Northern Houress

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Lord Crushiv Warhammer


Leader: Lord Crushiv Warhammer
Capital: Veradic (12,000)
Population: 122,000+
Demi-Humans: Dwarves, Halflings, Gnomes, Humans, and Others
Humanoids: Rare
Resources: Platinum, Gold, Iron, Foodstuffs, Timber and Fishing


Current Political Structure

24 Dwarven Lords


Alduran Fireforge

City of Jursia

Cauldra Vourness#

City of Bodlia

Crushiv Warhammer*+

City of Veradic

Fistus Carnaan#

City of Bodlia

G’Kar Koreth

City of Taga


City of Veradic

Harlen Firestorm#

City of Bodlia

Jarl Steelbrow

City of Krogara

Kawn Tharos

Mearish City

L’Req Valdencore#

City of Veradic

Legeth Darl

City of Stirenak

Londo Milari#

City of Veradic

Maf D’Zek#

City of Veradic

Naarl Orcbane

City of Velth

Oro Millec#

City of Bodlia

Qoria Warforge^#

City of Bodlia


City of Ovici

Riballa Longbeard#

City of Veradic

Sesten Longspear

City of Suveei

Sol Gurel#

City of Veradic

Ulek Rockhaven

City of Brahmm

Xare Brightaxe#

City of Bodlia

Yori Hollowcairn

City of Gohe

Zallor Ferrous

City of Thirolee


            * = Leader of the Council of Stone

            # = Member of the Council of Stone          

            + = Leader of the City of Veradic

            ^ = Leader of the City of Bodlia


City Leader Pop. Pred. Race
Bodlia Qoria (F) 10,000 Dwarven
Brahmm Ulek 8,500 Dwarven
Gohe Yori 9,200 Dwarven
Jursia Alduran 5,800 Dwarven
Krogara Jarl 17,300 Dwarven
Mearish City Kawn 8,000 Dwarven
Ovici Rakenoff 5,900 Dwarven
Stirenak Legeth 6,000 Dwarven
Suveei Sesten 4,300 Dwarven
Taga G'Kar 13,200 Dwarven
Thirolee Zallor 5,500 Dwarven


Crushiv 12,000 Dwarven
Velth Naarl 7,800 Dwarven


* = capital


One of the oldest established countries in Northern/Southern Houress, the Dwarflands have been in existence for since the Second Age. Legend has it that the dwarves sprang from the ground, planted there by Kharsallis, who wanted his race to rule the land. Others say that the dwarves were placed there by Kharsallis in response to the orc hordes expanding their influence from the north and west.


The dwarves grew and flourished in the Pentledos Mountains for centuries, adding their distinctiveness to a wild land that was slow to be tamed. Over time, the orcs infringed upon the dwarves' territory and even attacked their northernmost borders, inflicting terrible damage on them. These tragedies took place in the Dwarven Year 2455 (the current DY is 4026, which is about 4000 years from the end of the First Age of Man). The fifteen years of all out war on the orcs that followed was known as the Scourge of the Eye. In a blood cleansing that chased the orcs nearly off the continent, the dwarves shattered the horde into hundreds of ineffectual, squabbling factions that would take centuries to reunite. Another result of the orcish invasion into dwarven territories is the magnificent Kel Walls, which stretch across two huge canyons where the cities of Veradic and Bodlia are located. The Kel Walls are 20' tall and 10' thick, with barbicans and towers placed at every quarter mile interval. The Kel Walls took nearly 150 years to complete.


Since then, the political structure of the Dwarflands has shifted little, settling on a 24 lord Council of Stone that has flourished. Over the century following the completion of the Scourge of the Eye, the dwarves gradually withdrew from the lands of their conquests to establish their current borders. They decided to leave their borders substantially outward from their original territories within the Pentledos Mountains, to give them more resources and a buffer zone against future military threats. The lands outside of the Pentledos Mountains are only sparsely populated with any dwarves, mainly governors or lords who keep an eye on their lands. There are mostly scattered humans and gnomes within the flatlands and forests of the Dwarflands.


