Southern Houress

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Grand Vork Dolan LaCrete


Leader: Grand Vorik Dolan LaCrete
Capitol: West Kronlin (16,500)
Population: 272,000+
Demi-Humans: Elves, Halflings, Gnomes, few Dwarves
Humanoids: Many

Silver, Copper, Gems, Coal, Iron, Timber, and Foodstuffs


Current Political Structure

12 Tribal Lords (Voriks) and their Lands


Vorik Agisan

City of Geonaar

Vorik Aljero

City of Weetleton

Vorik Bal

City of Kreakel

Grand Vorik Dolan

City of West Kronlin

Vorik Elkara

City of D'Salle

Vorik Ioliss

City of Marquel

Vorik Ki

City of Bariss

Vorik Serpentson

City of Wispwillow

Vorik Suak

City of Trayall

Vorik Sunstorm

City of Ransar Keth

Vorik Wildeyes

City of Bejor

Vorik Wolfspaw

City of Crosinten


City Leader Pop. Pred. Race
Bariss Ki 8,400 Human
Bejor Wildeyes 6,700 Human
Bim Bar Alaion 10,000 Elven
Blasitaph Wildeyes 10,400 Human
Conifras Choz 7,500 Human
Crosinten Wolfspaw 9,600 Human
Crysal Elkara (F) 8,500 Human
D’Salle Elkara (F) 14,000 Human
Dassia Agisan 5,250 Human
Diahrvaln Goss 10,000 Barethkor
Elth Camus 11,800 Elven
Fwayin Lomg 8,200 Human
Geonaar Agisan 10,200 Human
Grinikoth Pristhe 6,390 Human
High Zem Numexis 7,000 Human


Bal 10,000 Human
Kvar Talois 6,100 Human
Lamdortha Keydroo 7.200 Human
Marquel Ioliss 5,500 Human
Narvai Raxinni 6,500 Human
P'Sidia Yuth 8,200 Human
Plumia Hoome 6,300 Human
Poriqe Lloriana (F) 7,860 Elven
Ra Mak Sunstorm 7,600 Human
Ransar Keth Sunstorm 11,900 Human
Rocanor Aljero 7,400 Human
Tengelene Ar Ketra 10,300 Human
Trayall Suak 6,300 Human
Utier Sceemus 8,000 Human
Vianosis Ethlando 8,700 Elven
Weetelton Aljero 7,600 Human
West Kronlin* Dolan 16,500 Human
Wispwillow Serpentson 9,000 Human

* = city where Grand Vorik resides

The Northlands are a puzzle of territories that are inhabited by people who trace their lineage back thousands of years ago to the powerful bands of Elganaar barbarians. Many centuries ago, as the kingdom of Varanady grew in power and threat, the tribal leaders, known as Voriks, nominated the strongest among them as a leader and referred to him as the Grand Vorik. He did not rule completely, as he had to gain a consensus from the other tribal leaders first. This made for a more stable existence for the peoples, who had warred among one another in typical barbarian fashion for hundreds of years.


Not long after the tribes agreed upon mutual cooperation, in the summer of the 117th year of the 4th Age of Man, the Queen of Varanady marched her forces into the Northlands and slaughtered thousands of men, women and children. By the time the barbarians rallied, it was too late--the Northlands had become a part of the Kingdom of Varanady. What was left of the tribes fled north into the Ghiena Mountains. Many continued northward, dispersing into the lands north of the mountains to become part of other populations. But a few hundred grim, determined barbarians stayed in the mountains, waging a hit and run campaign against the forces of Varanady in the Northlands over the next 13 years. They were effective only in the sense that they tied up men and resources in the Northlands that the queen might have better used elsewhere in her aggressive campaign to expand her kingdom.


