Northern Houress

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Kingdom of Dockrawlin


King Goraim Evenbrook


Leader: King Goraim Evenbrook
Capital: Xamvil (30,300)
Population: 330,000+

Elves, Dwarves, Halflings, Gnomes, and Others

Humanoids: Few

Gold, Silver, Gems, Foodstuffs, Fishing and Timber


Current Political Structure
3 Kingdoms, their Kings, and their Capital Cities


King Goraim Evenbrook

Kingdom of Shallieth

Capital City: Xamvil

Duke Thurvallinor

Duchy of Sohr Khorrem

Capital City: Onthgeloom

Duke Edron Stanisar

Duchy of Vassiara

Capital City: Pemara




City Leader Pop. Pred. Race
Abaria Forgg 5,300 Human
Ahsves Hani (F) 6,200 Human
Bastian Khor Vahkis 7,300 Dwarven
Bekloro Dommay 7,400 Human
Borchar Stliav 8,000 Human
Briarfain Chocksi 4,100 Halfling
Calbuque Aien 5,000 Human
Chochri Billigi 5,800 Dwarven
Darch Urhai Kaggoor 8,000 Dwarven
Darkrenn Daizin 6,300 Elven
Derbo Valessa (F) 5,600 Human
Eldariar Edwarn 8,500 Human
Fenhollow Wombell 3,600 Halfling
Finethki Raiith 9,000 Elven
Gavith Pointe Dezmere 11,000 Human
Gep Keetine 8,900 Elven
Goraldi Terevald 14,000 Human
Hakidra Ilsoorga 9,000 Human
Horokima Bonndt 5,400 Human
Hothlei Mercille (F) 5,800 Elven
Jabbrine Tommkoh 6,000 Human
Kai Gohn Xinoq 6,500 Human
Kovilstoor Troff 8,900 Human
Onthgeloom+ Thurvallinor 19,300 Dwarven
Pemara+ Elron 24,000 Human
Penlethe Urven 7,100 Elven
Ponnofei Eobor 4,800 Human
Quijero Jaizix 6,100 Human
Sherady Naule 6,000 Human
Sinjhin Gorfield 7,300 Human
Telik Prie (F) 4,300 Halfling
Thainhoth Faelmire 6,900 Human
Tulopor Embri 7,000 Human
Velille Zuriash 6,000 Human
Vethkree Pindro 5,600 Human
Vlocca Angulofen 8,000 Human
Xamvil*+ Gorain 30,300 Elven
Yokoyo Hascon 7,800 Human
Zoloa Dmvran 4,200 Human


* = country capital

+ = dukedom capital

Garland is a territory that is as old as the Hestrillite Empire, dating back to a time just after the 1st Age of Man.

Dockrawlin is a very old kingdom, having been established near the end of the 2nd Age of Man. Having been involved in several bloody wars with the Vohrn orcs, the people of Dockrawlin evolved into a warrior people, with deep roots in personal and mass combat. Children are taught the way of the sword and spear as soon as they are able to walk. The population follows ages-old strict codes and a caste system that clearly defines roles based upon birth and position.

Outsiders are tolerated, with a few having earned the full trust of the Dockrawlinian people. Trade is tightly regulated and taxed. Those who violate any rules and laws in the kingdom are punished severely.

Dragons are looked upon with awe and respect here, something the beasts are aware of. Anyone harming a dragon, unless in self-defense, will be punished harshly up to and including execution.

Points of Interest

Abaris Plains


These vast flat plains stretch on for many miles and are prime lands for farming.

Bay of Horpl

This massive bay is accessed the Wildlands, the Kingdom of Dockrawlin, and the Northlands. The waters are shallow and must be navigated with great care, for many ships have been lost here.

Forlhest River

This river flows out from the Portrire Mountains. The waterway makes up part of the northern border between Dockrawlin and Ergony.

Gerimlis Hills

Located at the western end of the kingdom, these hills are homes to halflings, gnomes, and a few other humanoids.

Jeven Forest

A massive ancient forest covering nearly a third of the kingdom, the Jeven Forest is home to a great many elven clans and other wonders.

Quijero Forest

Sprawling along the southern underbelly of the kingdom, the Quijero Forest is very old and home to many wild elves and other forest creatures. Traveling through here can be perilous if one is not prepared.

Stavik Bay

A small bay on the underside of the kingdom, Stavik Bay is a profitable place to fish and is a natural barrier to the harsh storms that threaten the coastline.

The Great Inland Sea

This vast sea is bordered by Garland, the Vohrn Territories, the Elvenlands, the Poulcea Province, the Hestrillite Empire, and the Kingdom of Dockrawlin. Many hundreds of ships from all of the listed countries sail these waters, mostly to do trade.


Urally River


This river flows out of Ergony and splits the border between Dockrawlin and the Vohrn Territories before emptying into The Great Inland Sea.


Uruthanna Crags


Connecting to the Portrire Mountains in Ergony, the crags run south and west through Dockrawlin.




Significant Events/Holidays/Etc.


Time of Thanks


Date: 11th-13th day of the Month of Spring's Waning


A national holiday to celebrate all the good fortune that has come to Dockrawlin since the end of the orc wars and the prosperity that the people have enjoyed. The occasion is marked by three days of rest and festivities.


the moment when the various communities of the land that is now Garland decided to come together as a country. The exact date is lost in lore, but many believe it was sometime during the 2nd Age.