Aside from the Scourge of the Eye, and a few skirmishes with the elves of the Elflands, the dwarves have kept themselves over the next few centuries. In the DY 2888, the dwarven armies joined forces with the elves and the newly formed Kingdom of Ergony to aid the lords of Poulcea and drive the Hestrillites off. The Hestrillites were making a territory grab on the Poulcean Lords as part of a claim that stemmed back three centuries. The Western Campaign, as the dwarves called it, was short--only 2 years--ending in the victory of the forces against the Hestrillites. The Poulcean Lords have since been staunch allies of elves and the dwarves, even acting as mediators in two more disputes between the traditional enemies.


Points of Interest


Arm of Kharsallis


In the early part of the 3rd Age, hordes of orcs swooped down from the south and swarmed the eastern face of the Pentledos mountains, driving the dwarves into the mountains and nearly wiping them from existence. Over the next two centuries, a great wall later dubbed the "Arm of Kharsallis" was constructed. The wall is 15' tall, made of thick heavy granite, and interspersed with towers, is continuously manned. The wall itself stretches 125 miles from Veradic, to Stirenak, to Bodlia. There are several gates along its length to allow travelers in and out.


Balkwan Hills


Situated on the northern border between the Dwarflands and Garland, these rich fertile hills are the home to many halflings who make a fine living on cultivating some of the best tobacco known.


Demon's Maze


Fed primarily from the Sogfoot River, this complex maze of waterways eventually flows into the Dragon's Eye Lake. The northern area of the maze feeds the massive Sogfoots swamp. Many travelers have gotten lost here due to misdirection, bandits, and monsters.


Dragon's Eye Lake


A vast lake shared by the Dwarflands, Northlands, and the Wildlands. Those brave enough to travel down the Sogfoot River and through the Demon's Maze can make their way to the lake and the the Northlands or the Bay of Horpl. A massive island in the northeast portion of the lake, which is Northlands territory.

Ghiadur Tunnel

Constructed over 350 years ago by miners from the Dwarflands and Brighkly, this 60' diameter tunnel runs directly through the Pentledos Mountains for 75 miles along the border with the Northlands. The project was designed to create a pass where the two countries of the Dwarflands and Brighkly could trade with one another freely without having to move across the treacherous peaks of the Pentledos.

Magical gems imbued with light are embedded in the ceiling of the tunnel, lighting the way for travelers to and fro. One end of the tunnel starts at the city limits of Rorus. The other end is guarded by Dur Multeth, a heavily fortified keep.

Ghiena Mountains


A relatively small mountain range in the north bordering the Kingdom of Dockrawlin. Known to be populated by hobgoblins and goblins, it is a constant source of irritation the civilized communities surrounding them.


Kel Walls


Constructed many centuries ago, these ancient stone defensive walls running from which stretch across two huge canyons where the cities of Veradic and Bodlia are located. The Kel Walls are 20' tall and 10' thick, with barbicans and towers placed at every half mile interval. The Kel Walls took nearly 150 years to complete.


Keor River


Flowing south from the western edge of Lerwood is the Keor River. This is a busy and fast-flowing waterway that brings trade from the the north.




Running along the northeastern edge of the Dwarflands is Lerwood, a dense forest populated with elves, gnomes and a host of other creatures. The elves of Lerwood are traditionally reclusive and are known to be aggressive toward unannounced visitors.


Mearish River


Running from the Ghiena Mountains across the border into the Wildlands, this river is rarely used for much more than travel to the border of the Wildlands, for it is said to be certain death to pass through the border.


Pentledos Mountains


Cutting north and south through the length of the Dwarflands, this incredibly massive range is ancient and holds many secrets among the dwarves. 


Thaal Range


A small range of mountains coming off of the Pentledos Mountains bracketed by the cities of Bodlia and Thirolee.