By the end of the 130th year of the 4th Age of Man, the queen had been defeated and her kingdom dismantled. The tribes, what remained of them, came back to reclaim their territory. Many soldiers of Varanady, along with subjects of the queen who had moved into the newly-won lands of the Northlands, were persecuted horribly by the barbarians. They wanted revenge, and got it. For 3 years, former Varanady subjects were weeded out and executed without a trial. In the year 133, the great Grizz of the Lake, a man of epic size and wisdom, won the title of Grand Vorik. He wasn't the acknowledged choice of the other Voriks. Rather, he took the position by killing the current Grand Vorik in a contest of swords--something that had never been done before. He threatened to war upon the other Voriks if the killing of the former Varanady subjects did not end. He proclaimed that the time for killing was at an end. After a year of some fighting, the other Voriks agreed. In the year 134, the barbarians outlawed persecution of the former people of the dark queen's kingdom. This marked what has become known by the Northlanders as the dawn of civilization for their people. And over the years, they have come to refer to themselves less as "barbarians" and more as "Northlanders."


Over the next few hundred years, the Northlanders have rebuilt their society, keeping to their traditions while consolidating their resources to become more than a group of loosely-tied lands. The Voriks have long realized how trade if vital to the existence to their followers, so they have allowed the establishment of trade routes into their lands. Still reclusive in nature, the Northlanders are suspicious, but not foolish. They realize the importance of keeping goods flowing into and out of their country, and encourage it.


Points of Interest


Alibaan Sea


The Alibaan Sea cuts into the southern portion of the Northlands, nearly splitting it in two. The water of the Alibaan see a great deal of traffic from Northland and Sestillion ships running goods to various ports.


Breakwater River


One of the many waterways flowing out of the Dragon's Eye Lake, the Breakwater River is a fast-flowing river that winds eastward. It eventually becomes the Ravager River before emptying out into the Kataya Ocean.


Cemoc River


Flowing southward out of the Dragon's Eye Lake, the Cemoc River eventually empties into the Alibaan Sea.


Croithe Wood


A rich fertile wood located between Dassia and Wispwillow.


Demon's Maze


The Demon's Maze is a web of waterways fed by the Sogfoot River to the west. The streams and riverways run through deep swampland, making navigation extremely difficult at times.


Dragon's Eye Lake


A vast lake shared by the Dwarflands, Northlands, and the Wildlands. Those brave enough to travel down the Sogfoot River and through the Demon's Maze can make their way to the lake and the the Northands or the Bay of Horpl. A massive island in the northeast portion of the lake, which is Northlands territory.


Great Horn of Vhangortere


Made from the horn of an ancient blue dragon, this horn was used by the ancient warrior Vhangortere to unite the Northlands tribes under one Vorik.


Grimstone River


Winding north and then east out of the Dragon's Eye Lake, the Grimstone River empties into the Kataya Ocean.


Hart Wood


A sacred wood that has been revered by the Northlanders since their beginnings. Said to be many white deer roaming the area.


Orion River


The Orion River branches off from the Osiris River and eventually empties into the Alibaan Sea.


Osiris River


Emptying from the Dragon's Eye Lake, the Osiris River runs south and empties into the Alibaan Sea. About halfway along the journey, the river splits. The eastern fork becomes the Orion River.


Ravager River


Another waterway flowing from the Dragon's Eye Lake, the Ravager River flows south and then east before winding its way into the Kataya Ocean.

Reliad Mountains

The Reliads separate the Northlands' southwestern border from Brighkly and the Dwarflands. These mountains are primarily inhabited by giants of all kinds, as well as other humanoids.

Sacred Marches

A long wide plain the Northlanders travel to honor their lost dead once per decade.

Shabarr Wood

A vast seaside forest that runs north and south through the middle of the Northlands. The elves who occupy this forest are aggressive and territorial, yet they allow passage through for those who do so quickly and pay the appropriate tax.

Tenpick River

Flowing north out of the Dragon's Eye Lake, this river runs through the Sogfoots and empties into the Bay of Horpl.


Treasure Mines of Blasitaph


There are many legends and mysteries surrounding the Treasure Mines of Blasitaph. The certainties are that the mines are located somewhere in the Ghiena Mountains most likely near or in the direct vicinity of Castle Ironstar. The castle is the residence of Vorik Wildeyes and one of the most heavily-fortified castles on the continent. It is rumored that the mines in the side of the mountain are connected to the castle by winding maze of false turns and traps designed to thwart and/or kill all but the few who know the correct path. Many believe that the gems and raw precious metals are brought from the mines through the miles of tunnels up into the center of the great Castle Ironstar. Overlooking the courtyard where the treasure is brought up is a balcony with a great chair, where Wildeyes surveys it all. No one has ever been able to substantiate the rumors, but it is no secret that a great amount of refined gold and gems come from this area of the Northlands.