For as long as anyone in Dockrawlin can remember, there have been castes observed in those communities that are predominately human. These castes define an individual's place in society. For societies that are predominately made up of non-humans, they adhere to their own rules.


The six castes (in order of importance and wealth are: Nobility, Warrior, Religious, Wizard, Merchant, and Laborer. Each caste will always defer to those belonging to the caste above it. Non-humans are aware of this and observe these rituals when traveling within predominately human areas of the country. With few exceptions, women are looked upon as secondary to men.







Slavery is legal and closely regulated by the nobility caste. Those who trade illegally or run afoul of established laws face stiff and often painful penalties.





Duchy of Shallieth


Cities, Villages, Towns, Etc.




Leader: Warmaster Billigi Hammerthon

Population: 5,800

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Neutral Evil

Races: Dwarves: 4,600; Humans: 700; Halflings: 300; Gnomes: 150; Others: 50

Guards: 550; Militia: 1,850

Sheriff: Warrior lvl-16


Chochri is a walled city located in the southwestern part of the kingdom on the border with the Wildlands and the Dwarflands. Chochri stands as an entry point into the Dwarflands and the steady stream of merchants flowing north and south.




Although people here may pray to various gods, there are three temples here.


Horgarin   Kergon   Kharsallis


Wizard Presence


Although dwarven wizards are uncommon, there are several living in Chochri in the Zhorasti, an ancient sanctum located far below the city. Although the lair is shrouded in secrecy, the wizards have been in good standing for centuries.


Criminal Presence


Crime in dwarven society is highly discouraged by harsh punishments. No criminal organization of note exists in Chochri, although there are several small groups of petty thieves intermittently plying their trade.


Other Places of Interest







Darch Urhai


Leader: Highmaster Kagoor Vinglebrok

Population: 8,000

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Races: Dwarves: 6,200; Humans: 1,400: Halflings: 300; Gnomes: 150; Others: 50

Sheriff: Warrior lvl-18


A city predominately made up of dwarves, Darch Urhai lies on a well-traveled road consisting primarily of merchants. At least 50% of the city exists underground, built into the Germilis Hills. The city itself, as with most dwarven cities, is walled and well-patrolled at all times.




Although people here may pray to various gods in private, there are three temples to any of the gods in this city.


Ardru   Kergon   Kharsallis   Mordrun


Wizard Presence


Those Council of the Wise is a trio of wizards who serve the city and the wizards within. They ensure there is no misuse of the arcane arts, and they serve as advisors to the government.


Criminal Presence


Crime within Darch Urhai is light, for the punishments for breaking the law are usually quite extreme. There is only one acknowledged organized gang.


The Inner Sight


This group of elusive criminals are thought to be well-off individuals, with some being nobles. Crimes from petty to elaborate and subtle have been attributed to The Inner Sight.


Other Points of Interest


Fossil of Thianevven


In a deep, ancient cave within the Gerimlis Hills lies fossilized remains of a dragon named Thianevven. The legend is that this creature had terrorized the lands for a thousand miles from where Darch Urhai stands today. A great warrior by the named of Gray Dove slew the dragon somewhere near the end of the 2nd Age of Man. Thianevven's remains were found about 500 years ago. Some of his bones had been stolen before the leaders of the city proclaimed the remains as sacred and made them off limits.







Leader: His Grace Daizin Sili

Population: 6,300

Power Center: Unconventional

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Races: Elves: 5,400; Humans 300; Halflings: 800; Gnomes: 100; Others: 50

Guards: 540; Militia: 850

Sheriff: Warrior lvl-16


This is a city where the primarily elven inhabitants are ardent followers of Em'Sharfhei. His Grace Daizin Sili is a powerful priest who inspires his people by example. Although Darkrenn is open to travelers, it is known to be a rather stuffy and inhospitable to any who do not follow Em'Sharfhei. The small human church of Toh Pana is marginally tolrated.




There are only two temples within this city.


Em'Sharfhei   Srultavin   Toh Pana


Wizard Presence


Out of necessity, a dingle wizard is allowed to live in Darkrenn out of necessity to have at lease one top-level arcane caster in case of threats to the city. He is a gnomish summoner who lives a mile to the west of the city in a small white tower surrounded by hedges that ruse 20'.


Criminal Presence


Crime is virtually non-existent in Darkrenn, for it goes against Em'Sharfhei's teachings and the punishments are severe. There are rare robberies and petty thefts once in a while, though.


Other Points of Interest


Fae Grove


To the north of Darkrenn is a magical area of the forest where the fae, mostly dryads, frolic and play at night. Anyone who comes to them peacefully will be asked to eat and drink with them while partying long into the night. When the morning comes, the fae will be gone only to return at sunset. Their leader is Coshee, and she is most beautiful.







Leader: Mayor Wombell Bombly

Population: 3,600

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Races: Halflings: 3,200; Elves 100; Humans: 150; Gnomes: 50

Guards: 140; Militia: 750

Sheriff: Warrior lvl-15


A cheerful community located at the southern end of the Jeven Forest, Fenhollow is known throughout the country as a place that produces the finest tobacco around. It is called the Kiss of Srultavin and fetches a high price for those who can get some.




Although people here may pray to various gods in private, there is only one temple here.




Wizard Presence


Those are two local wizards who live within Fenhollow.