Significant Events/Holidays/Etc.


Running of the Rams


Date: Day 3 of the Month of Spring's Glory


During the course of the great orc wars, dwarven high riders mounted on huge war rams were essential to the survival of the dwarven forces due to their strength and mobility. To commemorate their importance to the victory of the dwarves, a cross-country race takes place.


Each of the 24 dwarven lords offers their best ram and rider for the race. They then gather in city of Brahmm. At dawn the bell is tolled and the riders begin a days-long race that takes them through the mountains to Veradic, Stirenak, and finally Bodlia. The prize is a solid gold keg filled with a prime vintage of dwarven ale.


Week of Blood


Date: Day 17-23 of the Month of Winter's Glory


In the middle of the 3rd Age, the dwarves--after nearly 200 years of bloody conflict with the orcs--drove them from their lands over the course of seven long, bloody days. Total losses on both sides in the final battle totaled nearly 34,000. It was a time of great sacrifice, and one the dwarves will never forget. The week is celebrated with food, drink, mock battles on a grand scale, and epic tales of the event.





Cities, Towns, Villages, Etc.


NOTE: Each city and surrounding lands is virtually its own country, meaning that most laws in the area apply to the people there. Of course, the lords of the cities and the people still answer to the will of the leader of the dwarves and the Council of Stone.




Leader: Qoria Warforge

Population: 10,000

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Races: Dwarves: 8,120; Humans: 375; Halflings: 250; Elves: 125; Gnomes: 80; Others: 50

Guards: 1,500; Militia: 7,000

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-17


The southernmost city anchoring the Kel Walls, Bodia is a heavily walled and fortified dwarven city that has stood for many centuries. Qoria Warforge is a female dwarven battle commander who rose through the ranks over her many years in service to Bodlia. Now, she stands as its leader.


Qoria and her clan dwells in the Vornia Vault, an impenetrable castle located on a high hill in the center of the city proper.






Monastery is called Roson Kligh.








Wizards Presence


Wizards are valued by Bodlian society for their wisdom and power. Although there is no formalized guild or organization, the mages of Bodlia do recognize Ficca Gorrus as the wisest among them.


Thieves' Guild


Crime is not prevalent within Bodlia. There are some padfoots here and there. Only one recognized organization hails from this city.


Roaken Eyes


This guild has been hunted and reviled for nearly as long as the city has been around. Their crimes range from simple theft to high-level heists and extortion. They are a bane to law enforcement.


Brotherhood of the Swine


From the early days of Bodlia's existence, they were known for the battle prowess of their warriors. They have developed huge swine that they ride into battle. The hogs are fast and vicious, goring opponents with their tusks as their riders attack with their melee weapons. At some point in history, the warriors became the Brotherhood of the Swine.


Other Points of Interest


Floating Pits of Dramovaq


Located in caverns deep beneath the city are several dozen pits where gravity is absent. One can step into a pit and begin floating as if flying. No one has ever been able to explain the phenomenon. People come here often to marvel and fly about the pits.







Leader: Ulek Rockhaven

Population: 8,500

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Neutral Good

Races: Humans: 631; Dwarves: ; Halflings: ; Elves: ; Gnomes: ;


Guards: ; Militia:

Sheriff: Fighter lvl








Leader: Yori Hollowcairn

Population: 9,200

Power Center: Chaotic Good

Alignment: Lawful Good

Races: Dwarves: 8,500; Humans: 250; Halflings: 200; Elves: 100; Gnomes: 100; Others: 50

Guards: 1,200; Militia: 5,500

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-16


The ancient city of Gohe is a massive fortress city designed to protect the western flank of the Dwarflands. This walled city is well stocked with militia men and various defenses designed to repel large, determined attacks, even though there haven't any for hundreds of years.


Hailing from generations of distinguished leaders, Yori Hollowcairn is the overseer of Gohe. He rules the city with an iron fist and brooks no interference with his wishes. Despite his unforgiving nature, the people trust and love him. He and his extensive clan live within an inner castle known as The Anvil.










