Northern Houress

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Poulcea Province

Vor High Priest James Fourkine

Leader: High Priest James Fourkine
Capitol: Tescausia (12,500)
Population: 135,000+

Elves, Dwarves,  Gnomes,  Halflings, and Others

Humanoids: Some
Resources: Platinum, Silver, Gems, Cloth, Tobacco and Foodstuffs


Current Political Structure

4 Districts, Their High Priests, and their Capital Cities


District of Vor

High Priest James Fourkine

Capital City: Tescausia

District of Toh Pana

Eminence Tijan Coru

Capital City: Ahtain

District of Qurophys

Grand Wizard Milvan Shadowbane

Capital City: Greonaar

District of Ardru

Most High Sobik Tiforias

Capital City: Balavertz




City Leader Pop. Pred. Race
Ahtain+ Tijan 9,100 Human
Balavertz+ Sobik 10,200 Human
Bohair Biligan 9,500 Human
Cutterfall Blazenka (F) 15,200 Human
Felegan Daro 8,500 Human
Greonaar+ Milovan 10,000 Human
Kendrill Dane 8,800 Human
Paho Prodan 7,000 Human
Preock Luborek 7,900 Human
Reighdon Vihrem 8,400 Human
Tescausia*+ James 12,500 Human
Veripal Rados 10,000 Human
Wirthorl Tomo 8,200 Human
Zovai Stoil 7,800 Human


* = Provincial Capital / + = District Capital


The Poulcea Province is a territory that used to be part of the Hestrillite Empire many centuries ago. The lands and the cities had become meccas representing Life (Ardru), Death (Qurophys), Peace (Toh Pana), and War (Vor).


After last great war, the empire was weak and vulnerable to threats from both outside and within. The high clerics of the religious-oriented province united in their desire to govern their own territories without having to answer directly to the emperor. They banded their forces together and demanded separation from the empire lest they march on southward and and tear the country apart. The emperor, his back to the wall, agreed under the condition that they province remain a strong ally of the empire and would help it in time of war. The clergy agreed, and the Poulcea Province became its own country.


All human communities are strictly Lawful Good and follow each of the four gods listed above. In predominately human populated cities, the four temples will be there, along with other temples for other races. Each district (listed above) has temples to each of the four provincial gods but holds their particular god in a slightly higher regard.





Points of Interest


Edachi Forest


This huge forest straddles the northeaster border between the Poulcea Province and the Elvenlands.


Madrigal Forest


A dense and ancient forest that stretches nearly half the length of the Poulcea Province. The elves who live here aggressively protect their lands and barely tolerate intruders.


Neveron River


The Neveron is a long, winding river that starts at the southeastern edge of the Argritrite Mountains and flows along northern border of Poulcea before emptying into The Great Inland Sea.


North Oran River


This body of water flows out of Kharamis to the southeast before emptying into the Oreal Lake in the Hestrillite Empire.


The Great Inland Sea


This vast sea is bordered by Garland, the Vohrn Territories, the Elvenlands, the Poulcea Province, the Hestrillite Empire, and the Kingdom of Dockrawlin. Many hundreds of ships from all of the listed countries sail these waters, mostly to do trade.





Significant Events/Holidays/Etc.


Holy Day of Ardru


Date: Day 1 of the Month of Spring's Waxing


Celebrated across the country in reference to Ardru, the Goddess of Life.


Holy Day of Qurophys


Date: Day 31 of the Month of Winter's Waxing.


Recognized across the country in reference to Qurophys, God of the Dead.


Holy Day of Toh Pana 


Date: Day 15 of the Month of Summer's Glory.


Recognized across the country in reference to Toh Pana, Goddes of Peace and Hope.


Holy Day of Vor 


Date: Day 15 of the Month of Autumn's Waning.


Recognized across the country in reference to Vor, God of Courage and Battle.


Independence Day


Date: Day 11 of the Month of Summer's Glory


This day is to celebrate the moment when the various communities of the land that is now Garland decided to come together as a country. The exact date is lost in lore, but many believe it was sometime during the 2nd Age.







The practice of slavery in Poulcea has been banished since the province became independent. Those who traffic properly documented slaves from other countries are allowed to pass. If a slave escapes its captors, then it is considered free and will be protected by Poulcean law.





District of Vor


Cities, Villages, Towns, Etc.