Criminal Presence


Very little crime exists here, for the penalties for even small infractions are costly and even lead to excommunication.


Other Points of Interest









Leader: Mayor Rangus Thurlaskas

Population: 11,800

Power Center: Neutral Good

Races: Humans: 6,600; Dwarves 1,300; Halflings: 800; Gnomes: 250; Others: 50

Guards: 540; Militia: 850


Located on the northwestern border of the kingdom, Finethki is an important defensive cog in the system guarding the border. The city is walled and surrounds Fortress Zafarell




Although people here may pray to various gods in private, there six temples here.


Celphea   Ianlia   Kharsallis   Nynneon

Srultavin   Tlancu   Vahntorii


Wizard Presence


The Revered Eight live in Fortress Zafarell. From there, they practice their craft and consider all things arcane.


Criminal Presence


Aside from crimes committed by unassociated individuals, there are five reputed gangs that vex the law in this city.


Army of a Million Itchy Fingers


Empty Pockets


High Notes


Inglorious Tricksters


Silent Lads


Other Points of Interest









Leader: Lord Keetine Laire

Population: 8,900

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Lawful Good

Races: Elves 7,600, Humans: 700; Halflings: 300; Gnomes: 250; Others: 50

Guards: 640; Militia: 1,240

Sheriff: Warrior lvl-17


Located at the extreme northwestern border of the kingdom and borders on The Great Inland sea, Gep is a well-fortified walled city that is an important trade point.


Castle Busoway is an impressive fortification that sits on a high hill in the center of the city.




Although people here have many beliefs that involve several gods, there are only two formal temples within the city.


Aroth   Em'Sharfhei


Wizard Presence


An elven wizard enclave resides in Sommotel Tower, which rises beside Castle Busoway. These wizards oversee all matters of the arcane.


Criminal Presence


There is little crime here, as punishments are severe and can sometimes include banishment from the city.


Other Points of Interest









Leader: Mistress Mercille Beirall (F)

Population: 5,800

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Races: Elven: 6,600; Gnomes: 450, Halflings: 300; Others: 50

Guards: 640; Militia: 900

Sheriff: Warrior lvl-15


Hothlei is home to the Ithorai Elves of the Jeven Forest. They are quite protective and are aggressive toward anyone moving through their territory. They usually demand at least 50 gp for non-elves and non-residents moving along their roads unless it is for reasons of trade.




Although people here have many beliefs that involve several gods, there are only two formal temples within the city.


Em'Sharfhei    Orulen


Wizard Presence


The White Circle is the organization that the Ithorai wizards belong do. They are a tight group of mysterious elves who rarely share their secrets with anyone outside of the circle, including their own people.


Criminal Presence


Those who commit crimes are harshly punished, so there is little of it. Many times, infractions result in banishment from the city.


Other Places of Interest









Leader: Lord Tommkoh Amrakai

Population: 6,000

Power Center: Theocracy

Alignment: Lawful Good

Races: Human: 4,200; Dwarves: 1,300; Halflings: 200; Gnomes: 200; Others: 100

Guards: 440; Militia: 1,150

Sheriff: Warrior lvl-16


Jabbrine is a city located between the Gerimlis Hills and the northern border of the Wildlands. Located along a natural trail linking Cochri and Darch Urhai, Jabbrine sees a lot of merchant traffic.


The city is ruled by a powerful priest of Vor named Tommkoh Amrakai. He and his divine followers ensure that the citizens of Jabbrine have law, order and Vor in their hearts.




Although there are people within the city who worship different gods, there is only one temple here.




Wizard Presence


Being a religious city, Jabbrine has almost no practicing wizards living there. The only wizard allowed to do soby Tommkoh is a male half-elf transmuter named Searock Vrehm.


Criminal Presence


Aside from a few individual bad apples living within the city, there is virtually no crime in Jabbrine. Punishments for even menial violations are quite severe.


Other Places of Interest


Grand Citadel of Vor


This massive structure, with a pitched roof made of glass, dominates the center of the city. The oly place is capable of housing nearly 300 worshippers at any given time. Rising over the entrance is a 50' tall white statue of Vor's owl, a clock clutched to its feathered breast.







Leader: His Grace Urven Ziatroll

Population: 7,100

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Neutral Good

Races: Elves: 5,400; Humans: 1,200; Halflings: 300; Gnomes: 150; Others: 50

Guards: 720; Militia: 1500

Sheriff: Warrior lvl-17


Located at the far western border, Panlethe is a predominately elven city that is well-fortified. Castle Fahtheah is an unmistakable feature of the city.




Although there are many people who worship different deities, there are only three temples in Panlethe.


Em'Sharfhei   Peleah   Shozrei


Wizard Presence


The Council of the White Fire resides in the Evertower near the castle. Here, the wizards meet on all matters of the arcane.


Criminal Presence


Crime does exist here in some small measure, mostly because the penalties for quite severe, up to and including banishment from the city.


Other Places of Interest









Leader: Lord Eobor Iccius

Population: 4,800

Power Center: Magical

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Races: Humans: 4,100; Elves: 400; Gnomes: 250; Others: 50

Guards: 430; Militia 890


Ponnofei lies on the eastern edge of the Jeven Forest. A cociety that reveres magic, there are quite a few wizards living in this very old city that sees a lot of merchant traffic.




Although people here may pray to various gods in private, there are only three temples here.