Wizard Presence


Dwarven wizards are rare. There are a few scattered about the city living in their private domiciles. They belong to no guild or other organization. Although they work toward their own ends, their priority is that of the city's welfare. Yori employs Diiv Ghosthand, a wizard of great power and wisdom.


Criminal Presence


Despite a few rare individual lawbreakers, there are no recognized crime organizations within Gohe. The penalties of death and dismemberment work as a strong deterrent to many crimes.


Miners' Guild


A powerful and influential group within Gohe, the miners are well-organized. They are led by a Goken Yellomane the Heathen.


Smithy Guild


Those who work metal in any form are usually members of the Smithy Guild. He who oversees the powerful group is none other than Onturu Ironeye III.


Other Points of Interest


The Anvil


This castle was carved out of the very mountain itself, with half jutting out into the air overlooking the city, while the other half is buried in the rock. The walls of this centuries-old castle are ten feet thick and have withstood attacks from dragons. The Hollowcairn clan lives within.


Garden of Gold


Located deep underground is a cavern that measures 50 square acres. "Planted" within the rows upon rows of soil are 10,000 golden roses that were created by Suven the Mad. Suven was a leader of Gohe 200 years ago. He had fallen for a maiden who had eyes for another. To impress her, he had the roses forged of pure yellow gold and planted in the garden to impress her. When she would not even look upon them, he cast himself from the highest turret of the Anvil and killed himself.







Leader: Alduran Fireforge

Population: 5,800

Power Center: Neutral Good


Races: Humans: 631; Dwarves: ; Halflings: ; Elves: ; Gnomes: ;


Guards: ; Militia:

Sheriff: Fighter lvl








Leader: Jarl Steelbrow

Population: 17,300

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Neutral Good

Races: Dwarves: 15,900; Humans: 800; Halflings: 350; Elves: 150; Gnomes: 50; Others: 50

Guards: 1,300; Militia: 8,000

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-18


Krogara is another ancient dwarven city built into the western slopes of the Pentledos Mountains. Designed as another protective bastion designed to protect the western flank of the country, Krogara is walled and heavily fortified. The city is known for the spectacular reliefs of ancient battles carved into the protective walls surrounding the city.


The intimidating Jarl Steelbrow currently resides as the leader of Krogara. He and his family dwell inside the Iron Spire, a black iron tower jutting nearly 100' into the sky from the middle of the city itself.










Wizard Presence


The role that wizards have played in the shaping of Krogara over the centuries is undeniable, making them revered. The Clan of the White Forge is what the guild of wizards within Krogara are called. Their lair is deep underground near a vein of lava that continually flows under the city. Their leader is Dugomme Firefist, a jovial dwarf with a rather fat nose.


Criminal Presence


Despite a few rare individual lawbreakers, there are no recognized crime organizations within Krogara. The penalties of death and dismemberment work as a strong deterrent to many crimes.


Miners' Collective


Any miner working within Krogara is part of the collective, led by a council of 9 chief miners who make all decisions.


Metalworkers' Consortium


An organization designed to represent the interests of those who work metal, the consortium is represented by a tri-council of master workers.


Other Points of Interest


The Iron Spire


Rising over 100' from the center of Krogara, this iron structure has stood since the construction of the city itself. Within live the leadership of the city. Also contained inside are official offices of Krogara, along with historical archives and libraries.




Living far below Krogara, in an ancient temple that existed before the city was built, lives the golden dragon known as Artholotoro. The dwarves found the dragon to be friendly, and an alliance was formed. The dwarves would avoid bothering Artholotoro, and he would leave them alone, even offering to protect the city if the circumstances become dire. Once every few decades, Artholotoro will emerge from his lair as a dwarf and tour the city while taking his fill of news and sustenance before retreating back the way he came.





