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Barbarian Kingdom


King Threndak Moondog


Leader: King Threndak Moondog
Capitol: Wanholm (12,000)
Population: 72,500+
Demi-Humans: Few
Humanoids: Few
Resources: Iron, Coal, Foodstuffs, and Fishing


Current Political Structure

18 Chieftains and their Carvons (territories)



Chief Aigar Rocbane

Orizan Carvon

Pop: 2,295

Chief Broan the Black

Qel En Carvon

Pop: 2,000

Chief Garuggen Mageblood

Ahre Carvon

Pop: 2,875

Chief Imesel Broken Bear

Krekkinaw Carvon

Pop: 2,350

Chief Inyorex Swifthand

Tenzicrai Carvon

Pop: 2,500

Chief Ironbow Arn

Aciama Carvon

Pop: 2,260

Chief Midarn Telnor

Hafgarak Carvon

Pop: 2,230

Chief Mirinmuri Chenei

Chel Zhem Carvon

Pop: 2,400

Chief Orean Tevri

Iphailden Carvon

Pop: 2,500

Chief Srellia Gendir

Zenitar Carvon

Pop: 2,200

King Threndak Moondog

Wanholm Carvon

Pop: 12,000

Chief Vus Arda

Xynketha Carvon

Pop: 2,290


Chief Banalris

Dracoya Carvon

Pop: 4,100

Chief Hargar Wolfsbane

Fahrn Carvon

Pop: 6,340

Chief Jhin Ovik

Palvauri Carvon

Pop: 3,550

Chief Ort Chenlo

Kurkha Carvon

Pop: 5,300

Chief Rusheve Quoi

Gyrfalia Carvon

Pop: 2,200

Chief Toventel the Silver Eye

Toi Yentu Carvon

Pop: 3,875




City Leader Pop. Pred. Race


Threndak 5,000 Human


Wolfsbane 6,340 Human
Ahre Mageblood 2,875 Human
Tenzicrai Swifthand 2,500 Human
Iphailden Tevri 2,500 Human
Krekkinaw Broken Bear 2,350 Human
Chel Zhem Chenei 2,400 Human
Xenketha Arda 2,290 Human
Aciama Arn 2,260 Human
Orizan Rocbane 2,295 Human
Hafgarak Telnor 2,230 Human
Zenitar Gendir (F) 2,200 Human
Qel En Black 2,000 Human
Kurkha Chenlo 5,300 Human
Dracoya Banalris 4,100 Human
Toi Yentu Silver Eye 3,875 Human


Ovik 3,550 Human
Gyrfalia Quoi 2,200 Human

* = capitol

The inhabitants of the Barbarian Kingdom are a conglomerate of 18 tribes ruled by a barbarian king with blood ties to the beginning of organization of the savages eons ago. They are ancient descendants of tribes that numbered in the hundreds that filled the lands known today as Regdon, Maharool, Criskrad and Gorth. The two races left are called the Yahzun and the Varkasi. The Gragets and the ocean serve as natural borders that keep the "civilized" world and their ways from interfering with the tribes' sacred beliefs. The tribes worship the great serpent, an ancient dragon that saved the embattled barbarians from the expansion of the Regdonites centuries ago before mysteriously disappearing into the mountains never again to be seen.

The barbarians are very ritualistic and revere nature and animals as sacred. Hunting, fishing, rites of passage, and honor are among the beliefs that are strong within the barbarians. They have a healthy fear and hatred of magic and will lynch any wizards who are unfortunate to stray into their territory. They are also suspicious of any outsiders, whether they use magic or not. The chieftains of the tribes are very strict about limiting excursions out of their kingdom, for they fear the corruption that awaits their people beyond their borders. They look at people of Gorth as distant cousins who have strayed from their beliefs, but they still regard them as allies and trade with them often.

Points of Interest

Dren Wood

A dense forest that is rich with animal life, the Dren Wood is a place where young barbarians hoping to make names for themselves in hunting strange beasts will come. There are scant few elves or other humanoids living here, having been chased off by the barbarians centuries ago.

Furly River

This river flows from the southern tip of the Graget Mountains to the Aquantis Ocean. The Furly acts as a border between Maharool and the Barbarian Kingdom.

Graget Mountains

These ancient spires split Maharool and the Barbarian Kingdom and acts as a natural barrier that keeps the two nations apart. The mountains are occupied by a few dwarves and a great many humanoids, such as goblins, ogres, hobgoblins, etc.

Somewhere deep within the Gragets is believed to be the hallowed resting place of the Great Serpent. Rumors and suspicions abound within the tribes as to whether the god is actually alive and sleeping or long dead. Many warriors believe there is a treasure beyond the dreams of mortals lying within the mountain, yet none have found the courage to go there an look for themselves.

Iron Falls River

The Iron Falls River flows from the western slope of the Graget Mountains. This grand river cuts the upper quarter of the kingdom in two and flows straight through to the Aquantis Ocean. It is intersected by the Meccar River.

