Southern Houress

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Barony of Criksrad


Baron Edbar Criksrad


Leader: Baron Edbar Criksrad
Capitol: Pendrigad (13,500)
Population: 201,000+
Demi-Humans: Elves, Halflings, Gnomes, Dwarves, Few Others
Humanoids: Orcs, Goblins, Hobgoblins, plus others in low numbers
Resources: Gems, Foodstuffs, Coal, Timber, Tobacco and Iron


Current Political Structure

2  Representatives


Baron Edbar Criksrad

Baron of Criksrad

Capital City: Pendrigad

High Prefect Grist Grendelwehr

Leader of the Lorish Elves

Capital City: Lorish


City Leader Pop. Pred. Race
Abertswyth Aila (F) 4,147 Elven
Arbington Sertein 5,663 Elven


Leus 8,000 Human
Bleakburn Entrom 7,934 Human
Cleethorpes Pol 5,008 Human
Fernsworth Efralson 7,009 Human
Glauphaise Islip 3,773 Human
Hollen Wellqo 4,500 Halfling
Kair Bhanrithe Wynnter 9,080 Elven
Kinallen Steelforge 10,268 Dwarven
Livohka Meira (F) 7,462 Elven
Lorish Ghist 18,500 Elven
Oldham Klaern 4,906 Elven
Paendley Smithson 6,439 Human
Pendrigad* Edbar 23,903 Human
Perlshaw Riox 7,248 Dwarven
Pijali Jonathan 9,500 Human
Pirn Saria 9,296 Elven
Solime Oacenth 5,793 Elven
Sutton Bredon Welpot 6,672 Humans
Swindmore Ninthalor 7,296 Elven
Ula'ree Vulluin 5,339 Elven
Varn Calligan 11,467 Human
Wanborne Cheray (F) 6,486 Human

* = capitol

Criksrad is a land that was lightly populated with very few barbarians at the time of the invastion by the Hestrillites. The land was mainly inhabited by refugees from Varanady and elves from the Lorish forest and other humanoids. When the Hestrillites invaded the barbarian territories, the inhabitants of the lands which had no name (later to be called "Criksrad") were largely unaffected by the fighting that raged on mainly to the north. They had seen enough war and desolation brought on by the Queen of Varanady and wanted no part of the fighting so stayed out of it.

When the barbarians were eventually beaten back to the south, Regdon's forces invaded the Criksrad lands and were met with no resistance. The territory was indoctrinated as part of the newly-formed Kingdom of Regdon, much to the chagrin of the former Varanady citizens. For many years the people there chafed at the taxation and rulership of the lords put in charge of their lands. In the year 722 in the 4th Age of Man, a large force of drow elves poured out of the western Votack Mountains and began making their way south toward the vital trade ports on the shores of the Tarsis Gulf.

In true fashion, the former Varanadians offered no resistance and allowed the dark army to move unchallenged toward their destination despite the fevered calls to arms by the Regdon lords. A man known as Edbar Criksrad stepped up and began negotiating with the king. He said he would rally the people and push the drow back to their underground lairs. The price would be to give him rulership over the lands, which would become a barony in his name. The king relented but made it clear that the newly named territory of Criksrad would still be part of the Kingdom of Regdon. True to his word, Ebar rallied his people to arms. They marched against the drow, who, most surprisingly, retreated with nary a drop of blood spilled. This was a great relief to all, and the victory over the drow was celebrated across the kingdom.

After the fall of Varanady, Edbar was approached by Count Maharool. Both lands had lost many men in the conflict that had nearly swallowed the entire southern half of the continent, and each leader agreed that they were owed. Banding together, they demanded independence from the King of Regdon, threatening war if their demands weren't met. Having lost so many of his forces, not to mention facing the threat of losing his southern port, the king gave in. The two lands became independent countries after signing solid alliances with each other for mutual protection and trade.

Points of Interest


Aigar River


This river flows from the Votack Mountains before connecting with the Terek River.


Dressis Swamp


A major swamp, the Dressis borders Southern Regdon and the Hell Haunts. This body of water is a major barrier to any foot traffic in and out of Criksrad. The Dressis if inhabited by many unsavory creatures, such as hobgoblins, kuo-toa, and trolls.


