mortal's life in the same way.

Ardru priests wear robes of orange and green trimmed in leaves. The holy symbol they wear is that of an orange blossom.

Temples: Ardru temples are inviting places that are typically constructed of wood and plaster and painted white and orange. Orange trees are always present nearby.

Ardru Proverbs

Life's adventures are like chapters in a mystical book waiting to be written.

Life's journey is an enchanted path, filled with dragons to conquer and dreams to fulfill.

In the tapestry of life, be the most vibrant thread.

The blossom of new life is a reminder that all things are possible.

Human Deities

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God of the Seas

Alignment: Any

Home Plane: Tirilithea


Aroth is a bearded giant who has a fish tail in place of where his legs might be. Roaming the seas of Irith, this fickle god has been known to cause great devastation to those who vex him. Other times, he has exhibited great passion by saving those who otherwise would have perished beneath his waves. His weapon is a trident can cause deadly tidal waves at Aroth's command.


The priests of the god of seas tend to wear blue robes embroidered with sea shells, and they always carry water on them or a spell to create water.


Temples: Usually located on the shores of bodies of water, Aroth holy places are usually tall slender towers of white stone that are adorned with his four tridents.


Aroth Proverbs

When you can't change the direction of the wind, adjust your sails.

A sailor is an artist whose medium is the wind.

The seas are the lifesblood of the world and all its creatures.

Human Deities

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God of Serpents, the Wind and Wisdom

Alignment: Any

Home Plane: Ahfoleah

Avizor takes the form of a gigantic winged serpent with feathered skin that scintillates with an ever-changing kaleidoscope of colors. His eyes are jade, and his voice is an echoing whisper. Avizor can cause any serpent beast to obey him with but a thought, and his gaze can cause fear in any warm-blooded mortal should he choose it.

Priests of Avizor take great pride in decorating their dark green robes with jewels and the scales of serpents that they have found. The weapon of choice for these holy priests is a flail.

Temples: Temples of Avizor are massive green ziggurats adorned with the serpent mask of the god himself. The surface of the shrines glisten with gems that no one dare touch for fear of a winged serpent appearing to strike them down.

Avizor Proverbs

The only true wisdom is knowing you know nothing.

A wise man learns more from his enemies than a fool from his friends.

The serpent that stings when cornered will not slink away quietly.

A wise man knows his own serpent well.

The wind shall carry the scales of wisdom upon them.

Human Deities

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Goddess of Matrimony and Women

Alignment: Neutral to Good

Home Plane: Tirilithea

Almost blinding in her beauty, Breahal is a breathtaking woman with blonde hair so long that it swirls around her body like a makeshift robe. Many times, she takes on the shape of a flawless swan with a glowing white halo. Any mortal looking upon Breahal is instantly entranced by her beauty and will wish to please her in any way possible.

Priests of Breahal are usually women adorned in scanty white silken skirts that leave little to the imagination. Their sworn duty is to ensure that women are treated like the goddesses they are and make their weddings the grand spectacles they deserve. Any swan that appears at a wedding is considered a good omen for the future.

Temples: Temples are graceful structures sporting a giant pair of swan wings rising from the top. The building itself is white and trimmed with gold, and swans usually mill about the grounds nearby.

Breahal Proverbs

When the moon's shadow touches the heart, darkness claims its rightful part.

Swallow not the seeds of life.

Keeping a bountiful hearth keeps the family strong.

Togetherness is the base ingredient for a healthy bride.

Human Deities

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Goddess of Combat and Wisdom

Alignment: Any (Lawful Only)

Home Plane: Vamg'den

TestingA statuesque woman with long black hair that spills out from beneath her golden battle helm, Celphea stands tall in her golden armor. In her left hand, she grips a polished shield of pure bronze while her right hands holds Ciathenes the platinum Spear of Truth that can crack the earth with a single strike. Perched atop her shoulder is Rhenos, her white falcon.

Celphean priests wear polished chain mail with tabards bearing her holy symbol: a swooping white falcon. They are no nonsense clergy that are ready to apply Celpheas justice to sinners and her enemies. In past wars, priests have led Celphean soldiers into battle rather than knights.

Temples: Celphea temples are magnificent white structures that are squarish yet awe-inspiring. They are topped by a gleaming white alabaster falcon standing nearly 20' tall with a wingspan that is nearly twice as much.


Celphea Proverbs

Fear not those quick to anger; fear those who patiently nurture their fury, for the seeds they plant will sprout a forest of destruction and woe.

When facing a hurricane of overwhelming adversity, be as the willow. Bend but do not break.

Forget not those heroes who previously fell in service to our lady Celphea, for they still reside in the fierceness of your heart and the glint in your eye. Honor them in Battle.

To win a hundred battles against an enemy is not the pinnacle of skill. The true pinnacle of skill is to subdue the enemy without fighting.

The wise know when the battle is won, but the most wise know a battle's outcome before taking the battlefield.

The more you sweat in peace, the less you bleed in war.

It is better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war.

The wise know when battle is nigh; the truly wise know when to crush their enemies or let them live.

Human Deities

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God of Lies and Deceit

Alignment: Neutral to Evil (Chaotic Only)

Home Plane: Vamg'den

Cherivi's favorite form is that of a man's body with a fox's head. A sly grin on his lips, he spins lies that sound like the unbending truth to anyone who hears him speak. Although reticent to engage in combat, Cherivi is well-known for his deadly fighting ability with his twin rapiers "Blood" and "Lust".

His favorite sport is causing mischief by tricking someone into believing that they had been deceived by a best friend or loved one. Another of his pastimes is to cause beautiful women to fall in love with him only to crush their desires with his scathing tongue before disappearing never to be seen by them again.

Cherivi priests wear no specific regalia of any kind, only holy symbols of a set of wicked grinning lips. They also work tirelessly to maneuver themselves near men of power to whisper in their ears and manipulate matters to Cherivi's benefit.

Temples: Structures built as holy places dedicated to Cherivi are typically nondescript and not easily identified in any city where they are located. Subtle marks on the temples known to those who worship Cherivi identify them.


Cherivi Proverbs


Lies have short legs.


A half-truth is a whole lie.


Deceit is the game of fools.


Beware of silent dogs and still water.


A lie within a lie is not a truth, but superior lie.


Human Deities

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God of Strength and Storms

Alignment: Any

Home Plane: Tirilithea

Dotorus is a towering bearded man of great strength who sits upon a throne of clouds high above Irith. Many believe that the thunder in the sky is a result of Dotorus's displeasure at the happenings down below.

Wearing nothing more than a golden breastplate and black leather breeches, Dotorus wields a sizzling bolt of lightning that he casts upon his enemies. The God of Strength and Storms is always watching for contests of strength.

Dotorus's priests are always handsome men of great strength. Garbed in sky blue robes over fine chain mail, they proudly display their patron's holy symbol: a fist clenching a bolt of lightning. His priests also consider rain storms as the best time to go outside and pray. Anyone struck by lightning is considered to have been blessed by Dotorus himself.

Temples: Dotorus holy places are always towers that are constructed of stone and iron. They are topped by a 50' tall steel rod. The rod is designed to attracts lightning strikes and channel the energy down into the altar inside.


Dotorus Proverbs


When the storm rages, the anchor holds.


A brave man may fall, but he cannot yield.


Strong walls shake but never collapse.


Existence is a storm that only the truly strong may survive.


Human Deities

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Goddess of Beasts

Alignment: Neutral to Good

Home Plane: Ahfoleah

Known to take many shapes, Froyonnia favors that of a white tiger with green eyes. She is always attended by her consorts, a black panther called Kinhem and a giant owl named Opheer. Those who respect and revere the beasts of Irith are looked upon with favor by Froyonnia. Any who mistreat beasts always risk her wrath. Although druids are the primary worshippers of Froyonnia, there are many others who call her their patron god.

Her roar can be heard by any beast, and they will always heed her call.

Temples: Holy structures dedicated to Froyonnia are simplistic in design. The main temple is always a long rectangular structure made of wood topped by a rounded roof. Above the door of the main entrance outside will be the image of a white paw.


Froyonnia Proverbs


The song of the nightingale is the sweetest balm for a weary heart.


The ant teaches us that tiny grains of effort lead to great achievements.


To befriend a phoenix, one must rise from the ashes of their own trials.


Lions don't lose sleep over the opinions of sheep.


The beasts of the lands are the markers of its ancient roots.


Human Deities

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God of Wisdom and Balance

Alignment: Any (Lawful Only)

Home Plane: Astral

Gharan-Dis is a shirtless, muscular giant of a man. He has three faces: the right face is white (for good), the left face is black (for evil), and the center face is gray (for neutrality and balance). He wields a magical ironwood quarterstaff. When very young the monks who worship Gharan-Dis were anonymously left at various monasteries across the land by those who did not want them or could not keep them.

Once they reach the age of adulthood, they commune with Gharan-Dis in what is called a "trial". If Gharan-Dis accepts the monk as ready to move on in their development, he marks the inside of their right forearm with a white eye. At that point, the monk has become a Walker of the Light and strikes out into the world for a few years to learn everything they can about the concepts of good. Once they feel they understand good thoroughly, they return to the monastery and undergo another trial. If Gharan-Dis feels the time is right, he will mark the inside of the monk's left arm with a black eye, and the monk becomes a Stalker of the Night. The monk then spends a few years exploring the land while learning everything they can about evil. Years later, they return to the monastery for their final trial. If Gharan-Dis accepts them, he marks the monk's chest with a gray eye to denote balance and neutraility, which is what the monk strives for.

Temples: Temples of Gharan-Dis are usually very old and unassuming with very little in the way of aesthetics. They all share the architecture of sturdiness, with the buildings being made of bricks and mortar, and the entire temple surrounded by stone wall that is easily defended.

Gharan-Dis Proverbs

The wounds of war can be healed, but never hidden.

Those who seek the gray of balance must first learn the light of good and the dark of evil.

Remember always that a wise man walks with his head bowed; humble like the dust.

Perceive the way of nature and no force of man can harm you. Do not meet a wave head on: avoid it. You do not have to stop force: it is easier to redirect it. Learn more ways to preserve rather than destroy. Avoid rather than check. Check rather than hurt. Hurt rather than maim. Maim rather than kill. For all life is precious nor can any be replaced.

We know that where there is no contention, there is neither defeat nor victory. The supple willow does not contend against the storm, yet it survives.

To know nature is to put oneself in perfect harmony with the universe. Heaven and earth are one. So must we seek a discipline of mind and body within ourselves.

He who conquers himself is the greatest warrior. Do what must be done with a docile heart.

