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Dwarven Kingdom


King Czerik Cromrod


Leader: King Czerick Cromrod
Capitol: Seign (12,000)
Population: 122,000+
Demi-Humans: Mostly Dwarves with a few Gnomes and others
Humanoids: Few Goblins, Hobgoblins, and Orcs
Resources: Platinum, Gold, Silver, Copper, Gems and Iron


Current Political Structure

4 Warghars of the Brotherhood of the Flame


East Warghar

Czerick Cromrod

CaptialCity: Sarl

Central Warghar Lurick Trollbane

Captial City: Seign

South Warghar

Piltax Stonefist

Captial City: Segaulia

West Warghar Rocktooth Gornlar

Captial City: Peartl


City Leader Pop. Pred. Race
Demdin Bruggok 7,873 Dwarven
Dham Faldihr Kessomli 6,306 Dwarven
Galtodur Vorfeal 5,961 Dwarven
Khirboram Thidrouk 8,137 Dwarven
Kig Thurim Thefruc 7,839 Dwarven
Mir Lodahr Dourgot 7,971 Dwarven
Molbor Ubraek 7,784 Dwarven
Octrayvidom Londr 6,922 Dwarven
Peartl Lurick 9,500 Dwarven
Sarl Piltax 10,000 Dwarven


Rocktooth 11,500 Dwarven
Seign* Czerick 12,000 Dwarven
Unghostek Jong 10,100 Barethkor
Vondohr Sizzam 7,065 Dwarven
Vurnyuhr Lodal 8,329 Dwarven

* = capitol

The dwarves have been living in and around the vaunted Votacks for centuries, mining mithril and battling the denizens of the deep. They have a long and rich history, little of which has been passed along to outsiders. What is known is that the clannish folk have long been called the "Brotherhood of the Flame." This comes from a great underground cathedral built in the Votacks long ago to celebrate a towering blue column of blue flame that sprang up one day inside a massive cave that was being overrun by invading duergar forces. The flame drove back the dwarves' enemies, who saw the occurrence as a divine sign from the dwarven gods that they were destined to continue their path.

Although the dwarves have friendship pacts with the countries surrounding them, they are still very suspicious of outsiders who come to their lands to the point of rudeness. They are a warrior society and enjoy fighting for sport as well as for serious reason. They constantly battle with the duergar and the drow and sometimes illithids who dwell deep underground.

Most from the former Queendom of Varanady look upon the dwarves with disdain, for the dwarves refused to join the alliance against the queen even when forces from realms east of the Gloridon Desert came. They call the dwarves selfish, which has left alliances strained at best. Still, outsiders do not do more than talk about it, for the dwarves are formidible and would be vengeful if attacked.


Points of Interest

Bay or Urol


The Bay or Urol lies off the southern edge of the Dwarven Kingdom. It touches the shores of Kerus and Blackmel.


Fingers of Urol


The Fingers consist of four winding rivers that flow from the western face of the Votack Mountains. They eventually converge and empty into the Bay of Urol and the Tarsis Gulf.


Murky River


This fast flowing river runs from the Remy Hills and marks the border between the Dwarven Kingdom and Sestillion. It continues south and eventually empties into the Bay of Urol.


Poseidon's Jaw


To the southwest of the Bay of Urol are waters that bubble and heave. The myth is that the turbulence comes from a snoring Poseidon. Ships try to steer clear of the area, for many have been lost to the unpredictable waves.


Seflin River


This river flows from the eastern face of the Votack Mountains and then south to the Bay of Urol.


Remy Hills


An offshoot of the Votack Mountains, the Remy Hills marks the border between the Dwarven Kingdom and Brighkly.


Votack Mountains


The long running Votack Mountains binds Criksrad, the Gloridon Desert, Brighkly, the Dwarven Kingdom, and Blackmel.


Winduroz Channel


The Winduroz (dwarven for "winding") Channel starts from the waters flowing from the southern underside of the Votack Mountains. The waterway expands into a crooked channel that proceeds west out of the Dwarven Kingdom. It forks at one point, with the southern reach flowing between Dwarven Kingdom and Kerus before emptying out into the Bay of Urol. The western fork continues on between the southern shores of Criksrad and Kerus before emerging into the Tarsis Gulf.





Significant Events/Holidays/Etc.


Trial of Stone


Date: Day 27 of the Month of Winter's Glory


This event, which takes place within the Dwarven Kingdom deep within the Votack Mountains, is a ritual of song and storytelling. The gathered dwarves tell and sing of their beginning, where they emerged from the stone of the mountain at the bidding of their god Kharsallis to clear out the orcs and other evil creatures who inhabited the mountains a millennia ago. They also sing and tell of their history up to and beyond the great Dearkus War, which engulfed the land centuries ago. It is an event filled with song, storytelling, combat matches, feasts, and other forms of revelry designed to bring the dwarves together to explore their heritage. The week-long ceremony culminates in a competition to see who can carry the Stone of Sahrohn the furthest. He who does is crowned honorary Stone God until next years’ competition. The stone weighs 300 lbs.




East Warghar

Cities, Villages, Towns, Etc.

(italicized titles are smaller communities)


Leader: Warmaster Piltax Stonefist

Population: 8,000

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Races: Dwarves: 7,680; Halflings: 160; Humans: 80; Gnomes: 12; Others: 68

Guards: 163; Militia: 2780

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-12


Sarl is located in the northwestern area of the kingdom. The grand city borders the Remy Hills and the Kingdom of Sestillion, and is the center point for a chain of 5 castles that protect the border.