Vall Wood


Located between the cities of High Zem and Weetleton, this wood is prized for the ironwood trees that grow there.


White Wood


A huge, sacred forest that has been feared and revered for as long as the Northlanders can remember. Legend has it that the various gods in the heavens roam the land in animal form within the White Wood.


A permanent garrison of warriors, taken from every tribe, patrols the border of White Wood. They will kill anyone who tries to enter the sacred wood. These men are called "Celestial Guardians".





Significant Events/Holidays/Etc.


Northlands Liberation Day


Date: Day 2 of the Month of Autumn's Waxing


The Northlands used to be a savage area of Varanady, which ruled the entire continent east of the Gloridon Desert centuries ago. The lands were eventually liberated, and the lords who dwelled there agreed to a loose alliance that exists today. The Liberation Day is hailed as the day when Varanady was destroyed and the entire continent was freed from the fear that the Queen of Varanady held over the people of the land.


Test of the Pure


Voriks reserve the right to test their mortal strength against the gods each year. In the spring, the Voriks come together in a great festival called the "Test of the Pure" at the White Wood, where they compete with one another to see who is the strongest and the wisest. The victor earns the right to enter the White Wood at dawn of the Summer Solstice. Once inside the Wood, the Vorik will try to hunt down and destroy one of the "gods," which is usually a bear or other power creature. Once the Vorik kills the "god," he will drink of its blood to infuse the power of the gods into his body and make him powerful. In this way, Voriks are revered as being powerful and one step removed from the gods themselves.





Vorik Ki Winitz


Cities, Villages, Towns, Etc.


Leader: Vorik Ki Winitz


Power Center: Conventional


Gold Piece Limit: ; Ready Cash:

Races: Human: ; Halflings ; Elves: ; Dwarves: ; Gnomes: ; Half-Elves: 0; Half-Orcs: 0; Others:

Guards: ; Militia:

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-10




Bim Bar

Leader: Alion Fhunes


Power Center: Conventional


Gold Piece Limit: ; Ready Cash:

Races: Human: ; Halflings ; Elves: ; Dwarves: ; Gnomes: ; Half-Elves: 0; Half-Orcs: 0; Others:

Guards: ; Militia:

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-10





Vorik Wildeyes Tchuku


Cities, Villages, Towns, Etc.


Leader: Vorik Wildeyes Tchuku


Power Center: Conventional


Gold Piece Limit: ; Ready Cash:

Races: Human: ; Halflings ; Elves: ; Dwarves: ; Gnomes: ; Half-Elves: 0; Half-Orcs: 0; Others:

Guards: ; Militia:

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-10





Leader: Aljero Bongreeth


Power Center: Conventional


Gold Piece Limit: ; Ready Cash:

Races: Human: ; Halflings ; Elves: ; Dwarves: ; Gnomes: ; Half-Elves: 0; Half-Orcs: 0; Others:

Guards: ; Militia:

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-10





Vorik Wolfspaw Bireblood


Cities, Villages, Towns, Etc.


Leader: Vorik Wolfspaw Bireblood


Power Center: Conventional


Gold Piece Limit: ; Ready Cash:

Races: Human: ; Halflings ; Elves: ; Dwarves: ; Gnomes: ; Half-Elves: 0; Half-Orcs: 0; Others:

Guards: ; Militia:

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-10





Leader: Hoome Graginson


Power Center: Conventional


Gold Piece Limit: ; Ready Cash:

Races: Human: ; Halflings ; Elves: ; Dwarves: ; Gnomes: ; Half-Elves: 0; Half-Orcs: 0; Others:

Guards: ; Militia:

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-10





Leader: Lamdortha Olass


Power Center: Conventional


Gold Piece Limit: ; Ready Cash:

Races: Human: ; Halflings ; Elves: ; Dwarves: ; Gnomes: ; Half-Elves: 0; Half-Orcs: 0; Others:

Guards: ; Militia:

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-10





Vorik Elkara Naalice


Cities, Villages, Towns, Etc.


