Drakiria (elven for "Shroud")

Drakiria is a mythical place somewhere in an ocean far away near the bottom of the world. The myths of those lost trying to reach the mysterious land mass have been distorted over time into great tales of woe. They all have one common thread, however . . . no one has ever returned.

Ancient sea elves, having lived nearest to the reported location of Drakiria, tell stories of how some of their ancestors had penetrated the gray fog that supposedly surrounds the land mass and how they never returned. The elves had also gone beneath the ocean waves to probe for a way under the foggy barrier only to find that it reached down to the ocean floor itself. Again, those who entered the mist were lost.

Eventually over time, thoughts of entering the barrier were abondoned by the elves and others with a mind to try. Knowledge of the cursed place passed from memory to myth. These days, wizards occasionally try to scry the area in the hopes of probing the fog in the hopes of discovering the treasures beyond. None have succeeded.




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