Em'Sharfhei   K'tash   Froyonnia


Wizard Presence


The official city organization overseeing wizardly affairs is the Gray Circle, which consists of 9 wizards. They reside in a massive hollowed ironwood tree near the center of the city. they are looked upon as wise and they are instrumental in key decisions regarding the affairs of Ponnofei.


Criminal Presence


As with all cities, there is some crime here, but there hasn't been any criminal organizations for a very long time. There have been recent whispers about a group called The Shadow Web that may be thinking of or have already moved into the city.


Other Places of Interest


Arcane Scrying Pool


In a sacred area of the forest that is fiercely protected at all times, there is a large enchanted pool. No one knows how it came to be, but anyone gazing into the pool will see shifting random images of people and places from far away. Despite the efforts of many powerful wizards over the centuries, no one has been able to discern a pattern or who the people/places are.







Leader: Lord Angulofen Walmm

Population: 8,000

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Races: Humans: 5,500; Elves: 1,500; Halflings: 700; Gnomes: 250; Others: 50

Guards: 840 Militia: 1,320

Sheriff: Warrior lvl-18


Located on the country's southern border with the Wildlands, Vlocca is a walled city that is well-fortified. The city itself surrounds Castle Koanomm which rises on a hill in the center.


There is always a squad of soldiers that patrol the magical wall that surrounds the Wildlands to warn people from entering lest they never return.




Although people here may pray to various gods in private, there are are 4 temples here.


Dotorus   Em'Sharfhei   Ianlia   Ytos  


Wizard Presence


Within a tower in the castle are three wizards who work as the offical council of Vlocca. They oversee all matters of the arcane.


Criminal Presence


Crime exists here. Aside from individuals who break the law, there are three known organizations that vex authorities on a regular basis.


Blind Curse




Lasting Voice








Other Places of Interest









Leader: Most Revered Gorain Daorthan

Population: 30,300

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Lawful Good

Races: Elves: 19,600; Humans: 9,400; Halflings: 750; Gnomes: 150; Others: 50

Guards: 1,600; Militia 8,500

Sheriff: Warrior lvl-20


Xamvil rests on the far western border of Dockrawlin on the shores of The Great Inland Sea and helps to guard against invasion from the Vohrn orcs to the north. There are three war galleys that patrol the waters here. Castle Loarbath




Many pray in private, but the following temples are available within the city.


Aroth   Em'Sharfhei   Nynneon   Pomoleth

Srultavin   Ya-Nu


Wizard Presence


The Starfire Council is made up of eight wizards who meet in the Tower of Lenn in Castle Loarbath. They oversee all matters of the arcane within the city.


Criminal Presence


There is criminal activity here, mostly within the non-elven parts of Xamvil. There are three criminal organizations functioning here.


Bane of Crizz


This longtime guild has prowled the non-human portion of the city for over three centuries and prides itself on clean jobs where little to no evidence is left behind to implicate them in any wrongdoing.


Gambling Eyes


An outfit that focuses on the betting side of society, bilking people using every dark shady trick in the book.


Whispering Wind


A group of extorionists who use information to barter and blackmail to get what they desire.


Other Points of Interest




A roughly five square mile patch of land is a place called Ghostwood. No one knows why, but the ghostly remnants of trees in this area that have died over the centuries remain.





Duchy of Sohr Korrem


Cities, Villages, Towns, Etc.




Leader: Mayor Forgg Olemson

Population: 5,300

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Lawful Good

Races: Humans: 4,400; Elves: 300; Halflings; 300; Gnomes: 150; Others: 150


Located in the country's breadbasket of the Abaris Plains, Abaria is a vital city that produces a great deal of food that is exported across the county. Castle Niah Viorn is located in the center of the city.




Many pray in private, but the following temples are available within the city.


Hstinzi   Ianlia   Revenkai


Wizard Presence


The Arcane Council meets within Castle Niah to oversee all matters of the arcane.



Criminal Presence


Petty crimes happen here, despite the severe penalties. There are two organizations identified as operating within Abaria.


Black Harvest


Noir Nickers


Other Places of Interest









Leader: Lady Hani Blee (F)

Population: 6,200

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Lawful Good

Races: Humans: 4,300; Elves: 800; Halflings: 650; Gnomes: 250; Others: 200

Guards: 410; Militia: 1,000

Sheriff: Warrior: lvl-17


Ahsves is a city located at the far eastern edge of the kingdom bordering with Ergony. Being a border city, it is walled and well-fortified to protect against attack. The centerpiece of the city is Castle Omgolvek.




There are four temples here.


Em'Sharfhei   Froyonnia   Hstinzi   Toh Pana


Wizard Presence


Within the Tower of Dreams, three high wizards meet on all matters of the arcane within the city.


Criminal Presence


Crime here is scarce. Aside from a few individuals who practice the pretty crimes of pick pocketing and small-time theft, there are three known organized groups here.


False Reach


High Tovens


Nadik Shadows


Other Places of Interest









Leader High Master Khor Vahkis

Population: 7,300

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Neutral Good

Races: Dwarves: 5,800; Elves: 700; Humans: 200; Halflings: 200; Gnomes: 50; Others; 50

Guards: 790; Militia: 1,250

Sheriff: Warrior lvl-17


Bastian sits on the northern border with the Vohrn Territories and is well-fortified for possible attacks from the orcs. The city itself is a walled fortress with Castle Ehr Sanneck on as its centerpiece.