To feel shame for no cause is a waste. To feel shame for cause is also a waste; for you must rather spend time correcting that of which you are ashamed.

He who knows how to live need not fear death. He can walk without fear of rhino or tiger. He will not be wounded in battle . . . In him the rhino can find no place to thrust his horn, the tiger no place to use his claws, and weapons no place to pierce . . . Because a man who knows how to live has no place for death to  enter.

Seek first to know your own journey's beginning and end; seek then the other journeys of which you are a close part. But in this seeking know patience. Wear their traveler's cloak which shelters and permits you to endure.

What the eye sees disappears with a blink or a wandering puff of breath. Where there was light the eye, denied, sees nothing. What the soul sees cannot be denied.

Discipline your body that you may find a greater power . . . Those who surrender themselves find inner strength . . . When the heart knows no danger, no danger exists. When the soul becomes the warrior all fear melts as the snowflake that falls upon your hand.

The best charioteers do not push ahead. The best fighters do not make displays of anger. The wisest antagonist is he who wins without engaging in battle.

Deal with evil through strength - but affirm the good in man through trust. In this way we are prepared for evil, but we encourage good.

I have three treasures which I hold and keep. The first is mercy for from mercy comes courage. The second is frugality from which comes generosity to others. The third is humility for from it comes leadership.

Peace lies not in the world . . . but in the man who walks the path.

To reach perfection a man must develop equally compassion and wisdom.

In a heart that is one with nature though the body contends, there is no violence. And in the heart that is not one with nature, though the body be at rest, there is always violence. Be, therefore, like the prow of a boat, it cleaves the water yet it leaves in its wake water unbroken.

The wild boar runs from the tiger knowing that each being well armed by nature with deadly strength may kill the other. Running he saves his own life and that of the tiger. This is not cowardice. It is the love of life.

Man, like the animals, is meant to live together with others like himself. But the meaning of belonging to such a group is found in the comfort of silence and the companionship of solitude.

Do not see yourself as the center of the universe wise and good and beautiful. Seek rather wisdom, goodness and beauty that you may honor them everywhere.

Superstition is like a magnet. It pulls you in the direction of your belief.

What is cowardice but the body's wisdom of its weakness? What is bravery but the body's wisdom of its strength. The coward and the hero march together within every man. So to call one man 'coward' and another 'brave' merely serves to indicate the possibilities of their achieving the opposite.

Human Deities

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God of the Underworld

Alignment: Neutral to Evil

Home Plane: Kostovelm


Sitting upon his throne of skulls, Gonibrahth silently listens to the screams of the damned as their blackened souls pass him by on the way to the Lower Realms in a place known as Kostovelm, which is referred to as the Underworld. Gonibrahth is 10 foot tall emaciated figure with green skin marked by runic scars. His leathern black wings folded at his back, Gonibrahn sports a pair of horns, and he carries a jeweled scepter that can disintegrate any mortal it touches. His ruby ring allows him to see the sins of all who stand before him.

The priests of Gonibrahth practice their religion in secrecy, for their kind are rarely welcome within the civilized world.  The clergy wear no special clothing to identify themselves save for Gonibrahth's holy symbol: a black scepter tipped by a glowing red ruby.

Temples: The few temples that exists are usually found underground or in secluded parts of the land. Any structures built above ground are always squat, single-story black stone buildings covered in green runes.

Gonibrahth Proverbs

In the underworld, secrets buried in the past can resurface to haunt the living.

In the depths of the underworld, even the bravest souls tremble.

The ashes of those who wither away shall sink to the great below.

Human Deities

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Great Serpent

God of The Barbarians

Alignment: Any

Home Plane: Ahfoleah

The Great Serpent is an ancient dragon that lived in the lands that are now Regdon, Criksrad, Maharool, and the Barbarian Kingdom. For centuries, the untamed lands were nothing more than vast areas carpeted by barbarian tribes. All dragons answered to the living god, and the barbarians worshipped her as the Great Serpent.

One day the armies of the civilized men from the north (the Hestrillite Empire) knifed southward and engaged the tribes. After their initial success, they were beaten back and surrounded.  By some kind of unknown sorcery, the leader of the civilized armies was able to bring the dragons under his control and used them to defeat the barbarians. By the time peace was established, the barbarians had been driven to the lands now known as the Barbarian Kingdom.

The dragons fled the land, and the great serpent disappeared. Only recently in the year 1025 has the living dragon god returned. The Great Serpent is rumored to be dwelling in the Graget Mountains, worshipped ardently by the barbarian tribes that call upon her to aid them in battle, harvests, fertility, and anything else they need. Its holy symbol is that of a dragon's head.

Temples: Structures dedicated to the Great Serpent are usually rude hogans built of logs and dirt. Usually, a board or plague bearing the symbol of the Great Serpent hangs above the entrance.

Great Serpent Proverbs

The untamed warrior knows no master but the fury of battle.

In the heart of the wild, strength is the law and courage is the code.

The heart of your enemies tastes better seasoned by the salt of their kin's tears

Human Deities

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God of War and Destruction

Alignment: Any

Home Plane: Wotarra

Grothkele is a broad-shouldered man garbed in full bronze armor. Handsome, with a square jaw and dark hair that flows down his back, he clutches a formidable war hammer inscribed with glowing red runes. The weapon is said to never miss its mark and can easily shatter armor. His battle helm is crafted in the visage of a fearsome horned creature the sight of which instills fear in the hearts of his enemies.

Priests of Grothkele are called "Vilketh." They prefer to wear silver armor and carry war hammers. Priests and followers alike are identified by Grothkele's holy symbol: Two crossed war hammers. It is considered a great honor for Vilkeths to bless an army before it goes into battle.

Temples: Holy shrines dedicated to Grothkele are usually small keeps that are well-fortified and manned by priests ready to defend them to the last man. The crossed hammers adorn the keep on all sides, making it clear the identity of who blesses the temple.

Grothkele Proverbs

To conquer a nation, first disarm its citizens.

War does not determine who is right, only who is left.

When you can't make them see the light, make them feel the heat.

Only through conflict and destruction shall the new and strong rise to glory.

Human Deities

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God of the Flame and the Law

Alignment: Any (Lawful Only)

Home Plane: Mohtari

Horgarin exists as a dancing flame of incredible colors that undulates in a strange hypnotic dance. He is believed to be the the flame the sparked the fire of life on Irith. Anywhere a flame exists, Horgarin is there watching . . . always watching.

He prizes the order that comes with laws and smiles upon worshippers who follow his beliefs with he same vigor. Horgarin's priests wear bright yellow robes embroidered with flames. The are always identified by the holy symbol of a flaming hand either worn or burned into their flesh. Sacrifices to Horgarin are always in fire.

Temples: Horgarin temples are always circular stone buildings with a small tower rising from the center to a height of 50'. An iron hand rises from the top of the steeple that constantly burns with varying colors of flame.

Horgarin Proverbs

The law is a shield for the innocent and a web for the guilty.

A good lawyer is a bad neighbor.

Flames test gold, adversity tests strong men.

Better to light a torch than curse the darkness.

Nothing cleanses the lawless like the flames of the righteous.

Human Deities

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God of the Bountiful Harvest

Alignment: Neutral to Good

Home Plane: Vamg'den

Hstinzi is a fertility god whose presence can instantly make crops grow to their fullest. Known best as a hunched old man leaning on a gnarled staff, Hstinzi constantly chews on a stalk of wheat. He wears a the simple garb of a commoner and a floppy farmer's hat.

Priests of this god wear green regalia and crowns of small colorful flowers. They are highly sought after by those who wish to have a good harvest and bless fields that have yielded little. Followers of Hstinzi are known by displaying his holy symbol: a cornucopia.

Temples: Temples of Hstinizi differ in construction. They do share the commonality that they are simple in design without any of the gaudy trimmings that temples of other gods display. Most are of earthen and thatch design with a plain sign displayed out from depicting a color cornucopia.

Hstinzi Proverbs

The measure of a good harvest is a full barn and a grateful heart.

The best time to plant a tree is twenty years ago. The second best time is now.

To respect the land is to be blessed with its fruitful bounty.

Human Deities

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Goddess of Rivers and Life

Alignment: Neutral to Good

Home Plane: Tirilithea

Ianlia is a statuesque woman with flowing auburn hair bound by a silver circlet bearing a huge pearl. She wears dark green robes studded with pearls, and her blue eyes dance with life and promise. She constantly grips a thorny rod that can create unlimited amounts of water. Enemies struck by the rod will find the water sucked from their bodies into the rod, killing them instantly.

Priests of this lovely goddess tend to wear robes of sea green trimmed by dark blue and embroidered with Ianlia's holy symbol of three waves.

Temples: Always located near bodies of water, these simple wood and stone structures are always surrounded by lush vegetation and adorned with waves that represent Ianlia.

Ianlia Proverbs

No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man.

Ariver cuts through rock, not because of power, but because of its persistence.

The tears of the skies will pulse through the veins of Irith and give it life.

Human Deities

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Goddess of Hate and Revenge

Alignment: Neutral to Evil

Home Plane: Xelgratia

A hideous four-armed humanoid with a misshapen head, Jahrru's mottled skin oozes pus and blood. Clutched in her gnarled hand is a massive black flail that will instantly cause anyone struck by it to become stricken with an incurable disease.

Many different beings worship this powerful and dark entity as they look to her for aid in gaining the revenge they desire so badly. Priests of this terrible deity delight in the sacrifice of living beings by ripping their hearts from their chests and burning them on the altar. The holy symbol for Jahrru is a heart with a dagger before it.

Temples: Jahrru temples are low and circular in design. The colors are always red or black, with her dagger and heart emblazoned on the front door.

Jahrru Proverbs

Within the broth of hate simmers the meat of revenge.

Hate drives people to achieve satisfaction.

Hate keeps a heart sharp.

Hate is the fire that makes the determined march.

Hate corrodes the container it is carried in.

Let those who hurt us feel the pain of their mistake through dark deeds.

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God of Magic

Alignment: Any

Home Plane: Mohtari

Although K'tash can take many forms, he is most commonly known as a sphere of pure white energy. When he speaks in his booming voice, the sphere pulses. Unconstrained by the laws of the mortal realm, K'tash has the ability to shape magic to his will and is immune to spells of all kinds

Priests of K'tash are referred to as "Gujii." They often wear robes of back embroidered with white stars arcane symbols. Temples to K'tash are always tall slender white towers that have no windows or other visible points of entry. Those few wizards who actually choose to worship a god almost always follow K'tash. K'tash's holy symbol is a that of a magical white pentagram ringed by mystic symbols of power.