Isle of Woe

About 40 miles off the western coast of the kingdom is a small island called the Isle of Woe, where a fallen god is believed to dwell. Little is known as fact, but there is rampant speculation about which god it could be. Great chieftains have journeyed to the island to plunder its riches and raise their status by claiming to have slain the god, but none have returned.

It is rumored that the first barbarian king, Rumash the Grizzled, sailed to the island to slay the god. He never returned. It is widely accepted by all barbarians that anyone who goes to the Isle of Woe, slays the god, and then returns with Rumash's blessed whitewood club (called Dragonfist) will become the next king.

Kali River

Flowing from the eastern part of Dren Wood, the Kali snakes westward before emptying into the Aquantis Ocean.

Meccar River

The mighty Meccar flows off the western slope of the Graget Mountains. It winds north and then west before intersecting with the Iron Falls River on its way to the Aquantis Ocean.


Significant Events/Holidays/Etc.

Harvest Rite

Date: Day 18 of the Month of Spring's Waning

This is a day of thanks recognized across the Barbarian Kingdom in which they burn grain in sacrifice to their pagan gods in hopes of gaining a better harvest.

The Hunt

Date: Day 29 of the Month of Autunm's Waning

The barbarians gather all of the males together near the sea in Wanholm. They all set out to stalk and kill a drake from the nearby mountains to prove their manhood.




Cities, Villages, Towns, Etc.




Leader: King Threndak Moondog

Population: 12,000
Power Center: Nonstandard
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Races: Humans: 11,800; Halflings: 100; Elves: 50; Others: 50

Guards: 819; Militia: 7,240
Enforcer: Barbarian lvl-19


Wanholm is the capitol of the nation, where the acknowledged leader of the tribes makes his home. This is also the main community of the Yahzuns.







Leader: Chief Hargar Wolfsbane

Population: 6,340
Power Center: Nonstandard
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Races: Humans: 6,086; Halflings: 126; Dwarves: 63; Others: 65

Guards: 111; Militia: 1,000
Enforcer: Barbarian lvl-12


The main community of the Varkasi tribes, Fahrn is located on the southern underbelly of the kingdom on the shores of the Aquantis Ocean.







Leader: Chief Garuggen Mageblood

Population: 2,875
Power Center: Nonstandard
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Races: Humans: 2,760; Halflings: 57; Dwarves: 32; Elves: 18; Others: 50

Guards: 68; Militia: 981
Enforcer: Barbarian lvl-8


Located on the northernmost frontier of the kingdom, this Yahzun tribe resideds on the shores of the Sea of Regdon.







Leader: Chief Inyorex Swifthand

Population: 2,500
Power Center: Nonstandard
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Races: Humans: 2,400; Dwarves: 50; Halflings: 25; Others: 25

Guards: 92; Militia: 931
Enforcer: Barbarian lvl-9


Another Yahzun tribe, the Tenzicrai are located about 60 miles to the southeast of the Ahre on the border with Regdon.







Leader: Chief Orean Tevri

Population: 2,500
Power Center: Nonstandard
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Races: Humans: 2,733; Dwarves: 56; Halflings: 28; Others: 35

Guards: 90; Militia: 901
Enforcer: Barbarian lvl-8


A Yahzun tribe, Iphailden is nestled in the foothills of the northern Graget Mountains. The tribe is about 65 miles to the southeast of Tenzicrai.







Leader: Chief Imesel Broken Bear

Population: 2,350
Power Center: Nonstandard
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Races: Humans: 2,256; Dwarves: 47; Halflings: 23; Others: 24

Guards: 82; Militia: 877
Enforcer: Barbarian lvl-7


Located at the western edge of the kingdom on the shores of the Sea of Regdon, Krekkinaw lies about 80 miles to the southwest of the Ahre and 80 miles to the northeast of Wahnholm.





Chel Zhem


Leader: Chief Mirinmuri Chenei

Population: 2,400
Power Center: Nonstandard
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Races: Humans: 2,304; Dwarves: 48; Halflings: 24; Others: 24

Guards: 91; Militia: 914
Enforcer: Barbarian lvl-7


Chel Zhem is another Yahzun tribe. It resides at the junction where the Iron Falls and Meccar Rivers meet.







Leader: Chief Vus Arda

Population: 2,290
Power Center: Nonstandard
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Races: Humans: 2,198; Dwarves: 45; Halflings: 22; Others: 25

Guards: 84; Militia: 610
Enforcer: Barbarian lvl-10


Xynketha is a Yahzun tribe. It is located 55 miles to the southeast of Wanholm.







Leader: Chief Ironbow Arn

Population: 2,260
Power Center: Nonstandard
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Races: Humans: 2,169; Dwarves: 45; Halflings: 22; Others: 24

Guards: 87; Militia: 940
Enforcer: Barbarian lvl-9


Another Yahzun tribe, Aciama is located about 53 miles to the south of Wanholm.







Leader: Chief Aigar Rocbane

Population: 2,295
Power Center: Nonstandard
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Races: Humans: 2,203; Dwarves: 38; Halflings: 29; Others: 25

Guards: 90; Militia: 822
Enforcer: Barbarian lvl-11


Orizan is a Yahzun tribe. It is located on the Meccar River about 82 miles to the southeast of Chel Zhem.