There are three temples that exist here.


Em'Sharfhei   Kharsallis   Mordrun


Wizard Presence


There are independent wizards living in the city. The official wizard of the city lives within Castle Ehr Sanneck. 


Criminal Presence


Crime here is light, with punishments for even minor infractions being quite severe.


Other Places of Interest









Leader: Mayor Chocksi Thicktoes

Population: 4,100

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Races: Halflings: 3,200; Dwarves: 700; Human: 100; Gnomes: 50; Others: 50

Guards: 420; Militia: 850

Sheriff: Warrior lvl-17


Located near the northeast border by the southern reaches of the Uruthanna Crags, Brairfain is a predominately halfling city. Unlike most halfling communities, there is a dwarven built castle here called Durastia.




There are two temples here.


Kharsallis   Srultavin


Wizard Presence


Residing in Castle Durastia is the city wizard who oversees all matters of the arcane.


Criminal Presence


Crime is not prevalent within Briarfain because it is such a tightly knit community. Crime usually results in jail time and even expulsion from the city in the case of dire offenses.


Other Places of Interest


Golden Orchard


A prized orchard that is tended to by the entire halfling portion of the community is here. The apples are of a very rare golden color and are particularly tasty.







Leader: Lady Elessa Maranoosh (F)

Population: 5,600

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Neutral Good

Races: Human: 4,200; Dwarves: 800; Halflings: 500; Gnomes: 50 Others: 50

Guards: 740; Militia 1,100

Sheriff: Warrior lvl-19


Derbo is located in the northeaster portion of the kingdom near the furthest southern reaches of the Uruthanna Crags. A fairly peaceful community that produces a lot of foodstuffs, they welcome travelers. A structure called the Granite Keep rises at the southern gate.




There are five temples here


Breahal   Hstinzi   Kharsallis   Tlancu   Srultavin


Wizard Presence


The Fist of K'tash is a group of five wizards who live in a blue tower known as the Azure Tooth. They oversee all matters of the arcane here.


Criminal Presence


There are individual crimes that occur here. Still, there are two organizations that vex the law.


Free Fingers


Banded Winks


Other Places of Interest








Leader: Most revered Ilsoorga Kalveen

Population: 9,000

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Neutral Evil

Races: Human: 6,800; Elves: 1,300; Halflings: 700; Gnomes: 150 Others: 50

Guards: 990; Militia 1,300

Sheriff: Warrior lvl-18


Hakidra is at the extreme northeastern part of the kingdom on the border with Ergony and is therefore a well-fortified city. Dominating the center of the city is Castle Xamere.




There are five temple here.


Em'Sharfhei   Jahrru   Orodar   Srultavin   Thirion


Wizard Presence


The Triangle of the Three is a triumverate of wizards that oversee all things arcane within the city. They meet within Castle Xemere.


Criminal Presence


Crime is present within the city. There are three organized gangs in Xamera.


Arkoh Bastards


Lovely Ones


Quick Shadows


Other Places of Interest









Leader: Mayor Bonndt Cono

Population: 5,400

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Lawful Good

Races: Human: 4,300; Elves: 800; Halflings: 200; Gnomes: 50 Others: 50

Guards: 380; Militia 990

Sheriff: Warrior lvl-16


Located near the border with Ergony in the northeastern part of the kingdom, Horokima is another city that produces a great deal of foodstuffs. The castle here is called Nomistah.




There are four temples here.


Celphea   Em'Sharfhei   Horgarin   Hstinzi  


Wizard Presence


The Council of the High Flame is composed of three wizards who meet in Castle Nomistah. The oversee all matters of the arcane.


Criminal Presence


Crime does exist here. Aside from individuals who commit them, there are two criminal organizations that vex law.


Four Flames


Young Ravens


Other Places of Interest







Kai Gohn


Leader: Highmaster Xinoq Chamm

Population: 6,500

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Races: Human: 4,700; Dwarves: 1,100; Elves: 350; Halflings: 300; Gnomes: 100 Others: 50

Guards: 640; Militia 1,120

Sheriff: Warrior lvl-18


Kai Gohn guards the northern border with Ergony. This well-fortified city is ready to meet any invading army. Castle Underlock rises from the center of the city.




There are four temples here.


Ardru   Gonibrahth   Kharsallis   Toh Pana


Wizard Presence


The White Robes is a three wizard council residing in their tower, known as The Loft. They oversee all matters of the arcane.


Criminal Presence


Crime exists here. Aside from individuals who commit them, there are three organized gangs that operate within the city.


Other Places of Interest









Leader: Battlemaster Thurvallinor Ironhorn

Population: 19,300

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Races: Dwarves: 17,200; Human: 1,200; Halflings: 600; Gnomes: 250 Others: 50

Guards: 1,100; Militia 5,950

Sheriff: Warrior lvl-20


A large dwarven city, Onthgeloom has existed for a very long time. This is a walled city that is heavily fortified, as it has been for centuries. Legendary Battlemaster Thurvallinor Ironhorn is the leader of this great metropolis, and he resides in Fortress Clandrzun.




There are five temples here.


Dotorus   Gharan-Dis   Grothkele   Kergon   Kharsallis


Wizard Presence


High in the Tower of Hubrott, the Council of Eight assumes the role of keepers of the arcane in the city. Those wishing to reside within the city and practice their craft must register with the council first.