Temples: Places of worship for K'tash are almost always built as tall towers of white trimmed in light green. The surface of these shrines are carved with magical symbols.

K'Tash Proverbs

In the realm of magic, belief is the most potent spell.

Magic is the art of the intangible, the art of the seen and unseen.

Magic is but clay to hands of he who shapes it to his will.

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God of the Mountains

Alignment: Any

Home Plane: Wotarra

Locked away in the highest mountain on Irith is Kergon. An imposing dwarf with a beard full of gems and a battleaxe gripped in his gauntleted hands, he sits upon a throne of pure gold in a hallway made of the same. Kergon often looks out upon Irith and grants favors to those who sacrifice great amounts of gold, silver, and gems in his name. The size of his generosity is only exceeded by the destructiveness of his wrath.

Although many worship Kergon, most are dwarven. His priests proudly wear breastplate armor bearing his holy symbol: a snowy mountain peak. His temples are almost always located in mountains.

Temples: Kergon's places of worship are always constructed of dark reddish granite. Many temples are carved into mountain faces. Kergon's holy symbol is always prominently displayed.

Kergon Proverbs

The mountain does not bow to the wind.

One must climb the mountain to see the view.

Mountains are Irith's spine.

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Goddess of Envy and Spite

Alignment: Neutral to Evil

Home Plane: Xelgratia

Long ago in a battle lost against another goddess, the lovely Kobolissima was left with horrible scars running down the right side of her face. Because of that, she wears a half veil to cover it, but her scathing scowl remains. In her human form, Kobolissima is tall with black hair. Her perfect shape is covered by transparent green veils with a belt around her waist that is actually her companion, a python named Ssrethl. Kobolissima wields a crystal wand that causes burning blisters to appear on the skin of her enemies.

At any time, Kobolissima can change into a giant cobra. Anyone looking into her eyes will be instantly charmed. The poison from her bite is deadly and melts away flesh like butter to a hot knife.

Priests of the goddess of Envy and Spite always wear robes of shining green scales, and they wield staffs tipped by a cobra's head. The holy symbol of Kobolissima is the hooded head of a cobra about to strike.

Temples: Her temples are green and decorated with carvings and statues of snakes. Anyone wishing ill upon another for reasons of envy or spite will call upon Kobolissima for aid.

Kobolissima Proverbs

A spiteful tongue can wither the sweetest rose.

Envy is the art of counting another's blessings instead of your own.

Envy is the sharpener of all the arrows.

Spiteful words cut as deeply as any sword.

Don't covet they neighbor's treasures. Take them all.

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God of Blacksmiths

Alignment: Any

Home Plane: Wotarra

Mordrun stands as a muscled man with a great beard that curls down to his toes. His eyes sparkle with fire and his grin can melt stone. He dresses in simple clothes and is always wearing his leather smithy overalls. His wields a mystical hammer called Olgranor that can forge magical armor or weapons of great power.

Priests of this powerful god dwell in simply built temples. Their holy attire is nothing more than what they happen to be wearing, and they prefer to carry hammers as weapons. The temples always contain a forge and the tools necessary to work. As one might imagine, Mordrun's holy symbol is a hammer above a forge ready to strike.

Temples: Mordrun temples are always made of iron and painted black. The shape of the temple itself is usually squarish with little in the way of fancy designs. The holy symbol of the hammer and anvil is always displayed prominently for all to see.

Mordrun Proverbs

The blacksmith's anvil had neither ears nor tongue.

A good blacksmith makes his own luck.

Life is the metal. Experience and wisdom is the hammer that forges it.

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God of Song and Dance

Alignment: Neutal to Good (Chaotic Only)

Home Plane: Ahfoleah

Nynneon appears as a prancing satyr wearing a jeweled necklace. He plays a set of glittering pan pipes and sings with a voice as sweet as honey. There isn't a moment when a song isn't on his lips or a dance upon his hooves. It is said that wherever there is joyous music or happy dancing, Nynneon will be smiling down from the heavens reveling in it.

Priests of Nynneon wear no special regalia, although they tend to wear colors that are bright and cheerful. They are all versed in the pan flute or at least some kind of instrument, and they can sing, as well. Temples of Nynneon are forest-themed and usually overgrown with vines and other vegetation. His holy symbol is a pan flute of green.

Temples: Nynneon houses of worship are typically colorful buildings with a high steeples. The outer walls are decorated with images of pan flutes, dancing satyrs, and naked women.

Nynneon Proverbs

Music and dance are the universal languages of all creatures.

Dance like nobody's watching; sing like nobody's listening.

Mirth and happiness will set your heart free and lead you to eternal ecstasy.

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God of the Heavens

Alignment: Any

Home Plane: Astral

Orodar is considered by many to be the father everything in the sky. He usually takes the shape of a comet racing across the heavens. While visiting the mortal realm, Orodar is known to take the form of a unicorn or snowy owl.

Many believe that Orodar is responsible for the creation of the universe. Priests of Orodar are usually garbed in pure white embroidered with comet sigils. Temples of Orodar are usually constructed with white marble or alabaster.

Sacrifices to Orodar come in the form of valuables, such as precious metals or gems.

Temples: Orodar shrines are usually round stone towers rising at least three stories tall and are topped by large telescopes that are used to watch the night skies for His streaking presence. Comets are etched above the entrances to Orodar temples.

Orodar Proverbs

When the heavens weep, the land rejoices.

The sky is the daily bread for the eyes.

The stars are celestial eyes peering down on Irith and those who believe in their power.

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Goddess of Love and Pleasure

Alignment: Any

Home Plane: Tirilithea

Ever in the form of a breathtaking Dryad whose body is encircled by vines, Peleah delights in the pleasures of the flesh and partakes in it daily with a fortunate mortal of her choice. It is said that her touch will cause any mortal to become irreversibly enamored by her.

Her companion is small viper encircling her right arm.

Peleah's priests usually wear serpent-themed regalia bearing her Ouroboros holy symbol. Sacrifices of chastity belts are common.

Temples: Peleah temples are always constructed to resemble the tangled emerald serpent coils topped by a pair of serpent heads coming together high above the building itself.

Peleah Proverbs

Love is like a butterfly; it goes where it pleases, and it pleases wherever it goes.

To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides.

Pleasure without measure is poison.

Pleasure is the flower that passes; remembrance, the lasting perfume.

Without love, life is empty. Without pleasure, life is meaningless.

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Goddess of Philosophers and Poets

Alignment: Neutral to Good

Home Plane: Ahfoleah

Pomoleth stands as the symbol of feminine poltritude, with alabaster skin, blonde hair and flowing silken robes of blue. She is always attended by her three Failee Maidens: Cho, Benai, and Entwin. Pomoleth avoids battle when possible. When forced to fight, she wields a cat 'o nine tails that glow white with her holy righteousness.

With quill in hand, Pomoleth ever writes in her book of eternity about anything from love to philosophy to tragedy and much more. Her visage is commonly seen in librarires and other repositories of knowledge.

Pomoleth's priests tend to favor muted blue attire for their holy garb. Pomoleth's holy symbol is an open book with a quill. Her temples resemble libraries.

Temples: Structures dedicated to Pomoleth are usually multi-storied buildings that very much resemble library or repositories. Inside these temples are hundreds of books of all kinds.

Pomoleth Proverbs

A poet's heart is an open book, and every page a verse.

Poetry is when an emotion has found its tought, and the thought has found words.

Philosophers don't just think; they think about thinking.

A philosopher is a lover of wisdom, not a possessor of it.

Footprints in the sand are the words that chronicle the thoughts of those who dream.


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God of Peace and Knowledge

Alignment: Any Lawful

Home Plane: Mohtari

Quill appears as a silver-skinned Qiran Esh with a golden halo about its head. The holy symbol is a golden Quill with a bright silver tip. Truly devout worshipers of Quill abhor violence and tend to use it only as a last resort - normally used when confronting undead or fiends. These priests instead seek to expand their knowledge and show a distinct dedication to their faith. A common refrain amongst the priesthood is that "the pen is mightier than the sword."

Although Quill is a symbol of forged beings such as Qiran Esh, he is worshipped by many other races.

Temples: Temples dedicated to Quill are brightly lit with intricate white marble carvings and polished marble floors. Every temple has an extensive library that is openly available to members of the faith.


Quill Proverbs

Never argue with a stupid person. They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.

To know oneself is to know peace.

Knowledge of peace is knowledge of one's inner self.

Those who lose hope lose themselves.

Those who seek peace may not always find it, but they shall always know it.

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God of the Dead

Alignment: Neutral to Evil

Home Plane: Mohtari

Qurophys appears as a man with the head of a black vulture with simmering red eyes. His frame is draped with a coat of green and white inlaid with onyx, and he carries a giant sickle in his clawed hand. In many cases, he rides an ebony undead warhorse that snorts fire.

Qurophys is aware of every death that occurs in the mortal world. His Churoteph (or "dark angels") appear to ferry the souls of the dead from the prime plane to the lower realms where they are indoctrinated into the black mass that surges about the lower realms like endless oceans.

Temples: Temples of Qurophys are always black and of plain, simple rectangular design. In most cases, they will be found near grave yards. The priests of Qurophys always work in trios, and followers of the God of the Dead wear his holy symbol: a red urn.

Qurophys Proverbs

The dead are our truest teachers, reminding us of the impermanence of life.

The dead aren't dead until we have forgotten them.

Death is but a new journey that brings one closer to the ultimate truth.

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God of Travelers and Good Fortune

Alignment: Neutral to Good

Home Plane: Vamg'den

Travelers across Irith look to Revenkai to guide and protect them on their journey, and to provide them with good fortune along the way. Revenkai is mostly known as a kindly white-haired old man wearing brown traveler's robes and spectacles. He walks with a polished oaken walking stick and is always accompanied by a friend or two.

Sacrifices to Revenkai come in the form of gems, precious metals, and magic. Priests of the god of travelers and good fortune are always eager to help people on their way and twice as happy to hear of news about events happening abroad. Priests of Revenkai are always garbed in subdued browns and forest greens and wield oaken staffs.

Temples: Temples of Revenkai are never grand. They are usually simple churches on the roadside tended to by one or two priests.

Revenkai Proverbs

The world is a book, and those who do not travel have only read one page.

Not all of those who wander are lost.

Fortune smiles upon those who expect nothing.

A man who follows the path with goodness in his heard will always have good fortune.


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God of Healing and Medicine

Alignment: Neutral to Evil

Home Plane: Ahfoleah

Master of all healing arts and medicine, Shozrei is best known as an unassuming old man bedecked in crisp white robes. His touch heals all ills, and his presence inspires mortal healers to excel in their art. Shozrei's constant companion is a gray fox named Isoba.