Gloridon Desert


This vast sun baked wasteland is a treacherous place to live for any creature, even those adapted to such an environment. As with any desert wasteland, food and water are at a premium, and are often used by humanoids living there as currency to purchase what they need.


Gnoll's Eye


A rocky forest of darkness inhabited by many foul creatures, most notably gnolls.


Iron Horns


A cluster of mountains located in the northwestern part of Criksrad bordering Regdon. So named for the rich deposits of iron, the mountains have long been mined by the duergar for below its peaks. The crags are home to many unsavory creatures, and few dare to explore there unless heavily armed and well prepared. The rumor is that a powerful wizard named Potiphar resides there, torturing and experimenting on those unfortunate enough to fall within his snare.


Lorish Forest


The grand Lorish is home to a great many elves and makes up half of Criksgrad proper.


Rhous River


Flowing from the Graget Mountains southwest to the Tarsis Gulf, the Rhous separates the countries of Maharool and Criksrad. The mighty river is an important byway that brings goods back and forth to the peoples of both countries.


Rocroost Mountains


The Rocroosts run from the eastern edge of Regdon and into Criksrad, separating the two contries from the Gloridon Desert. As per the name, the spires are well populated with the legendary Rocs. There are also many dwarves, orcs, goblins, kobolds, and other creatures here.


Sea Wood


Bordering the Lorish Forest, Sea Wood kisses the Tarsis Gulf and is home to tribes of sea elves.


Southern Plains


These plains are filled with hundreds of miles of golden grass and wild wheat. At times the thundering from the hooves of the herds of wild beasts roaming the plains can be heard for miles.


Tarsis Gulf


Flowing from the Graget Mountains southwest to the Tarsis Gulf, the Rhous separates the countries of Maharool and Criksrad. The mighty river is an important byway that brings goods back and forth to the peoples of both countries.


Terek River


This winding body of water runs for hundreds of miles. It begins as the Espris, which flows into the Nentack Lake, then the Dressis Swamp, through Criksrad, until finally emptying into the Tarsis Gulf. The Terek is a major roadway for trade between Regdon and Criksrad.


Votack Mountains


A relatively small portion of the Votack Mountains touches Criksrad. This range binds Criksrad, the Gloridon Desert, Brighkly, and the Dwarven Kingdom.


Winduroz Channel


The Winduroz (dwarven for "winding") Channel starts from the waters flowing from the southern underside of the Votack Mountains. The waterway expands into a crooked channel that proceeds west out of the Dwarven Kingdom. It forks at one point, with the southern reach flowing between Dwarven Kingdom and Kerus before emptying out into the Bay of Urol. The western fork continues on between the southern shores of Criksrad and Kerus before emerging into the Tarsis Gulf.





Baron Edbar Criksrad


Cities, Villages, Towns, Etc.




Leader: Baron Edbar Criksrad

Population 23,903

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Races: Humans: 18,883; Elves: 2,151; Halflings: 1,195; Dwarves: 717; Gnomes: 478; Half-Elves: 239; Half-Orcs: 239; Others: 1

Guards: 1,893; Militia: 4,008

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-20


Located on the Terek River where it intersects with the Aigar River. This capital city is a major hub of trade within Criksrad and the lower southwestern part of the continent. At the edge of the Terek River is the massive Fortress Behanommi. Here, the extended Criksrad family lives and governs the barony.




Although there are private places within the city where people can worship their god, there are 12 proper temples here.



*Monastery is called Altibaah.


Wizard Presence


The Panel of the Sheaf is a nine-member group of wizards residing Fortress Behanommi. From there, they oversee all matters of the arcane.


Merchant Guild


The Golden Hand is an organization that has existed in Pendrigad for a very long time. It coordinates all trade coming into and going out of the city and is responsible for collecting taxes and other fees and ensuring that the money gets to the government.


Lumber Lords


Lumber is a thriving part of the economy within the Barony, and it starts in Pendrigad. The Lumber Lords is a conglomerate of rich men who ensure that lumber is always flowing and profitable in the city and beyond.