Criminal Presence


Despite the harsh punishments meted out by dwarven society for crime, there are still three known criminal organizations within the city.


Blessed Stone


A group of malcontents who seem to take great pride in robbing the well-to-do and giving the loot to the poor.


Delver Demons


Known for robbing miners and plundering that which they mine, this group is reviled by most dwarves.


Sacred Brothers


Believed to have been started by a trio of angry brothers centuries ago, this gang has thrived by victimizing non-dwarven people.


Other Places of Interest


Fortress Clandrzun


This ancient stone fortress rises upon a hill of pure granite and has served to protect the citizens of Onthgeloom for centuries. There is rumored to be at least 1,000 warriors housed within the fortress.


Lykos Tower


About five miles to the north of Onthgeloom is a very old tower that used to be inhabited by a mysterious wizard named Tarkoff but has recently been taken over by one called Lykos. No one approached the tower while the previous inhabitant was there but remain fearful still of what the new wizard might be like.







Leader: Mayor Naule Karusti

Population: 6,000

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Races: Human: 3,700; Elves: 1,800; Halflings: 300; Gnomes: 100 Others: 100

Guards: 600; Militia 1,000

Sheriff: Warrior lvl-17


Sherady is near the center of the kingdom at the northern edge of the Quijero Forest. A vital city in the trade roads criss-crossing the country, Sherady produces a lot of foodstuffs and timber for the region. The city is protected by Castle Iastry




There are four temples here.


Ardru   Em'Sharfhei   Hstinzi   Williommox


Wizard Presence


The Emerald Enclave is a council of three wizards who reside in Ghossamor Tower. They oversee all matters of the arcane here.


Criminal Presence


Aside from individuals who commit crimes here, there are two known organized gangs.


Golden Heels


Pocket Pinchers


Other Places of Interest









Leader: High Brow Prie Lorndon (F)

Population: 4,300

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Neutral Good

Races: Halflings: 4,000; Dwarves: 150; Humans: 100; Others: 50

Guards: 230; Militia 510

Sheriff: Warrior lvl-16


Located in the hills at the southern reaches of the Uruthanna Crags, this predominately halfling city is well known for its hospitality. They grow good food and great tobacco that people covet across the kingdom.




There are two temples here.


Revenkai   Srultavin


Wizard Presence


Two wizards oversee matters of the arcane within the city. The preside in the Ironwood Tower near the front gate.


Criminal Presence


Although there are some lawbreakers here and there, crime is relatively light in Telik. There is one known gang that causes trouble here.


The Twisted Toes


Other Places of Interest









Leader: Mayor Embri Quanille

Population: 7,000

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Neutral Good

Races: Humans: 6,000; Halflings: 800; Dwarves: 100; Gnomes: 50 Others: 50

Guards: 410; Militia 980

Sheriff: Warrior lvl-17


A city on the western reaches of the Abaris Plains, Tulopor's primary production is food. They are an integral cog in the trade routes along the northern part of the kingdom.




Therer are four temples here.


Hstinzi   Quill   Srultavin


Wizard Presence


A master wizard residing in the Varias Keep oversees all matters of the arcane within the city.


Criminal Presence


Small individual crimes are committed by people occasionally. There are two criminal gangs that vex the authorities within the city.


Grinning Sprites


Last Gasps


Other Places of Interest









Leader: Mayor Damvran Travasse

Population: 4,200

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Neutral Good

Races: Humans: 3,600; Halflings: 400; Gnomes: 150 Others: 50

Guards: 470; Militia 780

Sheriff: Warrior lvl-16


Located in nearly the exact center of the kingdom, Zoloa is another food-producing city along the extensive royal trade routes.




There are three temples here.


Hstinzi   Peleah   Srultavin


Wizard Presence


Within the Tower of Lelarr resides the city's offiicial wizard. He adjudicates all matters of the arcane.


Criminal Presence


There is some crime here within the city, most of it committed by small-time individuals. Two gangs exist that vex the local authorities.


All Takers


Circle of the Feather


Other Places of Interest







Duchy of Vassiara


Cities, Villages, Towns, Etc.




Leader: Mayor Doomay Ahrken

Population: 7,400

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Lawful Good

Races: Humans: 6,600; Dwarves: 1,300; Halflings: 800; Gnomes: 250 Others: 50

Guards: 640; Militia 1,200

Sheriff: Warrior lvl-19


Bekloro sits on the southernmost tip of the kingdom and guards the mouth of Stavik Bay. The city brings in a great many fish. Frowning over the entrance is Castle Graystraven. There is always a war galley berthed here.




There are four temples here.


Aroth   Horgarin   Kharsallis   Srultavin


Wizard Presence


The Hand of K'tash is a group of five wizards who meet in Castle Graystraven and oversee all matters of the arcane.


Criminal Presence


Crime exists here at all levels. There are three gangs residing here that give the authorities headaches.


Dark Dancers


Eyes of the Rats


Yellow Smirks


Other Places of Interest









Leader: Lord Staliav Zhasinon

Population: 8,000

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Neutral Good

Races: Humans: 7,100; Elves: 300; Halflings: 300; Gnomes: 250 Others: 50

Guards: 720; Militia 1,570

Sheriff: Warrior lvl-18


Located on the border with Ergony on the southwestern side of the kingdom, Borchar is a fortified city that stands in readiness against invasion. Fortress Voltikoor rises from the center of the great city. There are many farms here that produce a great deal of foodstuffs.




