Northern Houress

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King Lamier Shavair



King Lamier Shavair


Cher Roith (12,000)




Elves, Dwarves,  Halflings, and Gnomes




Timber, Spices, Precious Metals, Foodstuffs


Current Political Structure


King Lamier and a representative from each city within the Elvenlands sit on the Council of the Rising Star to oversee affairs of the country as a whole. Other than that, Each city and its surrounding territories are like small, independent nations governed by their own leaders and local councils. They do not always agree with one another, but they will always defer to the majority decision of the Council of the Rising Star.



City Leader Pop. Pred. Race
Bindarth Lyndrar (F) 8,100 Elven
Cher Roith* Orrian 12,000 Elven
Choolix Falael (F) 9,800 Elven
Dalear Galan 9,200 Elven
Elderock Sinaht 8,400 Elven
Erosah Haera (F) 11,000 Elven
Eroth Elduin 10,500 Elven
Idromolene Tordynaar 10,100 Elven
Ivory City Zaos 10,500 Elven
Loth Curay Sillavana (F) 11,400 Elven
Ocroff Ayen 7,900 Elven
Olash Aimar 6,800 Elven
Outhcalay Phaendar 7,400 Elven
Panlee Aithlin 8,500 Elven
Rondolith Pelleas 6,600 Elven
Sahfene Aelrie (F) 6,700 Elven
Ur Fah Laiex 6,900 Elven
Zanthea Cyran 9,300 Elven


* = capital


The elves here are among the oldest on Irith. They consider themselves to be highly enlightened and continuously seek the wisdom of Em'Sharfhei to guide them in a world where they are surrounded by chaos and violence.


Most Elvenlanders consider themselves much more superior to the young and bastard races that roam Irith. They look upon them with pity and understand strive to be patient. Many elves are willing to help guide those who wish to seek enlightenment but know that non-elves lack the lifespan or the strength of character to come close to what the elves have achieved over their long existence.


Although they show a marginal degree of respect to those non-elves visiting their lands, they expect nothing less that the highest measure of respect from non-elves who visit their lands. Failure to do so usually results in the offenders being kicked out of the city they are in.


Points of Interest


Alb Forest


This ancient forest is located at the eastern end of the country and extends partially into the Vohrn Territories.


Alshio Hills


These hills are known to to be inhabited by unsavory creatures. Since they keep to that area, and the elves feel they are contained. They are left alone.


Chir River


This long river runs from the the Agritrite Mountains in Kharamis, along the western border of the Elvenlands, and empties into the Mijactl Gulf.


Edachi Forest


This far reaching forest runs from the Poulcea Province and then into the heart of the Elvenlands.


Mijactl Gulf


A massive gulf located to the north of the Elvenlands along its coast.


Neveron River


This hundres mile long river breaks off from the Chir, runs along the Elvenlands' southern border, and empties into the Great Inland Sea.


Ocean of the North


This great ocean lies to the north of the Elvenlands. It stands between the country and the icy Top of the World.


Rosilo River


Making up a large portion of the Elvenlands' eastern border, this river flows out of the West Moblea Mountains south and empties into The Great Inland Sea.


Virith Hills


These hills lie along the western border with Kharamis, straddling both countries.


West Moblea Mountains


This far reaching range is located on the eastern frontier of the Elvenlands and extends into the Vohrn Territories.







Leader: Mayor Lady Lyndrar Saieth (F)

Population: 8,100

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Races: Elves: 7,800; Halflings: 100; Gnomes: 100; Humans: 50; Others: 50

Guards: 420; Militia: 980

Sheriff: Wizard lvl-20


Bindarth is a seaside city located on the shores of The Great Inland Sea and is a vital hub for trade coming into the Elvenlands from the east and south.




Although citizens pray in private to any god of their choosing, there is only one temple devoted to Em'Sharfhei.


Wizard Presence


The Hand of the Wind is a council of wizards that reside within Bindarth.


Criminal Presence


Crime is rare here, and those who commit them are severely punished up to and including expulsion from the city.


Other Places of Interest







Cher Roith


Leader: High One Orrian Alavori

Population: 12,000

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Races: Elves: 10,000; Halflings: 500; Gnomes: 300; Humans: 150; Others: 50

Guards: 820; Militia: 1,390

Sheriff: Warrior lvl-20


The capital city of the Elvenlands, Cher Roith lies almost in the center of the country and is a hub for trade. It is known for the glittering crystal palace known as Vishnahlas.




Although citizens pray in private to any god of their choosing, there are only three temples here.



Wizard Presence


The Council of the Eight reside in Vishnahlas and make decisions on all things arcane.