Shozrei followers are identified by his holy symbol: a mortar and pestle. His priests usually wear sterile white and are often found in hospitals or other facilities where people need attention and medical assistance. Most are well-versed in potions that heal and cure disease.

Temples: His temples are always constructed of large spheres of paned glass with the mortar and pestle symbol displayed above the entrance.

Shozrei Proverbs

Better a cheerful doctor then a learned one.

A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crust spirit dries up the bones.

Healing the body must begin with love in the heart and knowledge in the mind.

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Su Reh

God of the Moon and Stars

Alignment: Any

Home Plane: Astral

Su Reh is portayed in mythos as being a silver-haired man garbed in glowing white robes and wielding a sword of star stuff. There are always three bright stars slowly orbiting his head, and his body radiates a noticeable amount of heat. In many cases, he is described as taking the form of a full moon surrounded by twinkling stars.

Followers  of Su Reh favor amulets bearing the yellow moon and stars. His priests wear robes of pure gold silk embroidered celestial images. They favor morning stars as weapons.

Temples: Temples of Su Re tend to be open-roofed structures made of huge stone blocks. Praying during the night time is the norm, and nights of the full moon are highly revered.

Su Reh Proverbs

The stars are the streetlights of eternity.

The moon is a friend for the lonesome to talk to.

The light of the moon is what feeds your dreams.

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God of Tricksters and Mischief

Alignment: Any (Chaotic Only)

Home Plane: Vamg'den

Thirion is a slender grinning man dressed in an outfit of multi-colored patches. His golden brown hair lays carefree about his shoulders, and he weaves a black dagger betwixt his fingers. His companion is a mischievous humming bird that flits about his head constantly.

Always the trickster constantly plays jokes on gods and mortals alike, much to their amusement or chagrin. His favored activity is causing reversal of fortunes (i.e. wealthy to destitute or vice versa).

Followers of this unpredictable god are known by the image of flame somewhere on their person. Thirion's priests prefer to wear whatever they prefer, yet always in colors of red and orange.

Temples: His temples are usually constructed of white marble with lit braziers prominently displayed within and without. Sacrifices are always burned on a round altar.

Thirion Proverbs

The trickster plays the role of the jester, but the jokes on you.

The trickster thrives in the gaps between understanding.

Mischief is like a stone thrown into a pool, sending ripples far and wide.

Mischief comes by the pound and leaves by the ounce.

He who is foolish enough to be tricked must be tricked often and with great vigor.

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Goddess of Fertility

Alignment: Neutral to Good

Home Plane: Tirilithea

With a beauty that ensnares all who view her, Tlancu appears as a woman with flowing red hair. She wears silken green veils that do little to cover her ample figure. At her hip is a whip that resembles a green vine. Anyone hit by her whip will be hopelessly entanged until she decides to free them. Always at her side is a magnificent white stork named Naisu.

Tlancu's touch will restore fertility to any barren woman, and her blessing ensure a healthy child.

Followers of Tlancu are recognized by her holy symbol that they wear: the head of a white stork. Priests are strict about wearing regalia involving white feathers trimmed in red. Their weapon of choice is a war pick.

Temples: Tlancu temples are easily recognized by the many stone carvings gracing the structure as well as swans loitering about the temple grounds.

Tlancu Proverbs

Fertility is the catalyst through which life goes on.


Fertility is the mother of prosperity.


From the ashes of those who have passed come the seasoning of the ground and its creatures so that they might bear fruit.


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Toh Pana

Goddess of Peace and Hope

Alignment: Neutral to Good

Home Plane: Vamg'den

Of her many forms, Toh Pana favors that of an albino gazelle that prances through the heavens followed by a small group of fellow angels. Her presence serves to calm even the angriest, most violent emotions, thus helping to achieve peace. When Toh Pana takes on a human form, it is of an older motherly-looking matron with silver spectacles perched on the end of her nose.

Many look to Toh Pana for hope in trying situations. Sacrifices to her are usually in the form of destroyed weapons or other tools of war.

Followers of Toh Pana always wear her holy symbol: four green hands in a circle grasping one another. Her priests are well known for their generosity of spirit and willingness to help anyone in need. They wear regalia of green and are always in demand for helping to negotiate peaceful settlements between disputing parties.

Temples: Her temples are a bright shade of green and are decorated with clasping hands.

Toh Pana Proverbs

Peace is for those who respect all.

Hope is for those who never stop dreaming.

Diplomacy is that key that opens the door to peace.

From the ashes of those who have passed come the seasoning of the ground and its creatures so that they might bear fruit.

Hope is the wellspring of life and springs eternal.

Approach all in a manner from peace and not hate.

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Goddess of Strife and Suffering

Alignment: Neutral to Evil

Home Plane: Xelgratia

Vahntorii is an old hunched woman whose body is wracked by leprosy. Her hateful stare is enough to cause others to shrink away from her in fear and loathing. Her legendary whip drips blood from those who have wronged her and died for it. Constantly by her side are three flesh golems, which are patchworks of victims whom she had destroyed in the past.

Followers of Vahntorii rarely display symbols of their faith to her. She prefers for them to work toward their goals in secrets, only revealing themselves and their affiliation after they have struck or achieved their revenge.

Temples: Temples to Vahntorii are rare, for her priests work in darkness and secrecy. The temples that do exists are usually tucked away from the general population of any community, mostly in forests and hills. The temples themselves are black and look like a small keeps, the walls of which are manned by priests day and night. The horrid red visage of Vahntorii is carved into the stone above the entrances so that they may look upon all who enter.

Vahntorii Proverbs

He who stirs the pot of strife must lick the spoon of discord.

Strife and love have no rest.

In suffering, we find our true selves.

Suffering makes us appreciate the absence of pain.

Suffering is the teacher of the wise.

Suffering is part of life, so help others to learn it well.

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God of Courage and Battle

Alignment: Any

Home Plane: Wotarra

Vor is a strikingly handsome man garbed in silver gem-encrusted chain armor. In one hand he clutches a square blue battle shield emblazoned with an owl clutching a clock. In the other hand, he holds Othlell, his enchanted longsword capable of turning his enemies to stone with a single blow.

Victors in battle will often call out Vor's name as they slay their foes in the hopes of receiving his favor when they reach the afterlife. It is also common for people to draw upon Vor's name to provide themselves with the courage to overcome whatever obstacles they are facing.

Followers of Vor display his holy symbol in some fashion: an owl clutching a clock. Priests are garbed in blue and white with the holy symbol embroidered on the back. They always wear light to medium armor and are experts in martial weapons of all kinds.

Temples: Vor's temples are always tall, magnificent structures of white stone decorated with owls.

Vor Proverbs

War is a game that is played with a smile. If you can't smile, grin. If you can't grin, stay out of the way until you can.

Courage is not the absence of fear but doing what is right in the face of it.

The greatest test of courage is to bear defeat without losing heart.

Cowards in battle are no more than fodder for dogs.

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God of Chance and Gambling

Alignment: Any (Chaotic Only)

Home Plane: Vamg'den

Those who believe in chance and love to gamble look to Williommox for fortune. He takes the form of an imp wearing pointed hat and dapper outfit of yellow. Betwixt his fingers, he twirls a black wand tipped by a four leaf clover. By Williommox's command, the wand affects the chances of mortals who play games of chance.

True followers of Williommox always wear his symbol: a four-leaf clover. Whenever they take a chance at anything, they invoke his name in the hopes of receiving his blessing for success. His priests are recognized by their green and gold vests.

Temples: Temples of Williommox are almost always built near gambling establishments. They are usually pitched-roofed structures with brick walls of green that are decorated with four-leaf clovers.

Vor Proverbs

A gambler is nothing but a man who makes his living out of hope.

A gambler never makes the same mistake twice. It's usually three or more times.

Good luck is hard work's twin brother.

In the game of life, chance makes the rules.

Taking chances will get you places. Where is up to you.

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Goddess of Mercy
Alignment: Neutral to Good

Home Plane: Ahfoleah

A petite woman of unimaginable beauty and understanding eyes, Ya-Nu rides naked upon a black unicorn named Shiveress. Her only attire is a sheer veil of green silk. She wields a scepter of wood tipped by a Lotus flower. When an opponent is struck by this weapon, they lose all aggressive thoughts.

Followers of Ya-Nu tend to be people who possess a strong willingness to help others. Her priests are recognized by their dark pink regalia stitched with her holy symbol: a sleeping infant on a lotus flower. They rarely carry weapons, for they shun conflict.

Temples: Temples are known for their elegant, pleasing designs that always involve lotus flowers as part of their decorations.

Ya-Nu Proverbs

Mercy and truth meet together; righteousness and peace kiss each other.

Mercy seasons justice.

Mercy is far stronger than the thrust of a sword.

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God of Nature

Alignment: Any

Home Plane: Ahfoleah

Wearing a wooden tribal mask wreathed in palm leaves and flowers, Ytos is a man dressed in a robe of leaves and berries. He is known to carry either a magical great club or axe. In most cases, he'll be accompanied by several hummingbirds buzzing about his head.

Those who worship Ytos are vested in the purity of nature and its preservation. Ytos is a favored god of druids, who strive to protect the environment and animals living in it, for they believe that nature can only thrive if there is balance.

Priests of Ytos are recognizable by their earthy attire and display of his holy symbol: a wooden mask wreathed by palm leaves and flowers. Holy men and women of Ytos are valued for their ability to help bless crops and ensure a bountiful harvests, as well as treat sick and injured animals.

Temples: Ytos's temples are almost always located within the forest and are made from vines and other malleable plants.

Ytos Proverbs

The fire of Irith gifted your soul. The water of Irith gifted your blood. The wind of Irith gifted your breath. The ground of Irith gifted your flesh. Irith gifted your life.

Tend to Irith's needs as you would tend to your own.

Adopt the pace of nature; her secret is patience.

Nature does nothing in vain.

The wildness is a glimpse into the soul of Irith, so treat it with respect.

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Humanoid Deities


Dur Anom Shenuri Kura'Vess Sethraak
Em'Sharfhei Elves Orulen Gnomes
Ghoragdush Orcs Po Shenuri
Gnor Goblinoids Srultavin Outhiri
Kal-Thahar Dracothel Tohkshri Gnolls
Kharsallis Dwarves Umfahvren Giants
Koltusset Dracothel Vorenclegg Barethkor



The Most Revered

Alignment: Any

Home Plane: Ahfoleah


Em'Sharfhei is the god revered by surface elves. It is strongly believed by the elves that Em'Sharfhei created his children from the very stars themselves before bringing them to the world of Irith to grow and prosper under his watchful eye.