There are four temples here.


Hstinzi   Grothkele   Shozrei   Thirion


Wizard Presence


Within Fortress Voltkoor is the Council of Mystics, a group of nine wizards who oversee all matters of the arcane.


Criminal Presence


Crime does take place here within the city at all levels. There are three known gangs that work here.


Early Birds


Invisible Hand


Khat Moran


Other Places of Interest









Leader: His Most High Aien Thoost

Population: 5,000

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Races: Humans: 4,300; Halflings: 400; Gnomes: 150 Others: 150

Guards: 390; Militia 800

Sheriff: Warrior lvl-16


Located near the southern coast of the kingdom Calbuque is another food-producing city. Castle Intenne rises in the center of the city.




There are three temples here.


Breahal   Hstinzi   Srultavin


Wizard Presence


The three-wizard Evercouncil meets in Castle Intenne and oversees all matters of the arcane.


Criminal Presence


Crime here is relatively light, but there is one organized crime gang that continually vexes local law.


The Harvesters


Other Places of Interest









Leader: Mayor Edwarn Wallif

Population: 8,500

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Races: Humans: 7,400; Elves: 500; Halflings: 400; Dwarves: 100; Gnomes: 50 Others: 50

Guards: 790; Militia 1,300

Sheriff: Warrior lvl-19


Located on the southern coast of the kingdom, Edariar is a fishing city. There is always a war galley patrolling the waters of the Bay of Horpl. The twin black keeps Onyx and Night overlook the shores in constant vigilance for danger.




There are four temples here.


Aroth   Dotorus   Em'Sharfhei   Pomoleth


Wizard Presence


Meeting within Onyx Tower is the Arcane Light, a group of five wizards that oversee all matters of the arcane.


Criminal Presence


As with any city, there is crime here. Aside from individual criminals, there are three gangs that operate here.


Deft Dandies


Lords of Night


Quiet Bunch


Other Places of Interest







Gavith Pointe


Leader: Lord Dezmere Ceccunis

Population: 11,000

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Neutral Good

Races: Humans: 8,300; Dwarves: 1,500; Elves: 800; Halflings: 300; Gnomes: 150 Others: 50

Guards: 890; Militia 1,530

Sheriff: Warrior lvl-20


Guarding the northern mouth of Stavik Bay, Gavith Pointe is a fortified city to protect the southern underbelly of the kingdom. The city's fishermen bring in a great amount of fish annually. Castle Nur Gheth rises from the center of the city.




There are six temples here.


Aroth   Avizor   Em'Sharfhei   Kharsallis   Quill   Su Reh


Wizard Presence


The Silver Circle is a group of seven wizards that meet within Castle Nur Gheth to debate all matters of the arcane.


Criminal Presence


Aside from small time criminals in th city, there are four known gangs that vex authorities.


Bald Bastards


Eager Fists


High Hands


Old Boys


Other Places of Interest









Leader: Lord Terevald Tuscree

Population: 14,000

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Neutral Good

Races: Humans: 13,200; Halflings: 300; Gnomes: 300 Others: 300

Guards: 1,590; Militia 3,500

Sheriff: Warrior lvl-20


This well-populated and bustling port city guards the border with Ergony. Goraldi is fortified and has at least one warship patrolling the area at all times. The amount of trade coming into the country via the ocean is quite considerable.




There are six temples in the city.


Aroth   Nynneon   Pomoleth   Quill   Shozrei   Ya-Nu


Wizard Presence


Within Castle Zotoria, the five-man Council of the Star meets to debate matters of the city and the arcane.


Criminal Presence


Crime is prevalent in Goraldi. Aside from independent thieves, hustlers, and burglars are five known criminal organizations that run afoul of the law.


Big Timers




Brawling Braggarts




Owl's Shadow




Poor Boys




Quiet Reflections




Other Places of Interest











Leader: Mayor Troff Landen

Population: 8,900

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Lawful Good

Races: Humans: 7,800; Elves: 500; Halflings: 250; Gnomes: 250 Others: 100

Guards: 640; Militia 900

Sheriff: Warrior lvl-18


Located on a vast plain in and on a major trade route, Kovilstoor is a busy city. Travelers are constantly moving through, meaning there is always trade and new goods coming through. The rich farmlands surrounding the city provide a great deal of food for the the kingdom.




There are four temples located here.


Em'Sharfhei   Hstinzi   Horgarin   Qurophys


Wizard Presence


A grand wizarding college is located in Kovilstoor called Valleren. The place is so prestigious that there is a long waiting list for people who must pass stringent testing to be allowed in. The Arcane Council oversees the college and all things arcane within the city.


Criminal Presence


As with most cities, crime is inevitable here. Aside from individual criminals, there are three organizations the run afoul of the law.


Cowled Furies








Rammen's Raiders




Other Places of Interest









Leader: Mayor Elron Fahcrem

Population: 24,000

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Races: Humans: 20,450; Elves: 1,300; Dwarves: 800; Halflings: 750; Gnomes: 650 Others: 50

Guards: 2,210; Militia 4,000

Sheriff: Warrior lvl-20


A major port of call for Dockrawlin, this huge metropolis sees constant ship and land trade traffic. The dock system here is one of the largest in Northern Houress. A a royal warship is constantly patrolling the waters here.




There are 10 temples here.