Criminal Presence


Crime is rare here, and those who commit them are severely punished up to and including expulsion from the city.


Other Places of Interest









Leader: Lady Falael Nallenstar

Population: 9,800

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Races: Elves: 7,100; Dwarves: 1,300; Gnomes: 250; Humans: 100; Others: 50

Guards: 720; Militia: 1,110

Sheriff: Warrior lvl-20


Choolix is a walled city that lies at the base of the West Moblea Mountains near the eastern border. Although the city's population is predominately elven, there are quite a few dwarves here. They live in a sizeable portion of the city, which extends underground. The dwarves are left alone by the elves and vice versa unless there is a matter that involves the two peoples.




Although citizens pray in private to any god of their choosing, there are only two temples the city.



Wizard Presence


The elven council of wizards resides in the Notagh Tower rising from the western edge of the city. They adjudicate matters regarding the arcane in situations that mainly involve elves.


There are a couple of dwarven wizards that dwell down below and usually only become involved in matters pertaining to dwarves.


Criminal Presence


Crime is rare here, and those who commit them are severely punished up to and including expulsion from the city.


Other Places of Interest


Arcane Caverns of Evernon


In the West Moblea mountains are caverns that radiate strange and powerful arcane magic. The elves used to harvest the crystals containing the magic in a painstaking process that took hundreds of hours of labor to refine one usable crystal that could be used to imbue mundane items with magical properties. Centuries ago, the elves ceased their mining and have designated the caverns as off limits to outsiders.







Leader: Lord Galan Fahsoria

Population: 9,200

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Races: Elves: 8,200; Dwarves: 600; Humans: 300; Others: 100

Guards: 560; Militia: 2,170

Sheriff: Warrior lvl-20


This coastal city is a significant part of a chain of cities that ships use for trade. The harbor is walled and heavily guarded against incursion.


Overlooking the beach, high above the cliffs, is the Naium, a magnificent ancient castle of elven designed that is rumored to have magically enhanced catapults that can travel much further than normal catapults.




Although citizens pray in private to any god of their choosing, there are only two temples in the city.


Aroth   Em'Sharfhei


Wizard Presence


The council of wizards resides in a tower in the Naium called Silverfang. From there, they study the arcane and stand in judgment over those who use it within the city.


Criminal Presence


Crime is rare here, and those who commit them are severely punished up to and including expulsion from the city.


Other Places of Interest









Leader: Lord Sinaugh Galamriven

Population: 8,400

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Races: Elves: 7,800; Humans: 400; Gnomes: 150; Others: 50

Guards: 599; Militia: 1,500

Sheriff: Warrior lvl-20


Elderock is another coastal city that is busy with trade from ships moving back and forth to Kharamis and to the east. The harbor is walled and guarded, and Lord Sinaugh resides on Shaivarith Palace rising from the center of the city.




Although citizens pray in private to any god of their choosing, there are only two temples the city.


Em'Sharfhei   Su Reh


Wizard Presence


The wizards who oversee all matters of the arcane reside within the palace within its tallest tower.


Criminal Presence


Crime is rare here, and those who commit them are severely punished up to and including expulsion from the city.


Other Places of Interest









Leader: Lady Haera Nallesara

Population: 11,000

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Races: Elves: 8,400; Humans: 1,000; Halflings: 900; Gnomes: 650; Others: 50

Guards: 420; Militia: 740

Sheriff: Warrior lvl-16


Located on the northwestern shores of The Great Inland Sea, Erosah is a busy, vital port for the Elvenlands. A great many ships come here from the countries bordering the lake, bringing visitors and goods.


Lady Haera lives in Castle Siwaa'Toor, which overlooks the the lake. Two elven war galleys patrol this part of the lake to protect elven interests.




Although citizens pray in private to any god of their choosing, there is only five temples in the city.


Aroth   Em'Sharfhei   Orulen   Revenkai   Srultavin


Wizard Presence


In the depths of Castle Siwaa'Toor, the wizard council meets to discuss and adjudicate all matters of the arcane.


Criminal Presence


Crime is rare here, and those who commit them are severely punished up to and including expulsion from the city.


Other Places of Interest









Leader: Lord Elduin Twinstar

Population: 10,500

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Races: Elves: 8,900; Halflings: 1,000; Gnomes: 300; Humans: 250; Others: 50

Guards: 420; Militia: 740

Sheriff: Warrior lvl-20


This heavily fortified elven city guards the western border with Kharamis. The huge fortress Gaieth Vrell is where Lord Elduin and his family and advisors live.