Leader: Her Holiness Blazenka Saius of Vor

Population: 15,200

Power Center: Theocracy

Alignment: Lawful Good

Races: Humans: 13,500; Elves: 1,400; Others: 300

Guards: 729; Militia: 5,000

Sheriff: Paladin lvl-20


Cutterfall is one of the most strategically and economically important cities within the province.  Located on the shores of The Great Inland Sea, Cutterfall sees a huge amount of trade flowing in and out of its borders. The magnificent temple/fortress of Vor sits high on cliffs overlooking the sea.


To protect the the city and the province, Cutterfall has a powerful navy that patrols their waters.





Although there are private places within the city where people can worship their god, there are five proper temples here.


Ardru   Em'Sharfhei   Qurophys   Toh Pana   Vor


Wizard Presence


Out of acknowledgement of the occasional need for arcane magic, a single high-level sanctioned wizard is kept on the city payroll. Any other arcane casters, be they wizards or other, may only practice magic within the city if they have express permission from the clergy. 


Merchants Guild


There is no guild per se. All business activities, laws, disputes, and other matters are regulated by the clergy.


Criminal Presence


Being very faithful and mindful of doing the right thing, citizens of this city rarely commit crimes. It also helps that penalties for even the slightest crimes are quite severe. There are no gangs known to operate here.


Sailors' Union


As with the merchants and other workers, the sailors' and shoremen's welfare and interests are looked after exclusively by the clergy.


Other Places of Interest


Temple of Vor


One of the largest of its kind on the continent, this magnificent square tower of white marble rises ten stories into the air. Perched atop the holy shrine is a massive silver owl clutching a clock that can been from far away. Pilgrims from afar journey to this place to pray and marvel at its beauty.







Leader: High Priest James Fourkine of Vor

Population: 12,500

Power Center: Theocracy

Alignment: Lawful Good

Races: Humans: 10,450; Halflings: 1,000; Gnomes: 800; Others: 250

Guards: 630; Militia: 5,800

Sheriff: Paladin lvl-20


Located on the border with the Hestrillite Empire, Tescausia is a major stop along the trade routes connecting the province and the empire. The fortified city is the lynchpin in a series of border keeps to protect against invasion.




Although there are private places within the city where people can worship their god, there are six proper temples here.


Ardru   Em'Sharfhei   Qurophys   Srultavin   Toh Pana   Vor


Wizard Presence


Out of acknowledgement of the occasional need for arcane magic, a single high-level sanctioned wizard is kept on the city payroll. Any other arcane casters, be they wizards or other, may only practice magic within the city if they have express permission from the clergy. 


Merchants Guild


There is no guild per se. All business activities, laws, disputes, and other matters are regulated by the clergy.


Criminal Presence


Being very faithful and mindful of doing the right thing, citizens of this city rarely commit crimes. It also helps that penalties for even the slightest crimes are quite severe. There are no gangs known to operate here.


Other Places of Interest


Graveyard of the Watchers


A sprawling graveyard at the northern edge of the city is dedicated to Vor worshippers. Perched upon each headstone is the carving of a great horned owl. Clutched in its talons is a clock showing the time that the deceased passed away and their souls were received by Vor.







Leader: His Divine Presence Rados Yvorkan of Vor

Population: 10,000

Power Center: Theocracy

Alignment: Lawful Good

Races: Humans: 8,500; Elves: 1,300; Others: 200

Guards: 460; Militia: 3,000

Sheriff: Paladin lvl-20


Veripall is another coastal city located by The Great Inland see and about 50 miles to the southwest of Cutterfall. A sizeable naval presence exists within Veripal to protect the many trade and fishing ships working the local waters.


Although there are private places within the city where people can worship their god, there are five proper temples here.


Ardru   Em'Sharfhei   Qurophys   Toh Pana   Vor


Wizard Presence


Out of acknowledgement of the occasional need for arcane magic, a single high-level sanctioned wizard is kept on the city payroll. Any other arcane casters, be they wizards or other, may only practice magic within the city if they have express permission from the clergy. 


Merchants Guild


There is no guild per se. All business activities, laws, disputes, and other matters are regulated by the clergy.


Criminal Presence


Being very faithful and mindful of doing the right thing, citizens of this city rarely commit crimes. It also helps that penalties for even the slightest crimes are quite severe. There are no gangs known to operate here.