Terek Consortium


With the Terek River being a major roadway for trade, the consortium handles all shipping there through Pendrigad. They also represent all sailors working within the city.


Criminal Presence

Petty crimes take place within the city. There are five known criminal organizations that operate within Pendrigad.


Allenger Gang


This street-level gang specializes in theft, intimidation, and burglary. They are known for the slogan "Blink at your own peril."


Bar Nones




Kelly Greens




Lordly Men






Other Places of Interest


Silver Sword of Kae'Tor


An ancient sword wielded by Kae'Tor, an elven champion who figured prominently in the war against Varanady. The blade is longsord etched with eldritch runes and glows a bright shade of blue.







Leader: High Prefect Grist Grendlewehr

Population: 11,467

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Races: Humans: 9,585; Halflings: 1,032; Elves: 573; Dwarves: 344; Gnomes: 229; Half-Elves: 114; Half-Orcs: 114; Others: 3

Guards: 1,740; Militia: 3,002

Sheriff: Warrior lvl-20


Located on the southern border of Criksrad on the shores of the Tarsis Gulf. Varn is an important defensive city that sees a lot of trade flowing in and out of the city. There are two warships that patrol the local waters.




The following temples are located within Varn.


Dotorus   Celphea   Em'Sharfhei   Nynneon   Revenkai   Srultavin  Thirion   Ytos


Wizard Presence


The Council of Thought is a group of 8 wizards representing each of the colleges in Varn. They contemplate all matters of the arcane and beyond.


Criminal Presence


Crime exists here through individuals and the few known organizations listed below.


Canned Fists












Or Nots



Small Pricers


Other Points of Interest









Leader: First Jozz'n Riox

Population: 7,248

Power Center: Nonstandard

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Races: Dwarves: 6,198; Humans: 524; Halflings: 312; Elves: 200; Others: 14

Guards: 605; Militia: 1,189

Sheriff: Warrior lvl-18


Located to the west of the Iron Horns on the border with Regdon. Perlshaw lies about 200 miles to the northwest of Pendrigad and borders Redgdon.




Although there are private places within the city where people can worship their god, there are four proper temples here.


Kergon   Ianlia  Kharsallis   Revenkai


Wizard Presence


There are only few wizards dwelling within Perlshaw, for dwarves do not have much use for them unless war is afoot. In the central Tower of the Arcane lives the Arch Mage who oversees all that is arcane within the city.


Merchant Guild


Being a focal point of trade flowing in and out of the southern border of Regdon, the importance of maintaining a smooth organization to oversee things is paramount. The Graveltongue Guild oversees all transactions going on in the city and makes sure that appropriate taxes are collected while ensuring that policies are adhered to. 


Criminal Presence


Scattered individual commit crimes, along with a few organizations that vex local law.


All Snatchers




Biscuit Babes




Ladies of the Line




Other Points of Interest









Leader: Mayor Jhon Islip

Population: 3,773

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Races: Humans: 3,273; Halflings: 200; Elves: 100; Dwarves: 100; Others: 100

Guards: 212; Militia: 448

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-15


Glauphaise is located about 125 miles to the southwest of Pendrigad.




The following temples are located here.


Kergon   Su Reh   Toh Pana


Wizard Presence


There are a few individual wizards living here, with one of them serving on the city council to lend wisdom.


Criminal Presence


Crime exists here through individuals and one known organization that vexes local law.


Coiled Strikes


Other Points of Interest









Leader: Mayor Hammond Smithson

Population: 4,439

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Races: Humans: 4,136; Halflings: 129; Elves: 71; Dwarves: 43; Gnomes: 28; Half-Elves: 14; Half-Orcs: 14; Others: 4

Guards: 359; Militia: 791

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-16


Paendley is Located about 135 miles to the southwest of Pendrigad.




The following temples are located here.


Horgarin   Hstinzi   Quill   Srultavin


Wizard Presence


The Arcane Tri-Council meets in Valetrey Keep to consider all matters of the arcane and beyond.


Criminal Presence


There are individual why ply their trade here, as well as the following organizations.