Leader: Vorik Elkara Naalice (F)


Power Center: Conventional


Gold Piece Limit: ; Ready Cash:

Races: Human: ; Halflings ; Elves: ; Dwarves: ; Gnomes: ; Half-Elves: 0; Half-Orcs: 0; Others:

Guards: ; Militia:

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-10





Leader: Camus Theritz


Power Center: Conventional


Gold Piece Limit: ; Ready Cash:

Races: Human: ; Halflings ; Elves: ; Dwarves: ; Gnomes: ; Half-Elves: 0; Half-Orcs: 0; Others:

Guards: ; Militia:

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-10





Leader: Lomg Blackboar


Power Center: Conventional


Gold Piece Limit: ; Ready Cash:

Races: Human: ; Halflings ; Elves: ; Dwarves: ; Gnomes: ; Half-Elves: 0; Half-Orcs: 0; Others:

Guards: ; Militia:

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-10





Vorik Agisan Vegatrini


Cities, Villages, Towns, Etc.


Leader: Vorik Agisan Vegatrini


Power Center: Conventional


Gold Piece Limit: ; Ready Cash:

Races: Human: ; Halflings ; Elves: ; Dwarves: ; Gnomes: ; Half-Elves: 0; Half-Orcs: 0; Others:

Guards: ; Militia:

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-10





Leader: Ethlando Soritian


Power Center: Conventional


Gold Piece Limit: ; Ready Cash:

Races: Human: ; Halflings ; Elves: ; Dwarves: ; Gnomes: ; Half-Elves: 0; Half-Orcs: 0; Others:

Guards: ; Militia:

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-10





Leader: Sceemus Bickrem


Power Center: Conventional


Gold Piece Limit: ; Ready Cash:

Races: Human: ; Halflings ; Elves: ; Dwarves: ; Gnomes: ; Half-Elves: 0; Half-Orcs: 0; Others:

Guards: ; Militia:

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-10





Vorik Bal Theculese


Cities, Villages, Towns, Etc.


Leader: Vorik Bal Theculese


Power Center: Conventional


Gold Piece Limit: ; Ready Cash:

Races: Human: ; Halflings ; Elves: ; Dwarves: ; Gnomes: ; Half-Elves: 0; Half-Orcs: 0; Others:

Guards: ; Militia:

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-10





Leader: Elkara Worchalla (F)


Power Center: Conventional


Gold Piece Limit: ; Ready Cash:

Races: Human: ; Halflings ; Elves: ; Dwarves: ; Gnomes: ; Half-Elves: 0; Half-Orcs: 0; Others:

Guards: ; Militia:

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-10





Leader: Choz Baro


Power Center: Conventional


Gold Piece Limit: ; Ready Cash:

Races: Human: ; Halflings ; Elves: ; Dwarves: ; Gnomes: ; Half-Elves: 0; Half-Orcs: 0; Others:

Guards: ; Militia:

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-10





Vorik Ioliss Torambol


Cities, Villages, Towns, Etc.



Leader: Vorik Ioliss Torambol


Power Center: Conventional


Gold Piece Limit: ; Ready Cash:

Races: Human: ; Halflings ; Elves: ; Dwarves: ; Gnomes: ; Half-Elves: 0; Half-Orcs: 0; Others:

Guards: ; Militia:

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-10





Leader: Lloriana Kiviam (F)


Power Center: Conventional


Gold Piece Limit: ; Ready Cash:

Races: Human: ; Halflings ; Elves: ; Dwarves: ; Gnomes: ; Half-Elves: 0; Half-Orcs: 0; Others:

Guards: ; Militia:

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-10





Leader: Raxini Robislo


Power Center: Conventional


Gold Piece Limit: ; Ready Cash:

Races: Human: ; Halflings ; Elves: ; Dwarves: ; Gnomes: ; Half-Elves: 0; Half-Orcs: 0; Others:

Guards: ; Militia:

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-10






Vorik Sunstorm Fogelli


Cities, Villages, Towns, Etc.


Ransar Keth

Leader: Vorik Sunstorm Fogelli


Power Center: Conventional


Gold Piece Limit: ; Ready Cash:

Races: Human: ; Halflings ; Elves: ; Dwarves: ; Gnomes: ; Half-Elves: 0; Half-Orcs: 0; Others:

Guards: ; Militia:

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-10





Vorik Suak Vewonger

Cities, Villages, Towns, Etc.