Ardru   Dotorus   Em'Sharfhei   Gharan-Dis   Kharsallis

Nynneon   Revenkai   Srultavin   Thirion   Vahntorii


Wizard Presence


The Crimson Cowls is a council of wizards dwelling in the Depthless Tower that exists underwater. They are an important part of Pemara's governing body, as well as the judges of all matters of the arcane.


Criminal Presence


As with most cities, crime exists here. There are seven organizations that vex the law.


All Seers








Bandy Boyd




End Runners




Fancy Crests




Jack Dons




Midnight Foxes




Other Places of Interest


Stoned Titan


Several hundred yards off shore, is a gigantic stone kraken rising out of the water. Centuries ago, the creature had threatened the city only to be stopped by Lenzo Kreeg, a paladin who had procured the head of a gorgon. He had flown out on his magic carpet and used the gorgon head to turn the kraken to stone.







Leader: Citymaster Jaizix Villenium

Population: 6,100

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Neutral Good

Races: Human: 4,000; Elves: 1,000; Halflings: 800; Gnomes: 250 Others: 50

Guards: 510; Militia 1,600

Sheriff: Warrior lvl-19


Located in the crook of Stavik Bay, Quiero is a coastal city of commerce that moves a great deal of trade from the ocean to the interior of the kingdom and vice versa.




There are four temples here.


Avizor   Em'Sharfhei   Peleah   Srultavin


Wizard Presence


Residing in the Keep of Secrets, a tri-council of mages oversee all things arcane within the city.


Criminal Presence


Crime is present within Quijero, with three organizations vexing local law.






Flesh Honor






Other Places of Interest









Leader: Mayor Gorfield Channe

Population: 7,300

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Races: Human: 5,900; Elves: 600; Halflings: 500; Gnomes: 200 Others: 100

Guards: 740; Militia 1,100

Sheriff: Warrior lvl-19


Another costal city along the kingdom's underbelly, Sinjhin sees a lot of trade via ship and land that come through its ports. Sinjhin is also known for the dark blue castle rising on the shore called Jah Vell.




There are four temple in the city


Gonibrahth   Em'Sharfhei   Orodar   Tlancu


Wizard Presence


The College of Magic is overseen by eight wizards representing each discipline. Together, they consider all matters of the arcane within the city.


Criminal Presence


Crime is alive and well within Sinjhin, with three known organizations that run afoul of the law.


Bane of the Noble












Other Places of Interest









Leader: Lord Faelmire Augeth

Population: 6,900

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Races: Human: 5,450; Elves: 750; Halflings: 500; Gnomes: 150 Others: 50

Guards: 740; Militia 1,100

Sheriff: Warrior lvl-19


This coastal city located on the northern shores of Stavik Bay, sees a lot of trade from ships and land and is always bustling. The twin keeps Olass and Vein Behr frown down upon the docks, waiting for any ships foolish enough to attack the city.




There are five temples here.


Em'Sharfhei   Froyonnia   Quill   Shozrei   Williommox


Wizard Presence


The Gray Cloaks is a council of wizards who reside in their emerald tower. They are counsel the city government and oversee all things arcane.


Criminal Presence


Aside from the individuals committing crime here, there are three known organizations that cause the local law problems.


Other Places of Interest









Leader: Highmaster Zuriash Kensin

Population: 6,000

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Neutral Good

Races: Human: 5,650; Others: 350

Guards: 440; Militia 1,200

Sheriff: Warrior lvl-17


Located on the flat southern region of the kingdom, Velille is an important part of Dockrawlin's breadbasket. Being located along a major trade route ensures that the city is always busy.




There are four temples in the city.


Hstinzi   Mordrun   Toh Pana   Ya-Nu


Wizard Presence


High Wizard Nom Dell oversees the local wizard college and acts as a consultant with town officials on arcane and political matters.


Criminal Presence


Crime is present here, with three organized groups plying their mischief.


Ambitious Jackals












True Strikes




Other Places of Interest









Leader: Mayor Pindro Klawes

Population: 5,600

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Lawful Good

Races: Human: 3,850; Elves: 750; Halflings: 500; Gnomes: 450 Others: 50

Guards: 740; Militia 1,100

Sheriff: Warrior lvl-19


Located on the edge of the Quijero Forest, this important trade city sees a lot of traffic. The main exports from Vethkree are foodstuffs and timber.




There are four temples here.


Celphea   Em'Sharfhei   Horgarin   Peleah  


Wizard Presence


A nine-wizard council resides in their tower located among the various colleges of the arcane. They provide wisdom to the local government and debate all matters of the arcane.


Criminal Presence


Crime is light here but still present. Only two known organizations operate in the city.


Indigo Shards






Other Places of Interest









Leader: Lord Hascon Balrones

Population: 7,800

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Races: Human: 6,350; Elves: 650; Halflings: 600; Gnomes: 150 Others: 50

Guards: 740; Militia 1,100

Sheriff: Warrior lvl-19


Located on the shores of Stavik Bay, Yokoyo is a bustling port of call with trade and travelers passing through here in significant numbers.




Yokoyo has five temples.


Aroth   Em'Sharfhei   Orodar   Revenkai   Srultavin


Wizard Presence


A single high wizard serving Lord Hascon resides in the lord's manner. He acts as a consultant in political and arcanic matters.


Criminal Presence


Crime is present here with four known organizations that the law persues.






Entities of Might








Silent Misfits




Other Places of Interest







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