Exit Experts




Fallen Vixens




Pretty Pleasers


Other Points of Interest










Leader: Mayor Anna Cheray (F)

Population: 6,486

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Races: Humans: 5,752; Halflings: 433; Dwarves: 44; Gnomes: 29; Half-Elves: 14; Half-Orcs: 14; Others: 200

Guards: 418; Militia: 881

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-16


Wanborne is located on the Lower Terek River about 125 miles to the southwest of Pendrigad.




Hzstinzi   Qurophys   Revenkai   Srultavin


Wizard Presence


A local wizar sits on the city council to lend their wisdom to city and arcane matters.


Criminal Presence


Individual criminals live here, as well as the following organizations the run afoul of the law.


Chimney Dashers








Upper Brows







Leader: Mayor Stannar Entrom

Population: 7,934

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Lawful Good

Races: Humans: 6,734; Halflings: 750; Gnomes: 250; Others: 200

Guards: 600; Militia: 912

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-17


Located on the Lower Terek River on the border with Maharool about 75 miles to the northwest of Varn.




The following temples are located here.


Ardru   Breahal   Orulen   Srultavin   Vor


Criminal Presence


Aside from individual criminals, there are the following organizations that vex local law.


Brazen Rats




Drummer Boys






Other Points of Interest







Sutton Bredon


Leader: Mayor Fransis Welpot

Population: 5,672

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Neutral Good

Races: Humans: 5,148; Halflings: 350: Others: 300

Guards: 488; Militia: 780

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-16


Located on the Southern Plains about 150 miles to the southeast of Pendrigad.




Hstinzi   Srultavin   Williommox   Ytos


Wizard Presence


A pair of mages reside on the local city council to provide wisdom on city and arcane matters.


Criminal Presence


Aside from individual criminals, there are the following organizations that vex local law.


Thrifty Thirty




Zero Tolerance


Other Points of Interest









Leader: Mayor Contor Efralson

Population: 8,009

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Races: Humans: 7009; Halflings: 300; Elves: 200; Gnomes: 200; Others: 300

Guards: 712; Militia: 1,150

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-19


Located on the shores of the Tarsis Gulf, about 75 miles to the northeast of Varn.




The following temples are located in Fernsworth.


Avizor   Ianlia   Pomoleth   Srultavin   Ya-Nu


Wizard Presence


The Remnants of the Star is a council of five wizards who reside in the local castle and lend their wisdom on matters of the arcane and more.


Criminal Presence.


Aside from individuals who ply their trade, there are several organizations the vex local law.


Brief Lapses




Tin Men









High Prefect Grist Grendelwehr


Cities, Villages, Towns, Etc.




Leader: Grist Grendelweher

Population 18,500

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Races: Elves: 17,760; Halflings: 370; Humans: 185; Others: 185
Power Center: Nonstandard

Guards: 1,293; Militia: 2,108

Sheriff: Warrior lvl-20


The city of Lorish rests at the southernmost tip of the Rocroost Mountains. The city is a major stopping point along the trade routes along the northern and eastern parts of the barony. The Emerald Castle lies against the rocky hills to the north of the city.




Although there are private places within the city where people can worship their god, there are four proper temples here.


Em'Sharfhei   Froyonnia   Srultavin   Toh Pana


Wizard Presence


Wizards are revered and respected here. The Nine meet in the High House of Saur Nem to discuss arcane and matters of the city and beyond.


Merchant Guild


There are no guilds within the city as all business owners are free and independent. A merchant's office is maintained by the city to coordinate goods flowing in and out Lorish.


Criminal Presence

Due to harsh punishments and the threat of expulsion from the city, crime in Lorish is virtually non-existent.


Other Places of Interest


Titans of the Seven


High in the Rocroost Mountains overlooking Lorish are seven carved statues that stand over four stories tall. Representing the founding fathers of Lorish, they stand in constant vigil over the city.







Leader: High Lord Trennor Leus

Population 8,000

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Races: Humans: 6,000; Dwarves: 800; Halflings: 607; Gnomes: 289; Others: 300
640; Militia: 1,200
Sheriff: Warrior lvl-18


Nestled between the southern Rocroosts and the northern Votacks, the Bacrone sits at the head of the Aigar River.




The are several temples within Bacrone.