Em'Sharfhei's form is that of a tall, strikingly handsome elf with flowing silver hair. He wears traditional elven robes of light green, and he clutches a solid diamond staff that supposedly can trap the souls of his enemies.


Bearing the colors of white, red and gold, Em'Sharfhei's priests are elven with a few rare exceptions. Em'Sharfhei's holy symbol is that of a great red bird rising into the sky.


Temples: Elegant and flowing, Em'Sharfhei's places of worship are the epitome of elven design. Most have a central tower rising from a group of ancillary buildings used for the priests dwelling within. The temples are usually decorated with well-kept shrubberies and trees.


Em'Sharfhei Proverbs

In the heart of the forest, the whispers of the leaves reveal ancient secrets.

The wisdom of the ages is written in the dance of the stars.

Grace and wisdom are the pillars of elven existence.

To walk softly in the world is to leave a legacy of beauty.


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God of Orcs

Alignment: Neutral to Evil

Home Plane: Xelgratia

Ghoragdush is a brutish orc garbed in bloodstained battle armor. From his belt hang the shriveled skulls of his greatest vanquished enemies. The orc god's favored weapon is a two-handed great club the head of which has been carved into his own likeness. Anyone struck by the club loses morale and is instilled with the irresistible urge to flee. His cruelness is unrivaled among the gods.

Followers of Ghoragdush are almost always orcs, although there are exceptions. Worshippers are easily identified by his holy symbol: a yellow, red-rimmed flaming eye. Priest of Ghoragdush pride themselves of adorning themselves with the eyes of the enemies that they and their tribe have taken in battle.

Temples: Temples are always found in the dark places of Irith where orcs dwell, and they are usually very crude structures of wood and mud.

Ghoragdush Proverbs

Cruelty is a tyrant that's always eager for more power.

He who sows cruelty reaps obedience.

A cruel heart steels the mind to do what is necessary to ascend.

Cruelty is blindness to the despair of others and deafness to their cries.

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God of Goblinoids

Alignment: Neutral to Evil

Home Plane: Wotarra

Gnor may look like a normal goblin in stature and attire, but anyone meeting him will quickly discover the difference. Anyone viewing the goblin god will have a terrible time focusing on his image that constantly shifts and blurs. Gripped in his claws is a crooked black spear.

The gods know never to turn their backs on him, for Gnor is spiteful and will exploit any advantage to take down his foes.

Temples: Gnor temples are usually rude structures made of wood, mud and grass. Often times they are located in caves.

Gnor Proverbs

Sneak. Hide. Strike. Kill. Destroy. Rejoice.

A grin of triumph is stained with the blood of the fallen.

From darkness's cloak, strike quickly and with malice.

Offer peace with one hand, a dagger with the other.

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God of the Wild Hunt

Alignment: Any Neutral

Home Plane: Ahfoleah


The spirit of the hunt made manifest, Kal-Thahar appears as a red dracothel (kobold) holding a pure black shortbow. Kal-Thahar hunts alongside his fellow hunters. When prayed to, he will guide the hunter towards challenging prey suitable to the hunter in question. Once every 50 years, it is said that Kal-Thahar will appear on Irith and teach those he finds worthy of his skills and grant one a blessing for their next hunt.


Temples: The forests, the mountains, the water, and the deserts are the temples of Kal-Thahar, and those who worship him pray wherever and whenever they need to. Priest are usually, but not limited to, dracothel and are recognized by their forest green hunting garb and the symbol of Kal-Thahar scarred into their chests.


Kal-Thahar Proverbs


Wait. Think. Breathe. Shoot.

Never underestimate your prey, or you will see yourself become the hunted.

The undead run amok. Devils and fiends taking people’s souls. Just another day in the Wild Hunt.

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God of the Dwarves

Alignment: Any

Home Plane: Wotarra


Kharsallis came to Irith one day and decided to carve niches out of the land for his people. With his mighty war axe, he struck the mountains, the hills, the plains and the forests while crying that his people will live in these places and prosper with his guidance. There, the dwarfs took the places their god set aside for them and began to grow their populations.


Kharsallis is best known as a simple dwarf with in plate armor, a huge axe resting on his shoulder. His gem-encrusted beard touches his booted feet, and his fiery glare is hot enough to light any forge.


Priests of Kharsallis aren't known to wear any particular robes of office, although their attire always always bears the colors of blue steel and gold. The holy symbol of Kharsallis is the visage of a dwarven face made from iron.


Temples: Kharsallis temples are found within the mountains where dwarves carve them from the very rock itself.


Kharsallis Proverbs


The pick and the axe shape our world, and the bond of kinship shapes our souls.


In the heart of the mountain we find the roots of our strength.


A gem uncut may shine, but a dwarf's true worth lies in the toil.


Let your goodness and compassion be the armor that protects the innocent.


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God of Dracothel (Kobolds)

Alignment: Neutral to Evil

Home Plane: Motahri

Koltusset is a huge winged red dracothel (kobold) that wields a short sword made of pure jade. Anyone struck by the blade is poisoned and will die in 1 minute. He looks upon dracothel that are brave and cruel as his favorites and tends to grant them favors in battle.

Those who call upon him without paying the proper tribute in blood find their fortunes quickly turning for the worse. Koltusset's priests are usually garbed in the skins of slain enemies, as well as small square stone amulets bearing the four slash marks that are the symbol of their god.

Temples: His temples that aren't underground are usually crudely built structures of wood and mud.

Koltusset Proverbs

A hidden path leads to treasures, and the clever kobold knows them all.

In the shadows you dwell, unseen and unheard, for your cunning is your greatest weapon.

To be underestimated is the kobold's greatest advantage.

The darkness is our ally and the night is our friend.

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Patron of Sethraak (Lizardfolk)

Alignment: All

Home Plane: Ahfoleah


Kura'Vess is the patron of Sethraak and other intelligent scaly creatures throughout the world. Kura'Vess takes on many reptilian forms but prefers that of a titanic, wingless dragon that is said to be able to swallow cities whole. Kura'Vess is constantly attended to by several hundred venomous snakes that can easily overwhelm and devour anyone who displeases the lizard god.


Priests of Kura'Vess are usually adorned in scaly robes of green and black, adorned with precious stones and bleached bones of their enemies. Most priests of Kura'Vess are reptilian, such as Sethraak, but there are others who find the god to their liking.


Temples: Kura'Vess temples are usually small buildings constructed of bark, wood, grass and other natural materials found in forests and jungles. There may be temples constructed of rocks for those priests living in the desert, hills, or mountains.


Kura'Vess Proverbs

The swamp is our mother, and we are her children, forever intertwined.

To be swift and silent is to be alive.

The dance of the firefly and the hiss of the serpent guide us through the night.

In the heart of the mud, the secrets of survival are written in the mud.

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Patron of Gnomes

Alignment: Any

Home Plane: Vamg'den


Orulen is the protector and patron of gnomes everywhere. Known as a handsome gnome male with flowing blond hair and bright blue eyes, Orulen wears a suit of yellow and brown. Orulen usually sports a wide brimmed hat of fine leather, a dark breen plume flowing back from the side. To complete the outfit, Orulen carries a wand carved from the femur of a powerful demon lord he defeated long ago. Fahtu the peacock is Orulen's faithful companion and is always nearby.


Priests of Orulen wear robes of yellow trimmed in brown. They also bear his holy symbol, a brass armillary sphere. As would be expected by gnomes of Orulen, the priests are constantly exploring science to create inventions that will better the lives of their kind. 


Temples: Temples are simplistic stone structures of light blue. The outer walls of which are often inscribed with mathematical equations or other strange markings. The holy symbol is always displayed atop the temple.

Orulen Proverbs

A mind that wanders is a gnome's greatest treasure.

Laughter is the shortest distance between gnomes.

In the tinkering of life, every wrench is a gear turned.

The grandest discoveries begin with the tiniest inquiries.

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The Seeker

Alignment: Neutral

Home Plane: Fae Realm


Po is a new deity, offering up his blessings upon those that seek the truth through the darkness. He counters the ways of Dur Anom as an alternative path to those Shenuri who are not drawn to chaos and evil. If Dur Anom took him seriously, she might more actively oppose him and his followers.

Po frequently appears as a male Shenuri enshrouded in a cloak of mushrooms and spores. He also may appear as a gargantuan purple worm or other monstrous creature native to the dark realms yet always wearing a simple jade crown.

Po makes his home is in a mysterious corner of the Fey realm where those that favor the embrace of night choose to dwell. There he hosts feasts for heroes that come to seek his blessing before setting out upon their personal quests.

Priests of Po typically wear robes of materials natural to the realm of the underdark and display a jade circle as their holy symbol. They also frequently partake in rituals involving the consumption of certain exotic hallucinogenic mushrooms to help induce visions.


Temples: Holy sites dedicated to Po are found in natural settings within or near a grove of trees. The main feature is a round green table with a bench so all may be seated as equals. There may be a circular pavilion constructed around the table, but it is never fully enclosed. Holy ceremonies are usually followed by a shared feast.


Po Proverbs

An enemy is just one who blocks the path and the path can be moved.

Have your enemies for dinner. [this one is frequently misinterpreted]

What you seek is usually hidden within yourself.

Always taste the soup before adding more seasoning.

When others seek to pull you down, help them get high. (also frequently misunderstood)


Gold cannot buy happiness, but it might buy you mushrooms and that may be enough.

Trees know the way and won’t dump you in the middle of the sea or up on a glacier.

The path is made by walking, or sometimes digging.

Do not fear the dark… It is the bright light that blinds.

Hasten slowly and slowly hasten.

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God of Outhiri (Halflings)

Alignment: Any

Home Plane: Wotarra


Srultavin the Gracious is revered by his Outhiri people. Taking the form of a cheerful grinning outhiri with bushy mutton chop side burns, Surltavin smokes a meerschaum and is always dressed in colorful eye-catching attire as if he's on his way to a party--which he usually is. Two robins usually flit about his head. A slender rapier called Ilothai hangs from his belt. This legendary luck blade has the ability to calm the emotions of any creature it touches and even make them feel euphoric.


Priests of Srultavin rarely wear any formalized regalia of the faith other than the holy symbol: three tobacco leaves. They always have plenty of fine tobacco to share with those who have a good story for them.


Temples: Temples of Srultavin are typically located within Outhiri hills and occasionally can be found in forests and mountainous regions where the short folk live. The structures are of earthen and/or stone and are mostly non-assuming.