Although citizens pray in private to any god of their choosing, there are only four temples the city.


Dotorus   Em'Sharfhei   Orulen   Srultavin


Wizard Presence


The Grey Eight is the council of wizards that reside in their own tower in the fortress of Gaieth Vrell. They adjudicate all matters of the arcane.


Criminal Presence


Crime is rare here, and those who commit them are severely punished up to and including expulsion from the city.


Other Places of Interest









Leader: Mayor Tordynaar Sunfair

Population: 10,100

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Races: Elves: 9,500; Halflings: 350; Gnomes: 150; Others: 100

Guards: 680; Militia: 1,995

Sheriff: Warrior lvl-20


Located on the northeastern border with the Vohrn Territories, Idromolene is a fortress city with Castle Limmeroth rising high in its center.




Although citizens pray in private to any god of their choosing, there are only three temples in the city.


Em'Sharfhei   Orulen   Srultavin


Wizard Presence


The three wizard council that oversees all acrane matters within Idromolene meets within Castle Limmeroth.


Criminal Presence


Crime is rare here, and those who commit them are severely punished up to and including expulsion from the city.


Other Places of Interest







Ivory City


Leader: Lord Zaos Avalleth

Population: 10,500

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Races: Elves: 9,200; Dwarves: 900; Humans: 250; Others: 150

Guards: 823; Militia: 2,990

Sheriff: Warrior lvl-20


Located on the far eastern border of the Elvenlands, Ivory city is the first line of defense against the orcs of the Vohrn Territories. Ivory City is incredibly well-fortified with walls and twin castles that overlook the border and The Great Inland Sea.




Although citizens pray in private to any god of their choosing, there are only three temples in the city.


Em'Sharfhei   Ianlia   Kharsallis


Wizard Presence


Kyrothie Tower is where the Ivory Council of wizards meets to discuss all matters of the arcane.


Criminal Presence


Crime is rare here, and those who commit them are severely punished up to and including expulsion from the city.


Other Places of Interest


Ancient Bones of Gaarithex


In the rocky hills to the north of the city lies the exposed bones of the red dragon Gaarithex, slain many centuries ago by the inhabitants of Ivory City.





Loth Curay


Leader: Lady Sillvana Uress

Population: 11,400

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Races: Elves: 10,000; Halflings: 200; Gnomes: 100; Humans: 100; Others: 100

Guards: 820; Militia: 2,040

Sheriff: Warrior lvl-20


Loth Curay is a coastal city that guards the northwestern border with the Vohrn Territories. There is a good deal of shipping traffic coming through here, and there are always at least three war galleys patrolling the waters at all time. The coast is also protected by Castle Yilvasia.




Although citizens pray in private to any god of their choosing, there are only two temples in the city.


Em'Sharfhei   Srultavin


Wizard Presence


The Pear Enclave is a council of wizards that meets within Castle Yilvasia.


Criminal Presence


Crime is rare here, and those who commit them are severely punished up to and including expulsion from the city.


Other Places of Interest









Leader: Lord Ayen Navorem

Population: 7,900

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Races: Elves: 7,000; Humans: 550; Gnomes: 300; Others: 50

Guards: 4500; Militia: 640

Sheriff: Warrior lvl-20


A fortified city located on the southern border with the Poulcea Province, Ocroff see a lot of traffic from traders moving across the country and through Poulcea. The city surrounds the magnificent Castle Sul'Darnu.




Although citizens pray in private to any god of their choosing, there are only three temples in the city.


Breahal   Em'Sharfhei   Orulen


Wizard Presence


The Enclave of the Eagle is a wizarding council that resides within Castle Sul'Darnu.


Criminal Presence


Crime is rare here, and those who commit them are severely punished up to and including expulsion from the city.


Other Places of Interest









Leader: Lord Aimar Silverstraam

Population: 6,800

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Races: Elves: 6,000; Humans: 400; Halflings: 300; Others: 100

Guards: 390; Militia: 800

Sheriff: Warrior lvl-20


A busy coastal city Olash guards the northwestern frontier of the county. Aside from the many trading vessels moving in and out of Olash's ports, there are always at least two war galleys here. Castle Vinerreth overlooks the coast.




Although citizens pray in private to any god of their choosing, there are only three temples in the city.


Em'Sharfhei   Srultavin   Tlancu


Wizard Presence


The Wizard Triumverate sits in judgment over all things arcane. They meet inside Castle Vinerreth.


Criminal Presence


Crime is rare here, and those who commit them are severely punished up to and including expulsion from the city.