Kergon   Mordrun   Shozrei   Srultavin   Orulen


Wizard Presence


A general council of five mages meet within the local castle to lend their wisdom on all matters.


Criminal Presence


Crime is relatively light in Bacrone, but there is one organization that has endured for centuries.


Crystal Brotherhood







Leader: Fiskur Tweezlenub

Population 4,500

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Neutral Good

Races: Halflings: 3,550; Humans: 400; Gnomes; 300; Elves: 150; Dwarves: 50; Others: 50

Power Center: Conventional

Guards: 135; Militia 550

Sheriff: Warrior lvl-15


Hollen is a halfling town located near the northern border of the barony. Unlike most halfling communities, it is walled and the people are prepared for trouble should it arise.




Hstinzi   Orulen   Srultavin   Tlancu


Wizard Presence


There is no formal wizarding organization in Hollen, only a few private practitioners who dwell within the city.


Criminal Presence


Criminals are scarce here. There is one organization that works within Hollen.


Bare Bones


This small group of burglars are very discreet and only target sure jobs with high reward and little risk.


Other Points of Interest









Leader: Mayor Jonathan Ahmn

Population 9,500

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Neutral Good

Races: Humans: 7,215; Halflings: 965; Elves: 625; Dwarves: 355; Gnomes: 170; Half-Elves: 85; Half-Orcs: 85

Guards: 485; Militia: 988

Sheriff: Warrior lvl-20


Pijali is a fortified citylocated on the southeastern border of the barony on the shores of the waters emptying into the Bay of Urol.




The following temples are located here.


Aroth   Breahal   Em'Sharfhei   Pomoleth   Srultavin   Ya-Nu


Wizard Presence


In the grand Ilithic Tower, a tri-council of mages meet to consider all matters of the arcane and beyond.


Criminal Presence


Crime is present here, comitted both by individuals and those that are part of several organizations that vex law enforcement.


Black's Law








Whiskey Dogs



Other Points of Interests









Leader: Mayor Tchan Pol

Population: 5,008

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Races: Humans: 3,372; Halflings: 701; Elves: 481; Dwarves: 300; Gnomes: 70; Half-Elves: 50; Half-Orcs: 30; Others: 4

Guards: 315; Militia: 762

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-16


Located to the east of the Iron Horns, about 63 miles to the northwest of Pendrigad.




Although there are private places within the city where people can worship their god, there are ten proper temples here.


Avizor   Em'Sharfhei   Nynneon   Srultavin


Wizard Presence


Wizards are looked upon by the people of Cleethorpes as mysterious, powerful, and wise. Most people respect them. The Circle of the Nine meet in the High House of Saur Nem to discuss arcane and matters of the city and beyond.


Foresters' Guild


Lumber is an important part of many Cleethorpes citizens' lives. The guild is strong and well-organized. They also have a strong voice in city politics.


Merchant Guild


A standard city guild comprised of business owners. They meet regularly to debate on matters pertaining to profit and the state of their businesses while ensuring that the laws are just and obeyed. They also make sure that visiting traders pay their share of the city sales tax.


Criminal Presence

Aside from the individuals and small bands of disorganized criminals, there are 3 gangs that have existed in Cleethorpes for many years.




A low-level gang that concentrates mostly on street crimes such as filching, robbery, and such.


Society of the Few


A well-organized group of people that are believed to be made up of nobles. They use bribery, conspiracy, blackmail, and other means to get what they want. Violence is a last resort for them.




This well-known band of thieves has a penchant for robbing the very rich and giving a share of their gains to the less fortunate. Some hail them as silent heroes.


Other Places of Interest


Sevethour Tower


A structure built of stone and ironwood nearly 900 years ago. It stands nearly 100' tall. It sits at the edge of the Dressis Swamp to and is constantly manned by solidiers who watch the north for any dark denizens that attempt to invade from the Hell Haunts.







Leader: Council Head Tathaln Saria

Population: 8,296

Power Center: Nonstandard

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Races: Elves: 8,244; Halflings: 525; Gnomes: 300; Humans: 212; Others: 15

Guards: 719; Militia: 1,264

Sheriff: Ranger lvl-19


Located in the Lorish Forest on the Terek River just to the south of the Dressis Swamp. The town is about 82 miles to the west of the city of Lorish. The elves here live at the edge of the Dressis Swamp and are ever vigilant against the unsavory denizens who live there. Several small towers line the river on the border with the swamp, and the patrols are frequent.