Sailors' Union


As with the merchants and other workers, the sailors' and shoremen's welfare and interests are looked after exclusively by the clergy.


Other Places of Interest









Leader: His Holiness Tomo Szaldeus of Vor

Population: 8,200

Power Center: Theocracy

Alignment: Lawful Good

Races: Humans: 7,400; Halflings: 600; Others: 200

Guards: 380; Militia: 2,000

Sheriff: Paladin lvl-19


Situated on the border with the Hestrillite Empire, Wirthorl is a link in a long chain of castles and keeps that protect Poulcea's underbelly. Dalthren is the temple/castle of Vor, which the city is built around.


Wirthorl enjoys a great deal of trade that moves through the city on a daily basis. Wheat and other staples make up a great deal of what Wirthorl exports.




Although there are private places within the city where people can worship their god, there are five proper temples here.


Ardru   Qurophys   Srultavin   Toh Pana   Vor


Wizard Presence


Out of acknowledgement of the occasional need for arcane magic, a single high-level sanctioned wizard is kept on the city payroll. Any other arcane casters, be they wizards or other, may only practice magic within the city if they have express permission from the clergy. 


Merchants Guild


There is no guild per se. All business activities, laws, disputes, and other matters are regulated by the clergy.


Criminal Presence


Being very faithful and mindful of doing the right thing, citizens of this city rarely commit crimes. It also helps that penalties for even the slightest crimes are quite severe. There are no gangs known to operate here.


Other Places of Interest


Sacred Owls of Vor


Build within the local temple of Vor is a magnificent glass-enclosed aviary where several great horned owls are kept. They have been bred and kept there for centuries and revered as avatars of the mighty Vor.





District of Qurophys


Cities, Villages, Towns, Etc.




Leader: Eminence Dane Giantsbane of Qurophys

Population: 8,800

Power Center: Theocracy

Alignment: Lawful Good

Races: Humans: 7,000; Elves: 900; Halflings: 700; Others: 200

Guards: 355; Militia: 2,000

Sheriff: Paladin lvl-20


Kendrill sits on the border with the Elvenlands. Even though the elves to the north have always been peaceful and not considered a threat,t he people of Kendrill still remain vigilant to protect themselves and the province.


Castle Glory stands just inside the border.




Although there are private places within the city where people can worship their god, there are six proper temples here.


Ardru   Em'Sharfhei   Qurophys   Srultavin   Toh Pana   Vor


Wizard Presence


Out of acknowledgement of the occasional need for arcane magic, a single high-level sanctioned wizard is kept on the city payroll. Any other arcane casters, be they wizards or other, may only practice magic within the city if they have express permission from the clergy. 


Merchants Guild


There is no guild per se. All business activities, laws, disputes, and other matters are regulated by the clergy.


Criminal Presence


Being very faithful and mindful of doing the right thing, citizens of this city rarely commit crimes. It also helps that penalties for even the slightest crimes are quite severe. There are no gangs known to operate here.


Other Places of Interest









Leader: His Holiness Milovan Erozaven of Qurophys

Population: 10,000

Power Center: Theocracy

Alignment: Lawful Good

Races: Humans: 8,500; Halflings: 700; Elves: 600; Others: 200

Guards: 595; Militia: 3,200

Sheriff: Paladin lvl-20


Greonaar exists on the far northwest border of the Poulcea Province on the border with Kharamis. This holy city of Qurophys is well-fortified and is protected by Castle Hiahmm. Also being located on the banks of the hundreds-mile long Chir River, Greeonar sees a great deal of trade flowing through it from the upper part of Kharamis.




Although there are private places within the city where people can worship their god, there are six proper temples here.


Ardru   Em'Sharfhei   Qurophys   Srultavin   Toh Pana   Vor


Wizard Presence


Out of acknowledgement of the occasional need for arcane magic, a single high-level sanctioned wizard is kept on the city payroll. Any other arcane casters, be they wizards or other, may only practice magic within the city if they have express permission from the clergy. 


Merchants Guild


There is no guild per se. All business activities, laws, disputes, and other matters are regulated by the clergy.


Criminal Presence


Being very faithful and mindful of doing the right thing, citizens of this city rarely commit crimes. It also helps that penalties for even the slightest crimes are quite severe. There are no gangs known to operate here.