Other Places of Interest









Leader: Mayor Phaendar

Population: 7,400

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Races: Elves: 7,000; Gnomes: 300; Others: 100

Guards: 400; Militia: 700

Sheriff: Warrior lvl-20


Located in the heart of the country within the Edachi Forest, OUthcalay is an important stop along the trade route connecting the east and the west. The forest city is dominated by the glorious Castle Il'Fere.




Although citizens pray in private to any god of their choosing, there are only two temples in the city.


Em'Sharfhei   Orulen


Wizard Presence


The High Council is a group of wizards residing in Castle Il'Fere. They adjudicate all matters involving the arcane.


Criminal Presence


Crime is rare here, and those who commit them are severely punished up to and including expulsion from the city.


Other Places of Interest









Leader: Lord Aithlin Vagari

Population: 8,500

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Races: Elves: 8,000; Halflings: 300; Humans: 150; Others: 50

Guards: 540; Militia: 870

Sheriff: Warrior lvl-20


Another city guarding the Elvenland's southern frontier, Panlee is an important trade location that sees a lot of traffic, especially from the Poulcea Province. Guarding the city is Castle Tarra Lethe.




Although citizens pray in private to any god of their choosing, there are only temples in the city.


Em'Sharfhei   Srultavin   Ya-Nu


Wizard Presence


An eight member council of wizards resides in Castle Tarra Lethe and sits in judgment over all matters of the  arcane.


Criminal Presence


Crime is rare here, and those who commit them are severely punished up to and including expulsion from the city.


Other Places of Interest









Leader: Lord Pelleas Kalor

Population: 6,600

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Races: Elves: 6,000; Halflings: 300; Gnomes: 200; Humans: 100; Others: 100

Guards: 490; Militia: 670

Sheriff: Warrior lvl-20


Located on the western shores of a natural bay of The Great Inland See, Rondolith is a busy entry point for trade coming into the country from across the sea. The city surrounds the White Palace.




Although citizens pray in private to any god of their choosing, there are only three temples in the city.


Em'Sharfhei   Orulen   Srultavin


Wizard Presence


The Circle of the Arcane sits in judgment over all matters of the arcane, and they meet within the walls of the White Palace.


Criminal Presence


Crime is rare here, and those who commit them are severely punished up to and including expulsion from the city.


Other Places of Interest









Leader: Lady Aelrie Oanroak

Population: 6,700

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Races: Elves: 6,000; Humans: 450; Gnomes: 150; Others: 100

Guards: 500; Militia: 980

Sheriff: Warrior lvl-20


A coastal city, Sahfene is a busy port of call that sees many trading ships arriving and departing daily. A war galley is always on patrol here. Keeping watch on the bay is Castle Ghenvorei.




Although citizens pray in private to any god of their choosing, there are only three temples in the city.


Em'Sharfhei   Orulen   Shozrei


Wizard Presence


The eight-member wizard council meets regularly in the Tother of Neth in Castle Ghenvorei.


Criminal Presence


Crime is rare here, and those who commit them are severely punished up to and including expulsion from the city.


Other Places of Interest







Ur Fah


Leader: Lord Denari Starveil

Population: 6,900

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Races: Elves: 6,100; Humans: 650; Gnomes: 200; Others: 50

Guards: 550; Militia: 940

Sheriff: Warrior lvl-20


This coastal city is another in a chain of busy ports that see a great deal of traffic. There is always a war galley docked her to protect the city and the many trade ships. High on the cliffs overlooking the coast sits Castle Ovilios.




Although citizens pray in private to any god of their choosing, there are only three temples in the city.


Ardru  Em'Sharfhei   Orulen


Wizard Presence


The Council of the Evening Star meets in Castle Ovilios to adjudicate matters of the arcane.


Criminal Presence


Crime is rare here, and those who commit them are severely punished up to and including expulsion from the city.


Other Places of Interest









Leader: Lord Cyran V'len

Population: 9,300

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Races: Elves: 7,500; Humans: 600; Halflings: 600; Gnomes: 500; Others: 100

Guards: 780; Militia: 1,000

Sheriff: Warrior lvl-20


Zanthea guards the southern border with the Poulcea Province and is well-fortified. A great deal of trade comes through the city that is protected by Castle Pokahti.




Although citizens pray in private to any god of their choosing, there are only four temples in the city.


Em'Sharfhei   Orulen   Srultavin   Toh Pana


Wizard Presence


The Emerald Wings is a wizarding council residing in Castle Pokahti and adjudicates all matters of the arcane.


Criminal Presence


Crime is rare here, and those who commit them are severely punished up to and including expulsion from the city.


Other Places of Interest







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