The might Fortress Ti'thren is located in the center of the city and is built around a gigantic ancient ironwood tree. The city council members meet there regularly.




Although there are private places within the city where people can worship their god, there are four proper temples here.


Em'Sharfhei   K'Tash   Orulen   Srultavin


Wizard Presence


Wizards are an integral part of Pirn society and are well-respected. Within Fortress Ti'thren resides the Council of the Varrenstar, an ancient arcane order.


Merchant Guild


Although there are no formal guilds within the city, where business owners function freely and independently, there is a merchant broker's office run by the city to coordinate the movement of goods in and out of Pirn.


Criminal Presence

Aside from a few instances of petty crime within Pirn, crime is rare. The elves take a dim view of the practice and severely punish those involved. Many times, the offenders are expulsed from the city.


Other Places of Interest


Helm of the Varrenstar


The founder of Pirn was a valiant elven wizard by the name of Oniah Varren, who is said to have been blessed by the hand of K'tash himself long ago. The Varrenstar is a white gem of incredible power that was supposedly plucked from the stars and given to Oniah to be used as a symbol of hope and prosperity. The gem was placed in a helm and has been worn by each head of the order for centuries.







Leader: Most High Ruehar Vulluin

Population: 5,339

Power Center: Nonstandard

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Races: Elves: 4,798; Halflings: 226; Humans: 200; Dwarves: 100; Others: 15

Guards: 314; Militia: 866

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-17


Located in the Lorish Forest near the southern tip of the Rocroost Mountains, about 52 miles to the northwest of Lorish City. This very old city is an important stop along the northern trade route in Criksrad, meaning there is a lot of traffic.




Em'Sharfhei   Srultavin   Pomoleth   Toh Pana


Wizard Presence


A wise council of five elven wizards preside over all things arcane and having to do with the prosperity of the city.


Criminal Presence


Crime exists in the form of a few individuals but no organizations to speak of. This is due to the harsh penalties that elves impose upon criminals. Many times, guilty people are kicked out of the city and told never to return.


Other Points of Interest









Leader: Council Head Tathaln Steelforge

Population: 10,268

Power Center: Nonstandard

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Races: Dwarves: 10,217; Halflings: 25; Humans: 12; Others: 14

Guards: 516; Militia: 1,169

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-14


Located on the northeastern border of Criksrad, Kinallen borders the Gloridon Desert.




There are several temples within Kinallen.


Dotorus   Kergon   Kharsallis   Mordrun   Qurophys


Wizard Presence


The Order of the Cracked Table is a council of four wizards who impart their wisdom on the arcane and many other matters.


Criminal Presence


Crime exists within Kinallen, along with a few organizations that operate here.


Caergon Bastards




Deep Dodgers




Diamond Dogs




Lasting Lads


Other Places of Interest









Leader: Council Head Allathar Sertein

Population: 5,663

Power Center: Magic

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Races: Elves: 2,863; Humans: 2,000; Halflings: 600; Others: 200

Guards: 400; Militia: 623

Sheriff: Mage lvl-14


Located in the Lorish Forest on the Aigar River, about 63 miles to the southeast of the city of Lorish.




The following temples are located in Arbington.


Em'Sharfhei   Gharan-Dis   K'Tash   Srultavin   Tlancu


Wizard Presence


The Chosen is a council of three high mages living in their jade tower at the center of he city.


Criminal Presence


Crime is very light within Arbington due to the harsh punishments, up to and including expulsion from the city.



Other Places of Interest









Leader: Council Head Shyonia Meira (F)

Population: 7,462

Power Center: Nonstandard

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Races: Elves: 6,771; Halflings: 429; Humans: 200; Others: 50

Guards: 580; Militia: 990

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-17


Located in the Lorish Forest, about 30 miles to the southwest of Lorish City.




The following temples are located here.