Mearish City


Leader: Kawn Theros

Population: 8,000

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Lawful Good

Races: Dwarves: 6,200; Elves: 800; Humans: 450; Halflings: 150; Gnomes: 250; Others: 150

Guards: 159; Militia: 2,400

Sheriff: Fighter lvl 12


This ancient city is located at the northeast corner of the Dwarflands on the border with the Wildlands. Although there has never been a threat from anyone within the Wildlands, Mearish City still has fortified walls to protect against any incursions. They also post regular patrols along the border to ensure that no one breaches the border from the Dwarflands side and enters the Wildlands.


The city itself is governed by Kawn Theros, who oversees a council of six local lords. Kawn resides in Fortress Torvassia.




Although there are generic places within the town where people can come to privately worship whatever deity they pay homage to, there are four proper temples here.


Froyonnia     Ianlia     Kergon     Kharsallis


Wizard Presence


Three wizards live in a turquoise tower called Skaliator, located in the center of the city. They are Zhon Ghro (human), Chassiax (tiefling), and Bonam Orolt (dwarf).


Criminal Presence


Minimal. Aside from some petty street activity, crime is virtually non-existent in Mearish City.


Merchants'/Traders' Union


Mearish City is an integral link in the supply chain that runs from Dockrawlin through the Dwarflands. The union's function is to coordinate the flow of good through the lands, while organizing those business owners within the city. The head of the Union is K'Bak Redvorm, a dwarf of considerable presence and power.


Brotherhood of the Barrier


A knighthood of dwarves, created centuries ago, has sworn to patrol the border with the Wildlands to warn away those who would try to enter the Wildlands and be lost forever.


Other Places of Interest


Fortress Torvassia


Built at the time of the city's founding, this sprawling walled fortress is heavily fortified with men and weapons.


Vay Grokk


Before Mearish city existed many centuries ago, this was a place where orcs dwelled. Buried deep below the foundation of Fortress Torvassia are the ruins of the orc castle called Vay Grokk.









Power Center:


Races: Humans: 631; Dwarves: ; Halflings: ; Elves: ; Gnomes: ;


Guards: ; Militia:

Sheriff: Fighter lvl








Leader: Lord Legeth Darl

Population: 6,000

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Lawful Good

Races: Dwarves: 4,900; Humans: 850; Halflings: 150; Elves: 50; Gnomes: 30; Others: 20

Guards: 150; Militia: 1,700

Sheriff: Fighter lvl 12


The ancient city of Stirenak was built in the hillier region away from the Pentledos Mountains to the east of the Kel Walls. The city had originally been a stop along the trade routes between Veradic and Bodlia and those cities to the east. It later took on the added feature of being a first line of defense to the Kel Walls. Today, the fortified city is mainly looked at as a trade hub.


The renown Darl clan has overseen the city for centuries. Currently, that responsibility lies upon the shoulders of Legeth Darl, a gritty dwarf with a missing left ear that was lost in a battle with a blue dragon. He and his clansmen reside within Castle Garencohr.










Wizard Presence


Established wizards within Stirenak are few. A local coalition of three wizards reside in Castle Garencohr. They serve the government but do farm out their services to locals and others if the situation and/or money is right.


Criminal Presence


Organized crime is partially non-existent in Stirenak. A few small disorganized bands of thugs occasionally cause problems with petty theft, but not much else.


Clan of the Silver Chain


An ancient band of dwarven knights sworn to protect Stirenak and the Dwarflands, the Clan of the Silver Chain are paladins that extoll the highest virtues of dwarven society.


Merchants' Guild


A staggering amount of merchants make their way through Stirenak en route to various parts of the continent. This powerful guild is run by a clan of dwarves who have run merchant activity within Stirenak for centuries.


Other Points of Interest


Castle Garencohr


This ancient and impregnable fortress was built a short time after Stirenak came into being.  Located in the exact center of the city, the castle is said to extend a quarter mile into the ground and houses nearly 800 men, women, and children.