Leader: Chief Midarn Telnor

Population: 2,230
Power Center: Nonstandard
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Races: Humans: 2,140; Dwarves: 40; Halflings: 27; Others: 24

Guards: 71; Militia: 703
Enforcer: Barbarian lvl-6


Hafgarak is Yahzun. The community rests against the western slopes of the Graget Mountains about 63 miles to the east of Orizan.


Here lies the great ancient fortress Iarann Dhorn, built long ago by dwarven slaves for the barbarians to protect their eastern frontier.







Leader: Chief Srellia Gendir (F)

Population: 2,200
Power Center: Nonstandard
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Races: Humans: 2,112; Dwarves: 40; Halflings: 22; Gnomes: 5; Others: 22

Guards: 69; Militia: 689
Enforcer: Barbarian lvl-6


Zenitar is a Yahzun community. The tribe exists in the Dren Wood near the beginning of the Meccar River. It is located about 70 miles to the southwest of Orizan.





Qel En


Leader: Chief Broan the Black

Population: 2,000
Power Center: Nonstandard
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Races: Humans: 1,920; Halflings: 40; Elves: 14; Dwarves: 6; Others: 20

Guards: 62; Militia: 599
Enforcer: Barbarian lvl-5


Another Yahzun tribe, Qel En is located on the western slopes of the Graget Mountains about 64 miles to the east of Zenitar.







Leader: Chief Ort Chenlo

Population: 5,300
Power Center: Nonstandard
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Races: Humans: 5,088; Dwarves: 106; Halflings: 22; Others: 53

Guards: 119; Militia: 982
Enforcer: Barbarian lvl-9


A Varkasi tribe, the Kurkha's are located in the Dren Wood near the beginning of the Meccar River. It is located 125 miles to the southeast of Dracoya.







Leader: Chief Benalris

Population: 4,100
Power Center: Nonstandard
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Races: Humans: 3,936; Dwarves: 82; Halflings: 41; Others: 41

Guards: 280; Militia: 1,105
Enforcer: Barbarian lvl-12


Located on the Meccar River where it empties into the Aquantis Ocean, this Varkasi community is located about 125 miles to the northwest of Kurkha.





Toi Yentu


Leader: Chief Toventel the Silver Eye

Population: 3,875
Power Center: Nonstandard
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Races: Humans: 3,720; Dwarves: 77; Halflings: 28; Gnomes: 10; Others: 40

Guards: 295; Militia: 1,170
Enforcer: Barbarian lvl-11


Toi Yentu is another Varkasi tribe. It is located on the western shores of the kingdom about 75 miles to the southwest of Dracoya.







Leader: Chief Jhin Ovik

Population: 3,550
Power Center: Nonstandard
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Races: Humans: 3,408; Dwarves: 71; Halflings: 35; Others: 36

Guards: 83; Militia: 1,220
Enforcer: Barbarian lvl-12


The Palvauri tribe is Varkasi. The community is located on the southwestern shores of the kingdom about 79 miles to the southeast of Toi Yentu. Palvauri.


An ancient barbarian community, Palvauri has existed for many centuries even before Irith had been civilized. Also referred to as "Mud City", Palvauri's primary source of income is derived from fishing and what little merchant trading it can secure with Gorth and Regdon via the sea.


The docks along the shore are actually constructed of chiseled stone to withstand the violent storms that slam the coast coming from the west. The Palvaurians have little in the way of warships, mainly single-masted vessels powered by oars. Their bow are equipped with serrated iron beaks used in the ramming of enemy vessels.




Great Serpent


As with all barbarians within the kingdom, Palvaurians worship the Great Serpent. Within the center of the town of mud and brick buildings lies a tall long hall. Above the entrance is the carved visage of a mighty dragon's head looking down menacingly on all might enter to worship.


The high shaman here is Oglamik the Bent, a grizzled old barbarian with long gray hair that suffered a debilitating injury battling a pack of gnolls many years ago. Deprived of engaging in future battles, he turned to the Great Serpent and helping other bask in its glory.


Other Places of Interest


Ishrii Castle


Located at the southern end of Palvauri on the cliffs overlooking the Aquantis Ocean, this squat ancient structure composed of black stone guards the docks and most favorable access point to the city. Its walls are rumored to have been constructed using the blood of the Great Serpent. Atop those walls are imposing ballistae and trebuchet that stand ready to sink any enemy ships foolish enough to approach.


The Hallowed Hills


Located to the east of Palvauri on the edge of Dren Wood, these forested hills are revered by the barbarians as an ancient holy site. It has been believed for generations that old dragons would come here to die and the hills are actually dragon gaves filled with their bones.







Leader: Chief Rusheve Quoi

Population: 2,200
Power Center: Nonstandard
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Races: Humans: 2,112; Dwarves: 44; Halflings: 22; Others: 22

Guards: 63; Militia: 718
Enforcer: Barbarian lvl-11


Gyrfalia is yet another Varkasi tribe. It is located at the southern tip of the Graget Mountains on the border with Maharool. The tribe is 83 miles to the northeast of Fahrn.





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