Em'Sharfhei   Ianlia   Srultavin   Ytos


Wizard Presence


The White Well is a council of three mages who sit on the council and offer their wisdom on all matters.


Criminal Presence


Crime is very light within Livohka due to the harsh punishments, up to and including expulsion from the city.


Other Points of Interest









Leader: Council Leader Arl Oacenth

Population: 5,793

Power Center: Nonstandard

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Races: Elves: 5,093; Gnomes: 300; Humans: 200; Others: 200

Guards: 425; Militia: 900

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-9


Located in Sea Wood on the shores of the Tarsis Gulf, about 125 miles to the northeast of Varn.




The following temples are located here.


Em'Sharfhei   Orulen   Su Reh


Wizard Presence


An arch mage sits upon the elven council lending wisdom on many things.


Criminal Presence


Crime is punished harshly, so there is hardly any to speak of.


Other Points of Interest









Leader: Most Revered Melarue Aila (f)

Population: 4,147

Power Center: Nonstandard

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Races: Elves: 3,101; Halflings: 322; Gnomes: 200; Humans: 11; Others: 13

Guards: 228; Militia: 572

Sheriff: Ranger lvl-17


Located in Sea Wood on the shores of the waters separating Sea Wood and Kerus Isle, about 110 miles to the southwest of Pijali.




The following temples are located here.


Ardru   Em'Sharfhei   Srultavin


Wizard Presence


Two prominent mages meet in the city council chambers to lend their wisdom to all matters.


Criminal Presence


An arch mage sits upon the elven council lending wisdom on many things.


Other Points of Interest









Leader: Council First Marikoth Ninthalor

Population: 7,296

Power Center: Nonstandard

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Races: Elves: 6,793; Halflings: 337; Gnomes: 118; Humans: 100; Others: 20

Guards: 418; Militia: 1,099

Sheriff: Ranger lvl-18


Located in the Lorish Forest, about 75 miles to the northwest of Pijali.




Em'Sharfhei   Srultavin   Ytos


Wizard Presence


A local wizard resides on the city council to lend their perspective to matter of the arcane and more.


Criminal Presence


An arch mage sits upon the elven council lending wisdom on many things.


Other Points of Interest









Leader: City First Gorre Klaern

Population: 4,906

Power Center: Nonstandard

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Races: Elves: 3,869; Humans: 400; Halflings: 68; Gnomes: 58; Others: 10

Guards: 415; Militia: 959

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-10


Located in the Laraunt Forest on the border with the Dwarven Kingdom about 85 miles to the northeast of Pijali. Bordering with the Dwarven Kingdom, Oldham is well-fortified.




The following temples are located here.


Em'Sharfhei   Revenkai   Vor


Wizard Presence


The Ancient Three is a council of arch mages that lend their wisdeom to the people of Oldham.


Criminal Presence


An arch mage sits upon the elven council lending wisdom on many things.


Other Points of Interest







Kair Bhanrithe


Leader: Leader of the Quorum Irhaal Wynnter

Population: 9,080

Power Center: Nonstandard

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Races: Elves: 8,336; Halflings: 421; Humans: 321; Others: 16

Guards: 615; Militia: 1,061

Sheriff: Ranger lvl-16


Located in the Lorish Forest on the border with the Dwarven Kingdom about 135 miles to the southeast of Bacrone'. Kair Bhanrithe is a walled, fortified city able to defends great assaults if need be. The star of the great city is Castle Hublerhine, which rises on a tall rocky hill in the center of the city.




Em'Sharfhei   Srultavin   Ianlia   Ytos


Wizard Presence


High within a tight circle of towering ironwood trees are the elegant buildings that are inhabited by the Shining Mist, a council of three distinguished elven wizards who are considered wise elders that are looked to for advise on all matters arcane and beyond.


Criminal Presence


Criminal activity is practically non-existent in the city, limited to a few deviants. Deterrence comes in the form of harsh punishment up to and including expulsion.


Other Points of Interest


Songbirds of Caainar


Every spring is ushered in by a flock of beautiful red, yellow, and green songbirds that are extremely rare. they roost in the trees of the city for several days, filling the air with their entrancing melodies. People visit from miles around to view and hear them.





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