Srultavin Proverbs

Life is short, so enjoy every bite of the pie.

A good friend is like a second breakfast, always there when you need it.

Laughter is the ingredient that makes everything taste better.

A journey with friends is a journey worth taking.

A pipe is a journey to the calm, a voyage to serenity.

A friend with tobacco is a friend indeed.

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God of Gnolls

Alignment: Neutral to Evil (Chaotic Only)

Home Plane: Vamg'den


The god revered by gnolls resembles a giant of his kind, wearing lion skins and wielding a pair of double-bladed battle axes that drip poison. Two flaming hounds are always at his side, eager for fresh meat. Tohkshri's terrible battle cry causes his enemies to cower and his allies to rally with new vigor.


Known for their brutal blood rituals, Tohkshri shamans delight in sacrificing enemies to their beloved god. Their regalia always consists of robes made up of the flesh of their victims. The holy symbol, drawn using the blood of the sacrificed, is the face of Tohkshri himself.


Temples: His people rarely, if ever, construct temples as they prefer to worship him outside under the stars.

Tohkshri Proverbs

Rip the flesh, crack the bone. Kill them all, and then run home.

In the laughter of the hyena, we find our strength.

The meat of the prey fills our bellies, their blood slake our thirst.

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Ruler of Giants

Alignment: Any

Home Plane: Xelgratia


Even though not all giantkind worships the Father of the Tempest, they know and fear him. A storm giant twice the size and strength of any that might dwell in Irith, Umfahvren looks down from the heavens with a stern and wrathful eye. His distrust of small humanoids, particularly shenuri, means that he shows them little to no mercy. He expects the same from his worshippers, for giants have suffered enough persecution by their smaller neighbors over the centuries.


His mystic maul Marrowthirst turns the very bones of his enemies to soup within their skin. His pet roc Shamvlest is always nearby, and Umfahvren wears a suit of gleaming blue crystal battle armor forged by Mordrun himself.


Garbed in robes of dragon scales, Umfahvren's priests sport long curled beards and wield great clubs of bone. They always wear the holy symbol of their patron: a wooden relief of Umfahvren's face. 


Temples: Depending on the type of giants involved, temples range from crude caves to magnificent mountain structures with spires that rise high into the clouds.

Umfahvren Proverbs

To move mountains, one must first understand Irith's whispers.

In the heart of the stone, giants find their peace.

In the vastness of time, giants stand as sentinels.

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God of Barethkor (Duergar)

Alignment: Any

Home Plane: Wotarra


Dark and mysterious cousins to dwarves, the barethkor pay homage to Vorenclegg. This mighty god with a long bulbous nose is angry at the world for having pushed his people into Irith's dark mountains away from the surface and othe place the have a sovereign right to be. He commands his priests to skulk in the shadows and watch for the right times to make others pay for what they have done to the barethkor.


Followers of Vorenclegg are nearly always barethkor. Priests always wear black mithril chain and carry rune-covered pick axes. Temples are constructed underground and involve intricate carvings of the mighty Voernclegg in battle against other gods. Sacrifices come in the form of precious metals and ritual killings of enemies.


Temples: Located deep within the bowels of Irith, temples of Vorenclegg are made of stone carved with Vorenclegg in all his battle glory. The central worship chamber of each temple contains a great fire pit into which are thrown sacrifices to Vorenclegg.

Vorenclegg Proverbs

Vengeance is the life's blood of every barethkor.

Stone is the Heart. Magma is the Blood. Darkness is the Flesh.

In the shadows, we forge the weapons of destruction.

To betray is to thrive in the world of deceit.

Our forges burn with the flames of vengeance.

In the realm of darkness, loyalty is a weapon, and betrayal is a shield.

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Fae Deities


Aurochlem Dryads Nyphadora Faeries
Corisiri Sylph Orbeallan Leprechauns
Diafora Sprites Thennior Pixies
Gillieth Satyrs Tillikree Faeries
Loroth'lorai Brownies Vorannik Treants



The Jade Smile

Alignment: Neutral to Good

Home Plane: Fae Realm


Aurochlem dwells in one of the many lush forests that exists in the Fae Realm in the roots of a tree that has existed since time began. She is a green-skinned elven beauty with dark green leaves for hair and just enough leafy vines to cover her impossibly perfect form. Any mortal that lays eyes upon her is instantly charmed.


Aurochlem is constantly surrounded by wildlife of all kinds. She doesn't view them as pets but companions. With very rare exceptions, only dryads look to The Jade Smile as their deity.


Temples: Although there are no temples to Aurochlem, she is almost always worshipped in forest environments.


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Mistress of the Air

Alignment: Neutral to Good (Chaotic Only)

Home Plane: Fae Realm


Housed in her crystal tower floating on a cloud in the Fae Realm, Corisiri sits on her throne of mists and watches over her kind there and on Irith. When she chooses to become visible, the Mistress of the Air resembles a small elven maiden with shiny green locks. She wears multicolored veils that constantly shift and flow about her winged body. Constantly near her is an air elemental who serves her with great fervor.


Corisiri has a low tolerance for earth dwellers, especially when they persecute her kind. Most of the time, however, she is in a joyful mood and enjoys cavorting with her people and other fae she has allied herself with.


She is recognized and respected by all air creatures. With rare exceptions, sylphs are the only creatures who formally worship her as their deity.


Temples: Sylphs never construct temples to Corisiri. They tend to worship wherever they happen to be.


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Judge of the Heart

Alignment: Neutral to Good

Home Plane: Fae Realm


Diafora resides in the Fae Realm within the boughs of an ancient treant called Oszilroth somewhere in an ancient dark forest. He is larger than most sprites and wields a mystic bow with arrows that can put any living target to sleep. His faerie dragon companion Zifflik is always nearby.


Diafora is a stern leader of his people. He rewards them when they abide by his wishes and punishes them severely if they disobey. Primarily, he is good spirited and always ready for a good story that stirs his imagination. His appetite for liquid spirits is legendary among the fae, and he is always seeking new brews to taste test.


Only sprites actively worship Diafora, who has no holy symbol per se.


Temples: Many times in their forest communities, sprites will erect simple yet functional temples made from tree branches. There, they can congregate to pray.


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The Pan Muse

Alignment: Neutral to Good (Chaotic Only)

Home Plane: Fae Realm


Known as The Pan Muse for his ability to play the pan pipes in a way that causes listeners to dance despite themselves, Gillieth is a handsome satyr known to all of his kind. The only attire he has is a magical dagger and a bow and quiver slung over his shoulder. His bearded face is always alight with a broad smile and a laugh is never far from his lips.


Gillieth resides in a deep forest somewhere in the Fae Realm. His castle is the forest itself and his throne is wherever he sits. Accompanying him wherever he goes are his ferret companions Lorn and Illi. Aside from the ferrets, Gillieth is usually surrounded by satyrs and other fae basking in the glory of his song and dance. His existence is that of one continuous celebration of life. Only satyrs call Gillieth their god.


Temples: No temples are built in his honor, for his love is carried in the hearts of his worshippers.


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The Small Giant

Alignment: Neutral to Good (Chaotic Only)

Home Plane: Fae Realm


Loroth'lorai is the god of brownies. Known as The Small Giant, he is larger than normal brownies. Garbed in a simple leather vest and breeches, he wears a crown of leaves and wields a staff tipped with a magical acorn. Anyone struck by the staff will become petrified until Loroth'lorai commands the effect to end. Loroth'lorai is also fond of playing his lute.


Living in a cluster of hills in the Fae Realm known as The Sacred Rises, Loroth'lorai exists to improve the lives of his people. His generosity is only exceeded by his tremendous compassion, even for those who are not of his kind. Many times during the years, Loroth'lorai will journey to Irith to bless the fields and grant the requests of worthy brownies.


Those who worship The Small Giant are almost always brownies.


Temples: Temples to Loroth'lorai are built within large hollowed out hills decorated with wildflowers.


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The Shadow Queen

Alignment: Neutral to Evil (Chaotic Only)

Home Plane: Fae Realm


Nyphedora is an ancient fae god of immeasurable beauty. She has long dark hair streaked with white, and wears a crown of pure diamond upon her head. A diamond necklace hangs around her neck. She wears a strapless dress of black silk and has skin the color of milk. Her eyes are dark gray and filled with the promise of danger. She carries a diamond wand that can can polymorph someone into any creature she desires. Her constant companions are a pair of elder black hags who act as her advisors and confidants.


In the Shadowdemesne of the Fae Realm, Nyphadora dwells within her black gold fortress perched upon the highest peak, The Shadow Queen sits upon her diamond throne and looks down upon all the fae who serve her in the darkness below. She constantly plots to acquire more power and influence in the Fae Realm overall and any other plane that suits her. Her ambitions have ever been checked by Tillikree, much to her eternal fury. Still, she continues to plot and plan for the day when she can take control of the entire realm.


Orbeallan and Thennior, despite their allegiance to Tillikree, have shown deference to Nyphadora in the past.


Temples: There are no temple structures dedicated to Nyphedora. Those who worship her simply find a dark place and show their devotion in whatever way they see feet.


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Hand of Chaos

Alignment: Any (Chaotic Only)

Home Plane: Fae Realm


Orbeallan is the King of the Leprechauns. Garbed in a dapper outfit of sparkling green and gold, he is always seen twirling a golden wand tipped by a four-leaf clover. With this artifact, he can grant a wish three times a day, which he rarely does. Orbeallan rides a silver fox named Yulibren. His temperament is that of someone who enjoys life, especially when it comes to causing mischief with others.


No one knows where in the Fae Realm Orbeallan resides. Popular rumor says that he lives in an underground palace made of gold far beneath a mundane-looking thicket somewhere in an unassuming forest. There, he swims in his infinite piles of gold coins while counting them endlessly. Anyone who can make Orbeallan laugh may gain a favor from the chaotic being.


Leprechauns pay homage to Orbeallan as their deity. Sacrificing gold to him is commonplace.


Temples: Formal temples do not exist. His followers usually keep a small altar somewhere within whatever living space they inhabit.


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The Shadow Trickster

Alignment: Neutral to Good (Chaotic Only)

Home Plane: Fae Realm


Thennior exists as an elegant pixie maiden with long golden hair. She wears transparent white veils of pure silk and carries a magical dagger that can poison anyone it hits. A constant look of inquisitiveness on her beautiful face, Thennior is always exploring the Fae Realm and Irith for new and exciting things to learn about. In the Fae Realm, she lives the hollow of an ancient tree, surrounded by her court of maidens and suitors eager to please her.


Only pixies worship Thennior by gathering wherever they live in the countryside to sing her praises and seek her blessings.