Sarl is known for some of the most astounding dwarven stonework on the continent. The people have been in a constant state of battle preparedness for centuries, and continue to watch the borders of the kingdom vigilantly.




Dham Faldihr

Leader: Warmaster Kessomli Ironheel

Population: 1,306

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Races: Dwarves: 1,029; Halflings: 21; Humans: 10; Others: 12

Guards: 65; Militia: 365

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-7


Sitting at the easternmost part of the kingdom, Dham Faldihr rests on the border with Sestillion and Blackmel.





Leader: Warmaster Sizzam Ghartome

Population: 1,065

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Races: Dwarves: 1,022; Halflings: 21; Humans: 10; Elves: 0; Gnomes: 3; Others: 9

Guards: 50; Militia: 312

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-7


At the head of the Seflin River, Vondohr lies in the southeastern part of the kingdom bordering with Blackmel.




West Warghar

Cities, Villages, Towns, Etc.

(italicized titles are smaller communities)


Leader: Warmaster Lurick Trollbane

Population: 7,500

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Races: Dwarves: 7,200; Halflings: 150; Humans: 60; Elves: 10; Gnomes: 5; Half-Elves: 10; Half-Orcs: 10; Others: 55

Guards: 200; Militia: 560

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-10


Located in the northwestern corner of the kingdom, Peartl rests on the border with Brighkly and Criksrad.





Leader: Warmaster Thidrouk Kiet

Population: 1,137

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Neutral Good

Races: Dwarves: 1,091; Halflings: 22; Humans: 11; Others: 13

Guards: 49; Militia: 350

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-6


Sitting at the western base of the Votack Mountains, Khirboram is about 100 miles to the northwest of Peartl.




Kig Thurim

Leader: Warmaster Thefruc Diamondeye

Population: 1,839

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Lawful Good

Races: Dwarves: 1,765; Halflings: 36; Humans: 18; Elves: 3; Gnomes: 3; Others: 14

Guards: 80; Militia: 460

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-9


Anchoring the extreme western border of the kingdom, Kig Thurim is about 110 miles to the southwest of Peartl. The town borders Criksrad.




Central Warghar

Cities, Villages, Towns, Etc.

(italicized titles are smaller communities)


Leader: King Czerick Cromrod

Population: 10,000

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Races: Dwarves: 9,600; Halflings: 200; Humans: 75; Elves: 8; Gnomes: 5; Half-Elves: 4; Others: 8

Guards: 359; Militia: 1,300

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-13


Seign is located in the southern Votack Mountains at the tip of the southernmost finger of Urol.





Leader: Warmaster Vorfeal Maulfist

Population: 961

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Neutral Good

Races: Dwarves: 922; Halflings: 19; Humans: 9; Elves: 2; Gnomes: 2; Half-Elves: 3; Others: 4

Guards: 39; Militia: 265

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-7


Galtodur rests against the southwestern face of the Votack Mountain at the mouth of one of the Finger of Urol. The city is about 43 miles to the west of Seign.





Leader: Warmaster Ubraek Bandyleg

Population: 1,784

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Neutral Evil

Races: Dwarves: 1,712; Halflings: 35; Humans: 17; Gnomes: 11; Half-Orcs: 4; Others: 5

Guards: 67; Militia: 388

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-8


Molbor is located about 110 miles to the southwest of Seign on the shores of the waters the empty into the Bay of Urol.





Leader: Warmaster Lodal Emnik

Population: 1,329

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Races: Dwarves: 1,275; Halflings: 26; Humans: 13; Others: 15

Guards: 49; Militia: 490

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-8


Vurnyuhr is located on the southern banks of the southernmost Finger of Urol about 65 miles to the southwest of Seign.




South Warghar

Cities, Villages, Towns, Etc.

(italicized titles are smaller communities)


Leader: Monitor Beltir Ominos

Population: 9,500

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Races: Dwarves: 9,120; Halflings: 190; Humans: 80; Elves: 3; Gnomes: 3; Half-Elves: 3; Half-Orcs: 2; Others: 4

Guards: 256; Militia: 1,005

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-11


Segaulia is a large city on the shores of the Bay of Urol. Known for its massive impregnable walls, Segaulia protects the underbelly of the kingdom. 





Leader: Warmaster Bruggok Vaneron

Population: 1,873

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Neutral Good

Races: Dwarves: 1,798; Halflings: 37; Humans: 18; Others: 20

Guards: 120; Militia: 680

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-9


Located on the southwestern border of the kingdom, Demdin guards the southern passage between the sea and the Sheel Hills. Demdin lies about 40 miles to the northwest of Segaulia.





Leader: Warmaster Londr Envrelg

Population: 1,922

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Races: Dwarves: 1,845; Halflings: 38; Humans: 19; Half-Orcs: 3; Others: 9

Guards: 89; Militia: 400

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-9


Located along the shores of the Bay of Urol at the southernmost reaches of the kingdom, Octrayvidom is well known for its pearl fishermen. The town is located 55 miles to the west of Segaulia.




Mir Lodahr

Leader: Warmaster Dourgot Falgorth

Population: 1,971

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Races: Dwarves: 1,892; Halflings: 39; Humans: 11; Gnomes: 8;  Others: 12

Guards: 39; Militia: 265

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-8


Mir Lodahr is a heavily fortified town that guards the waterway from the Bay of Urol into the underbelly of the kingdom. The town is located 90 miles to the west of Segaulia.





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