Leader: Sesten Longspear

Population: 4,300

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Races: Dwarves: 2,000; Elves: 1,900; Humans: 200; Halflings: 100; Gnomes: 80; Others: 20

Guards: 189 ; Militia: 750

Sheriff: Fighter lvl 12


An ancient elven city that had been taken by the dwarves centuries ago, Suveei still retains most of its elven architecture and culture. Built around an ancient ironwood tree is Castle Fho'rellia, where the Sesten Longspear the dwarven lord and his elven counterpart Doirre Elgemaar sit in council over the city.


Suveei is known as a peaceful city where seekers of knowledge and philosophy come to study and immerse themselves in what the elves have to offer.










Wizard Presence


A place rooted in magic, Suveei has a strong wizardly presence. The High Council of the Gray is located within Castle Fho'rellia and overseen by the grand elven master Toyerlaan. He and his few wizards command great respect among the people of Suveei.


Criminal Presence


There is nearly a complete absence of crime within Suveei, as the punishments are quite severe thanks to dwarven influences.


Other Points of Interest


Castle Fho'rellia


A high-rising castle that is build around an towering ancient ironwood tree.


Stone Woods


To the south of the city is a ten square mile patch of woods where the trees are made of stone. Generations ago, an army of orcs swarmed through these lands. They were led by an orcish sorcerer who cast a terrible curse on the elven army in this wood, turning all living things to stone. There are still some statues of elves there today, mostly worn by time and weather.









Power Center:


Races: Humans: 631; Dwarves: ; Halflings: ; Elves: ; Gnomes: ;


Guards: ; Militia:

Sheriff: Fighter lvl










Power Center:


Races: Humans: 631; Dwarves: ; Halflings: ; Elves: ; Gnomes: ;


Guards: ; Militia:

Sheriff: Fighter lvl








Leader: Lord Crushiv Warhammer

Population: 12,000

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Neutral Good

Races: Dwarves: 10,000; Humans: 450; Halflings: 300; Elves: 100; Gnomes: 100; Others: 50

Guards: 220; Militia: 3,000

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-20


The ancient capital of the Dwarflands is Veradic. In the early years of its existence, the city was conquered and rebuilt many times. Veradic anchors the northern end of the Kel Walls.


The well renown battlemaster Crushiv Warhammer oversees the country of proud tradition. He and his clan reside in Fortress Kemmantrahl.












Wizards' Guild


The Hand of the Diamond represents the one guild for mages within Veradic. Located deep within the Pentledos Mountains within a multi-level sanctum that is jealously guarded, the wizards here are led by Nonn Gravelfist the Wyrm Tamer. Wizards who wish to practice their art within the city must be cleared by the Hand.


Criminal Presence


Aside from petty crimes that happen within any city, organized crime is virtually nonexistent. This may be due to successful secrecy on the part of one more or more groups, or the effectiveness of the local laws concerning crime.


Miners' Guild


The guild is a powerful organization of all the miners, giving them a loud voice within the city.


Warriors of the Line


The roots of the warriors of Veradic run long and deep. The Warriors of the Line are special fighters devoted to the safety of the city. They all worship Vor and are willing to die to protect Veradic and its population.


Other Points of Interest


Fortress Kemmentrahl


An impenetrable fortress built halfway into the side of the mountain with walls that are 10' thick. Some say that the ancient runes engraved on the walls are designed to diffuse magic that is cast upon them.


Jahalla Chorus


Within a cavern far inside the mountain are rows of colored crystals that hang down from the high ceiling. When a certain key crystal is struck by a heavy hammer of bronze, the entire cavern begins to resonate with a low, spectacular hum that sounds like the concerted voices of a thousand dwarves in a ritual of passing. This was constructed centuries ago in reverence to the great hero Jahalla Tinibor, who led the dwarves to victory over a horde of invading orcs.









Power Center:


Races: Humans: 631; Dwarves: ; Halflings: ; Elves: ; Gnomes: ;


Guards: ; Militia:

Sheriff: Fighter lvl














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