Temples: Pixies build no temples proper to Thennior.


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King of Faeries

Alignment: Neutral to Good (Chaotic Only)

Home Plane: Fae Realm


King of all faeries, Tillikree resides in the depths of a frosty pond high in one of the mountains of the Fae Realm. He stands as a faerie garbed in a sparkling outfit of sea green. In his left hand, he fiddles with a crooked ironwood wand that allows him to cast any illusion he desires. Regal but jovial, Tillikree ensures that his faeries are in good spirits with song, dance, and superior storytelling.


Only faeries worship Tillikree, which they do every full moon by sacrificing valuable material items they have acquired.


Temples: There are no formal temples to Tillikree. The faeries worship by gathering in quiet secluded hills, forests, and mountains where no outsiders can disturb them.


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Patron of Treants

Alignment: All

Home Plane: Ahfoleah


Revered by treants, Vorannik is an ancient fae that looks after his subjects with great jealousy. His anger at any who would harm of subjugate them is legendary. Standing over 200' high, Vorannik stands at the Top of the World, straddling the Prime plane and the plane of Ahfoleah, which allows him to watch over his fae followers in both places. The fruit Vorannik bears is said to bear knowledge gathered since the beginning of time, and many have died tried to gain such wonderful secrets.


Vorannik is protected by an shield that blocks magic in all its forms. Any who try to harm Vorannik physically will attacked by a deadly swarm of insects that will do 200 pts of damage the attacker.


Temples: There are no formal temples build in honor of Vorannik


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Arch Devils


Dasuroth Father of Despair and King of Devils
Drussalla Matriarch of Souls Lorrmack Whisperer of Shadows
Fehltan The Soul Render Omgalor White Destroyer
Korratheus The Begging Prince Qa'Suul Unholy Tormentor



Father of Despair

Alignment: Lawful Evil Only

Home Plane: Korthaganos (resides in the territory of Daenclessus)


One of the oldest gods known to exist, Dasuroth is a tall thin man of striking handsomeness. His eyes are blood red, and his black hair is slicked back with each hair perfectly in place. Folded against his back are a pair of mighty black wings, while his devil's tail twitches behind him. The horns protruding from his forehead also betray his devilish origin. Dasuroth wields a crystal mace of glowing amber tipped with a gleaming white skull. Any mortal struck by his mace will have their soul sucked into it and their body destroyed.


Legend has it that Dasuroth was one of the most powerful gods in the heavens until his radical ideals on the roles of mortals in relation to the gods caused him to be cast down into the Lower Realms to the plane of Korthaganos. There, he used his power and influence to organize the devils and proclaim himself their ultimate ruler. Over the millennia, he has become the ultimate ruler of all who dwell there. He plots and plans for the day when he can take his minions into the heavens and destroy those who dared to persecute him so long ago. His right hand is Qa'Suul, his fierce and loyal ally.


Dasuroth resides in the Lower Realms on the plane of Korthaganos, a dark place of despair infested by devils. Korthaganos itself is carved into 7 territories, each of which are ruled by an arch devil with Dasuroth ruling them all from his floating ebony castle shrouded by storm clouds. 


Many different creatures worship the Father of Despair. To identify themselves, they will always be found with a mark or object bearing his holy symbol: a crystal amber mace tipped by a white skull. Rarely are temple built to him, as his worshippers tend to pay homage to him in secrecy. Those temple that are erected are black and red structures decorated with symbols of deviltry.


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Matriarch of Souls

Alignment: Lawful Evil Only

Home Plane: Korthaganos (resides in the territory of Diathalee)


Drussalla is a gorgeous devil with dark hair and milky white skin and piercing red eyes. She tends to wear revealing red attire. She will often hide her horns, tail, and wings until the time to reveal her origins is right. Many a man's soul has been seduced away by this master temptress who rules the territory of Diathalee on the plane of Korthaganos. Her weapons are her enchanted gauntlets, which she used to rip flesh from her opponents with deady precision.


Sitting on her throne of bones in her iron castle called Grozann, Drussalla spends her time contemplating increasing her power so that she may rise among the ranks of her fellow arch devils and someday challenge Dasuroth himself. Always nearby is her personal pack of 12 hell hounds that obey her every command. She climbed to power from being a lowly Erinyes to seduce and slay Rytor, the former ruler of Diathalee. The act of treachery pleased Dasuroth, who elevated her in power and position to become the new ruler of Dialthalee. The power play infuriated Korratheus, who had hoped to take over the territory for himself. He has vowed to destroy her some day, a threat Drussalla often mentions when the arch devils hold counsel with Dasuroth before throwing her head back and laughing.


Followers of Drussalla are known by the carving of a small misshapen pentagram tattooed somewhere on their bodies. With few exceptions, her priests are female and revel in the ritual sacrifice of the hearts of strong, handsome men. Temple structures are rare to find, for the followers of the Matriarch of Souls prefer to remain anonymous and work in the shadows.


Drusalla Quotes


“It’s not the sweet ones I desire. Good little boys make adorable pets, but their blood has the flavor of candied earnestness and soured empathy. Unsophisticated flavors that don’t stimulate a refined palate like my own. I want the ones who refer to themselves in the third person as “The alpha”. Those who refer to their sexual conquests as their “body count”. The ones that gobble up women like pieces of cake. Their chauvinism is delectable, and after I penetrate their souls . . . deeply . . . I make it clear to them that they can mate like rodents for the rest of their days and still feel like virgins in the opulence of my own 'body count.'”


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The Soul Render

Alignment: Lawful Evil Only

Home Plane: Korthaganos (resides in the territory of Worgorax)


Fehltan appears as a massive blue-skinned devil with wild black hair and huge horns portruding from his forehead. His body is covered in greenish arcane symbols that are said to give him mystical powers. In battle, he wields a black trident that can wrench a the life force from anyone it hits. Bofalla, his Erinyes lover is always at his side, constantly whispering evil schemes into his ear and urging him to strike at his enemies.


Fehltan acts as Dasuroth's enforcer in all things and relishes any opportunity to carry out his gruesome duties. He relishes battle and enjoys tearing apart his king's enemies, earning him the name of the "The Soul Render". He dwells in the territory of Worgarax, a land of smoking red clay cracked by the constant earthquakes there. His home is an iron citadel called "Borvakhell".


Few worshop this spiteful devil by choice. Those who do tend to be arcane spell casters hoping to gain the magical rewards that only Fehltan can give them. There are no temples to Fehltan, only dark out of the way places where men and women congregate to sacrifice victims and magic in his name.


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The Begging Prince

Alignment: Lawful Evil Only

Home Plane: Korthaganos (resides in the territory of Nyrium)


Korratheus is a grotesque horned abomination of misshappen obesity. Standing over 12' tall, his fists are disproportionately large and form massive clubs that he uses to smash all who would oppose him to pulp. Looking into his fiery gaze is enough to freeze any mortal in place with trembling fear. Tending Korratheus is a battle scarred Balor called Irgreth, who has a vicious streak only surpassed by his master.


Resting in his coal black tower of dripping blood known as "Weh Gordroom" on the desert landscape of Nyrium, Korratheus revels in the suffering of the living, particularly in their wails and efforts to beg for his mercy. The more they beg, the more "The Begging Prince" smiles before having them whipped harder. His cohorts of Erinyes prowl Nyrium, scooping up lost souls before bringing them Weh Gordroom for a miserable life of torture and pain. Korratheus has a burning hatred for Drussalla, whom he claims used her feminine wiles to gain her position and steal power that rightfully belonged to him.


Few mortal choose to worship this spiteful devil. Those who do demonstrate their fealty by flaying their backs nightly so that their suffering can help to feed Korratheus and make him more powerful. Priests work in the dark secluded areas of humanity, plotting ways to seduce and trick unsuspecting mortals out of their soulds. The dark clergy carve devilish symbols of power into thier flesh, which they believe helps to fuel their dark magic. Formal temples to The Begging Prince do not exists, for no place of civilized men would allow them.


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Whisperer of Shadows

Alignment: Lawful Evil Only

Home Plane: Korthaganos (resides in the territory of Phoraln)


Lorrmack is a powerful devil prince that holds sway over the territory of Phoraln on the plane of Korthaganos. Standing well over 15' tall, he is elegantly handsome and brooding. He wears a spiked crown of cold iron that allows him to learn the goings on of every creature in Phoraln should he choose to know. His weapons of choice are a pair of flaming spiked whips, which can easily flay the skin from his enemies' bodies.


Lorrmack resides in small squat keep in an active volcano known as Enaodros. The keep rests on a small island surrounded by bubbling lava. Those who wish an audience with the somber devil must brave the lava and his pack of savage chain devils prowling the rim of Enaodros.


Known as the "Whisperer of Shadows", Lorrmack is often called upon by Dasmotheus to deliver his decrees to the other princes and anyone else he needs to communicate. Known for his quiet nature and reluctance to show his temper, Lorrmack remains a mystery to his fellow princes who regard him with caution. Lorrmack has a penchant for virgin flesh, which he craves regularly.


Worshippers of this devil prince congregate in quiet places away from the prying eyes of those who wouldn't understand their love. They bear the mark of Lorrmack, a pair of black stitched lips, ususally scarred onto their flesh. Temples are rare and usually come in the form of crudely built structures of black stone anointed in the blood of sacrificed virgins.


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White Destroyer

Alignment: Lawful Evil Only

Home Plane: Korthaganos (resides in the territory of Ilgrahm)


In the icy wastes of the territory of Ilgrahm resides Omgalor. A massive spiked devil with thick black horns portruding from his forehead, Omgalor is known to all as the White Destroyer is second in might only to Dasuroth and is constantly maneuvering his forces in preperation for the battle that he and the King of Devils knows will soon come. Omgalor uses a spear tipped by a smoking tip made of pure ice. At Omgalor's command, the spear will shoot forth a cone of cold to freeze his enemies where they stand. His entourage of 10 ice devils are never far from his side.


Omgalor's icy palace "Frostfaar" exists within the highest peaks of the mountains of Ilgraham. From the balcony of his royal chambers, Omgalor looks out upon the wind swept plains of his domain and smiles at the sight of the freezing sould screaming their despair as they are whipped along by their devilish tormentors.


A few in the mortal realm dare to worship the "White Destroyer" for fear of him appearing and whisking them away for an eternity of pain. Those who do mark their skin in his honor by using ice daggers to carve a circle with three slashes through it. Temples to Omgalor are non-existent.