Leader: Vorik Suak Vewonger


Power Center: Conventional


Gold Piece Limit: ; Ready Cash:

Races: Human: ; Halflings ; Elves: ; Dwarves: ; Gnomes: ; Half-Elves: 0; Half-Orcs: 0; Others:

Guards: ; Militia:

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-10




Ra Mak

Leader: Sunstorm Machesh


Power Center: Conventional


Gold Piece Limit: ; Ready Cash:

Races: Human: ; Halflings ; Elves: ; Dwarves: ; Gnomes: ; Half-Elves: 0; Half-Orcs: 0; Others:

Guards: ; Militia:

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-10





Leader: Yuth Oganson


Power Center: Conventional


Gold Piece Limit: ; Ready Cash:

Races: Human: ; Halflings ; Elves: ; Dwarves: ; Gnomes: ; Half-Elves: 0; Half-Orcs: 0; Others:

Guards: ; Militia:

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-10





Vorik Aljero Moccass


Cities, Villages, Towns, Etc.


Leader: Vorik Aljero Moccass


Power Center: Conventional


Gold Piece Limit: ; Ready Cash:

Races: Human: ; Halflings ; Elves: ; Dwarves: ; Gnomes: ; Half-Elves: 0; Half-Orcs: 0; Others:

Guards: ; Militia:

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-10




High Zem

Leader: Numexis Ponafromme


Power Center: Conventional


Gold Piece Limit: ; Ready Cash:

Races: Human: ; Halflings ; Elves: ; Dwarves: ; Gnomes: ; Half-Elves: 0; Half-Orcs: 0; Others:

Guards: ; Militia:

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-10





Leader: Pristhe Mortari


Power Center: Conventional


Gold Piece Limit: ; Ready Cash:

Races: Human: ; Halflings ; Elves: ; Dwarves: ; Gnomes: ; Half-Elves: 0; Half-Orcs: 0; Others:

Guards: ; Militia:

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-10





Grand Vorik Dolan LaCrete


Cities, Villages, Towns, Etc.


West Kronlin

Leader: Grand Vork Dolan LaCrete


Power Center: Conventional


Gold Piece Limit: ; Ready Cash:

Races: Human: ; Halflings ; Elves: ; Dwarves: ; Gnomes: ; Half-Elves: 0; Half-Orcs: 0; Others:

Guards: ; Militia:

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-10






The monastery here is called Gelthia.





Leader: Wildeyes Yathkijal


Power Center: Conventional


Gold Piece Limit: ; Ready Cash:

Races: Human: ; Halflings ; Elves: ; Dwarves: ; Gnomes: ; Half-Elves: 0; Half-Orcs: 0; Others:

Guards: ; Militia:

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-10





Leader: Ar Ketra Xamkemi


Power Center: Conventional


Gold Piece Limit: ; Ready Cash:

Races: Human: ; Halflings ; Elves: ; Dwarves: ; Gnomes: ; Half-Elves: 0; Half-Orcs: 0; Others:

Guards: ; Militia:

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-10





Vorik Serpentson Ju Sek


Cities, Villages, Towns, Etc.



Leader: Vorik Serpentson Ju Sek


Power Center: Conventional


Gold Piece Limit: ; Ready Cash:

Races: Human: ; Halflings ; Elves: ; Dwarves: ; Gnomes: ; Half-Elves: 0; Half-Orcs: 0; Others:

Guards: ; Militia:

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-10





Leader: Agisan Domochai


Power Center: Conventional


Gold Piece Limit: ; Ready Cash:

Races: Human: ; Halflings ; Elves: ; Dwarves: ; Gnomes: ; Half-Elves: 0; Half-Orcs: 0; Others:

Guards: ; Militia:

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-10





Leader: Talois Draidolin


Power Center: Conventional


Gold Piece Limit: ; Ready Cash:

Races: Human: ; Halflings ; Elves: ; Dwarves: ; Gnomes: ; Half-Elves: 0; Half-Orcs: 0; Others:

Guards: ; Militia:

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-10







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