Other Places of Interest


Moaning Pits


About a mile northeast of Greonaar are seven massive holes in the ground with each stretching nearly 100 yards across. They have been classified as bottomless, for many have tried to explore them but none have returned. When the wind blows across the surface of the pits, it creates a deep moaning that people like to that of an anguished titan.







Leader: His Holiness Vihrem Hargrish of Qurophys

Population: 8,400

Power Center: Theocracy

Alignment: Lawful Good

Races: Humans: 8,200; Others: 200

Guards: 415; Militia: 2,600

Sheriff: Paladin lvl-20


Reighdon is a holy mecca for those seeking the wisdom of Qurophys. A city on the vast eastern plains of Poulcea, Reighdon is an important stop along trade route cutting through the middle of the country.


Reighdon is also an important farming community that supplies crops for a great deal of the people of Poulcea.




Although there are private places within the city where people can worship their god, there are four proper temples here.


Ardru   Qurophys   Toh Pana   Vor


Wizard Presence


Out of acknowledgement of the occasional need for arcane magic, a single high-level sanctioned wizard is kept on the city payroll. Any other arcane casters, be they wizards or other, may only practice magic within the city if they have express permission from the clergy. 


Merchants Guild


There is no guild per se. All business activities, laws, disputes, and other matters are regulated by the clergy.


Criminal Presence


Being very faithful and mindful of doing the right thing, citizens of this city rarely commit crimes. It also helps that penalties for even the slightest crimes are quite severe. There are no gangs known to operate here.


Other Places of Interest


Temple of Qurophys





District of Toh Pana


Cities, Villages, Towns, Etc.




Leader: High Holy Tijam Tuk of Toh Pana

Population: 9,100

Power Center: Theocracy

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Races: Humans: 7,900; Elves: 700; Halflings: 400; Others: 100

Guards: 333; Militia: 2,400

Sheriff: Cleric lvl-18


A city on the northern edge of the empire bordering the Poulcea Province, Ahtain is a grand place dedicated to the glory of Toh Pana. The Shenkair Temple is fantastic temple that rises up from the center of Ahtain and is a great inspiration for the followers of Toh Pana.




Although there are private places within the city where people can worship their god, there are six proper temples here.


Ardru   Em'Sharfhei   Qurophys   Srultavin   Toh Pana   Vor


Wizard Presence


Out of acknowledgement of the occasional need for arcane magic, a single high-level sanctioned wizard is kept on the city payroll. Any other arcane casters, be they wizards or other, may only practice magic within the city if they have express permission from the clergy. 


Merchants Guild


There is no guild per se. All business activities, laws, disputes, and other matters are regulated by the clergy.


Criminal Presence


Being very faithful and mindful of doing the right thing, citizens of this city rarely commit crimes. It also helps that penalties for even the slightest crimes are quite severe. There are no gangs known to operate here.


Other Places of Interest


Glorious Temple of Toh Pana


This grand domed facility rises four stories into the sky and can be seen for miles. The bricks are painted a bright shade of green, and the dome is topped by a massive green iron ring of clasping hands symbolizing peace and unity. People come from far away to pray within the temple, whose priests are renown for their calm, peaceful, and helpful nature.


Dominating the center of the floor inside is a towering white alabaster gazelle, its head held high, the symbol of Toh Pana herself. On a pedestal before the statue is a jagged meteorite about the size of a man's head, a placard below reading TEAR OF THE GOD.







Leader: His Most Divine Daro Revagi of Toh Pana

Population: 8,500

Power Center: Theocracy

Alignment: Lawful Good

Races: Humans: 6,200; Elves: 1,700; Halflings: 350; Others: 250

Guards: 399; Militia: 2,100

Sheriff: Paladin lvl-20


Felegan is another border city, in this case with the Elvenlands to the north. Although a walled city built around Castle Hope, this is a city of peace, and its citizens believe it it very strongly.




Although there are private places within the city where people can worship their god, there are six proper temples here.


Ardru   Em'Sharfhei   Qurophys   Srultavin   Toh Pana   Vor


Wizard Presence


Out of acknowledgement of the occasional need for arcane magic, a single high-level sanctioned wizard is kept on the city payroll. Any other arcane casters, be they wizards or other, may only practice magic within the city if they have express permission from the clergy. 