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Unholy Tormentor

Alignment: Lawful Evil Only

Home Plane: Korthaganos (resides in the territory of Thromme)


A towering figure of mottled skin, inordinately long claws, and a head bristling with crooked horns, Qa'Suul is a powerful devil prince that dwells in the poisonous swamps of Thromme. His home is within a cursed hollow tree of bleeding flesh that rises over 300 feet into the misty air. Within the branches of this tree dwell his scores of horned devil lieutenants. Qa'Suul commands the very twisted plant life of Thromme and uses that ability to defeat enemies foolish to engage him and imprison the souls who live there. Among other things, Qa'Suul delights in the suffering of mortals, whom he believes are merely tools of the gods who use their devotion to justify and fuel their existence. His personal hand in the suffering of those souls has earned him the rightful monicker of the "Unholy Tormentor."


Qa'Suul is nearly as old as Dasuroth and existed as his close ally when they both walked the heavens as gods. When Dasuroth was cast out by the gods for his dark and radical ideals about the proper place for mortals, Qa'Suul chose to follow and was rewarded by Dasuroth with the principality of Tromme. He is conniving and vindictive, and is completely loyal to Dasuroth.


Worshippers of Qa'Suul tend to be found in dark forests, marshes, and other wild places where few dare to go. Although they do not mar their flesh with any marks devoted to him, they are able to identify one another by their use of a secretive language that is a strange variant of abyssal. Temples found in the dark wild are always constructed of twisted vegetation that form crude domes where priests dwell and worshippers visit.


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Demon Lords


Bethool Demon of Desire Opheix The Slithering Father
Dur Anom The Chaos Queen Roxshel Ice Bearer
Igglivi Lord of Hate Sommethria Scourge of Dreams
Kithalis Lord of the Forgotten Thukulor Lady Death




Demon of Desire

Alignment: Chaotic Evil Only

Home Plane: Zessus


High in her mountainous palace of onyx located on the inhospitable plane of Zessus, Bethool keeps watch over the diseased lands where her minions dwell. Although her true form is too horrible for any mortal to behold, she often takes the form of an incredibly gorgeous winged seductress who can imprison any mortal man's heart with but a single whispered command, hence her title of Demon of Desire. In battle, she wields a wicked three-headed flail that drips black ichor that can melt anything it touches. At any given time, she is attended by at least five incubi, whom she makes love to or tortures based upon her mood.


Those few mortals who call Bethool their patron are primarily women. Her priests revel in the art of seducing powerful men and luring them to the altar, ripping out their beating hearts, and then eating them. Temples dedicated to Bethool are extremely rare as are any churches that are dedicated to demon lords.


Her unholy symbol is that of a black heart.


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Dur Anom

The Chaos Queen

Alignment: Chaotic Evil Only

Home Plane: Gethis


Dur Anom is thought to have taken those elves whose hearts were filled with darkness and chaos and burned them in the fires of the Lower Realms to create what is now the shenuri. She wanted them to have a home in the unfair world of Irith and provide them with a goddess they could love and could love them in return.


Every earthly representation of Dur Anom is that of a gorgeous horned shenuri female garbed in flowing silks of red and purple. She always clutches a black scepter tipped by a skull made of white gold. Dur Anom dwells in the towering black castle Oenthatis in the lower realms of demons on the plane of Gethis. She is known as "The Chaos Queen" for her ravenous appetite for creating chaos in all things.


Her priests wear the same colors of black and red, and her temples are always constructed of pure onyx. Priests and worshippers of Dur Anom are recognized by her holy symbol: the symbol of chaos.


Dur Anom Proverbs


Torture your foes in ways that will forever dwell in their minds.


Slowly, gently. This is how life is taken.


Torture your foes in ways that will forever dwell in their mind.


Goodness and compassion are the weakness of the masses.


A little suffering is good for the soul; a lot of suffering is good for your enemies.


Evil is the term used by the defeated to describe their conquerors.


Patience is revenge's most important tool.


Things we take from our vanquished foes make them our unwitting allies.


Always betray your allies with a smile.


The bitter taste of defeat is always sweetened by the tears of your slain enemies.


Crush your enemies slowly so that the agony of choosing to oppose you resonates within their souls for eternity.


Embrace the darkness, for it shall shield you from the light of hope others will use to tempt you from true path.


Savor the bitterness of your enemy's blood, lest they drink from the sweetness of your own.


The dark bearers of life shall be revered above males, whose duty it is to stud and serve.


Never touch your enemy's eyes. They must be able to see you standing over them victorious.


If your enemy shows you his heart, take it from him.


To speak the name of Dur Anom is to draw upon her darkness and her strength.


Those who curse the name of Dur Anom shall never again sleep in peace.


Every enemy is a sacrifice waiting to be made.


Kill them all. Let Dur Anom sort them out.


Dur Anom's word is an untruth encased in a mystery that is smothered in secrets.


Those who suffer are weak. Those who create suffering are blessed.


A coward always seeks compromise.


An Empty Mind Is A Loyal Mind.


Even a man who has nothing can still offer his life.


A frightened mind is a compliant mind.


The creation of chaos among enemies is but a gift, not an exchange for favor.


Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.


Surrender to Dur Anom and no one else.


Poison is the spice of death.


Demon Lords

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Lord of Hate

Alignment: Chaotic Evil Only

Home Plane: Oltyria


Igglivi is a giant viscous black blob of shifting red eyes and babbling mouths. Simply looking upon this demon lord's form, coupled with hearing his incoherent jabbering, can cause mortals to go mad. In battle, the Lord of Hate engulfs his opponents and dissolves them with the acidic ichor oozing from his body.


Accompanied by his court of demonic oozes, Igglivi roams the disgusting endless swamps of Otyria, personally interacting and tormenting the demons who live there.


Only a very few mortals choose to look upon this monstrosity as their patron. Those who do spend their time in the darkness of night imploring Igglivi to honor their request to destroy the objects of their hatred.



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Lord of the Forgotten

Alignment: Chaotic Evil Only

Home Plane: Rkush


Kithalis is a mighty horned demon lord who rules over the acid wastelands of Rkush and all who have the misfortune of dwelling there. In battle, he wields an iron mace with the head forged in the shape of his own. Enemies struck by the mace will die instantly.


In a fortress floating on a cloud of black methane high in the red sky, the Lord of the Forgotten plots and plans how to sow dissent and cause chaos in the mortal realm without provoking their gods to anger.


Worshippers come in the form of those misfits who have been cast out of mainstream society and are looking for some way to direct their misery in a way that will benefit them. Those who look to Kithalis for guidance bear symbols of a pair of blazing red eyes on their person, either by attire or carvings in their living flesh. There are no known formalized structures that are blessed as temple to this hateful demon.


Kithalis Proverbs

The act of revenge is not in living your best life but making those who wronged you live their worse life.

Anguish is the path to anger.

Anger is the path to revenge.

Revenge is the path to purpose.

Purpose is the path to obtainment.

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The Slithering Father

Alignment: Chaotic Evil Only

Home Plane: Laventia


Living in the high mountains of twisted black forest on the plane of Laventia is Opheix, The Slithering Father. A massive serpent demon whose lower half is that of a snake, Orpheix commands all serpents he sees. He fights by goring his enemies with his horns and constricting him with his body. His merest touch is poison. Constantly at his side is Airee, a succubus who lends him dark advice on how to cause corruption in the mortal real and bring woe to his enemies.


Opheix is contantly at odds with Dur Anom, whom he felt tried to usurp him many centuries ago. Any time the minions of these two demon lords come into contact with one another, there will be a fight to the death.


Followers are Opheix are either scaley beings or those that are sympathetic to them. Priests of The Slithering Father always wear serpent themed attire, and the temples they inhabit are always found in dark forests, hills, and mountains, far from the reach of mainstream civilization.


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Ice Bearer

Alignment: Chaotic Evil Only

Home Plane: Hagralaath


Beneath the frozen wind-whipped wastes of Hagralaath, in a massive icy cavern, is a frozen palace known as Bergacia. Residing within is Roxshel, a demon lord known as the Ice Bearer. An eerily handsome demon with skin of spiked ice, he stands over 15 feet tall and wields a cold iron glaive. At Roxshel's command, the glaive can create an ice storm that few can survive without being frozen where they stand. Always nearby are Ice Bearer's pair of dire polar bears.


At one time, Roxshel was believed to be a frost giant that had found a way to the lower realms to seek demonic help in defeating his enemies. The former lord of Hagralaath, known as Githakka, laughed at Roxshel's audacity and locked him in a frozen dungeons for centuries. One day, Roxshel broke free. The legend is that he was secretly helped by Dur Anom, who also gave him his glaive. Roxshel surprised Githakka and killed him before taking his place as lord of the plane.


Of the mortals that worship the Ice Bearer, most are frost giants who build spectacular temples of ice on the highest peaks of Irith's many mountains. His symbol is that of a clenched blue fist in a gauntlet of ice.


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Scourge of Dreams

Alignment: Chaotic Evil Only

Home Plane: Kothkethool


Those who fear to dream do so because of Sommethria. A demon of unfathomable beauty, the Scourge of Dreams dwells on the plane of eternal nightfall known as Kothkethool. Sitting on her throne of shadows within a fortress of impenetrable darkness, Sommethria sleeps. During her century's long slumber, her dream avatar roams the lower realms and beyond in search of sleeping minds.


Through her dreams Sommethria corrupts those whose power and influence will serve her. If they do so, she rewards them. If they refuse, she drives them mad. When she does awaken, it is to address realm matters. Her sleeping body is guarded by a trinity of death knights bearing night blades that shatter the souls of the enemies they strike.


Those mortals ambitious enough to worship her do so through their dreams after consuming a special brew that puts them sleep and stimulates their dreams to reach out to her. There are no temples to this demon except for those of her followers' imagination.


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Lady Death

Alignment: Chaotic Evil Only

Home Plane: Valenkor


Residing on Velenkor, a plane of swirling orange and black skies and charred landscapes, Thukulor is a faceless mistress that commands the dead, hence her name Lady Death. Her touch will raise any dead to obey her command until destroyed. When moving about her domain, she rides on the back of an undead dragon.


On an ocean of blood is her tower of the dead, where she makes her plans to expend her domain by using the dead that cover Valenkor like a plague. Her goal is to one day consolidate the lower realms under a singular leader: her. She has the support of Sommethria, which won't be enough to move forward, but Thukulor continues to plan.


The few mortals that worship Lady Death call upon her to grant them longer life and immortality in exchange for the live sacrifices they give to her. Her priests ensure that she has plenty of lives taken in her name to ensure her everlasting glory. Temples to this demon are usually tucked away in secluded locations and are constructed of the bones and flesh of those sacrificed to her.


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