Merchants Guild


There is no guild per se. All business activities, laws, disputes, and other matters are regulated by the clergy.


Criminal Presence


Being very faithful and mindful of doing the right thing, citizens of this city rarely commit crimes. It also helps that penalties for even the slightest crimes are quite severe. There are no gangs known to operate here.


Other Places of Interest









Leader: The Most Wise Everhope Prodan Orpaji of Toh Pana

Population: 7,000

Power Center: Theocracy

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Races: Humans: 7,000; Elves: 1,200; Halflings: 800; Others: 300

Guards: 420; Militia: 3,000

Sheriff: Paladin lvl-18


Paho is located inland south of the border with the Elvenlands. The city is an important cog in the trade routes that criss-cross the Province. Aside from trade, farming is the most important part of Paho and the surrounding flatlands. Crops are exported to other cities within the district and beyond.




Although there are private places within the city where people can worship their god, there are six proper temples here.


Ardru   Em'Sharfhei   Qurophys   Srultavin   Toh Pana   Vor


Wizard Presence


Out of acknowledgement of the occasional need for arcane magic, a single high-level sanctioned wizard is kept on the city payroll. Any other arcane casters, be they wizards or other, may only practice magic within the city if they have express permission from the clergy. 


Merchants Guild


There is no guild per se. All business activities, laws, disputes, and other matters are regulated by the clergy.


Criminal Presence


Being very faithful and mindful of doing the right thing, citizens of this city rarely commit crimes. It also helps that penalties for even the slightest crimes are quite severe. There are no gangs known to operate here.


Other Places of Interest







District of Ardru


Cities, Villages, Towns, Etc.




Leader: Sobik Kobreeth the Enlightened of Ardru

Population: 10,200

Power Center: Theocracy

Alignment: Lawful Good

Races: Humans: 9,300; Elves: 700; Others: 200

Guards: 650; Militia: 2,300

Sheriff: Paladin lvl-20


Balavertz is the capital city of the District of Ardru. A beautiful city that is thickly populated by orange trees whose summer blossoms are a spectacular sight to see. Life is sacred here and taking one is a very serious offense unless there is sufficient justification.


Balavertz is located close to the southern border with the Hestrillite Empire and as such is well fortified against any invasions. A city along the southern Poulcean trade route, Balavertz is also an important farming community that supplies food across the province.




Although there are private places within the city where people can worship their god, there are five proper temples here.


Ardru   Em'Sharfhei   Qurophys   Toh Pana   Vor


Wizard Presence


Out of acknowledgement of the occasional need for arcane magic, a single high-level sanctioned wizard is kept on the city payroll. Any other arcane casters, be they wizards or other, may only practice magic within the city if they have express permission from the clergy. 


Merchants Guild


There is no guild per se. All business activities, laws, disputes, and other matters are regulated by the clergy.


Criminal Presence


Being very faithful and mindful of doing the right thing, citizens of this city rarely commit crimes. It also helps that penalties for even the slightest crimes are quite severe. There are no gangs known to operate here.


Other Places of Interest


Temple of Ardru


This magnificent white and orange set of pristine buildings is located high on a hill overlooking the northern portion of the city. The temple is surrouned by hundreds of orange trees and the 20 square miles of land to the south is considered sacred and protected.







Leader: Biligan Fotessi the Wise of Ardru

Population: 9,500

Power Center: Theocracy

Alignment: Lawful Good

Races: Humans: 8,300; Elves: 700; Gnomes: 400; Others: 100

Guards: 430; Militia: 3,400

Sheriff: Paladin lvl-20


Bohair is located on the southwest border of the province with the Hestrillite Empire in the eastern reaches of the Zaithor Forest. As with all cities of Ardru, life is revered and protected here. Bohair is quite busy with trade coming through from Kharamis and the empire.


The city itself is well-fortified and manned as it is vital to the defence of the province. Castle Shaias is a beautiful fortress designed with elven aesthetics in mind.




Although there are private places within the city where people can worship their god, there are six proper temples here.


Ardru   Em'Sharfhei   Orulen   Qurophys   Toh Pana   Vor


Wizard Presence


Out of acknowledgement of the occasional need for arcane magic, a single high-level sanctioned wizard is kept on the city payroll. Any other arcane casters, be they wizards or other, may only practice magic within the city if they have express permission from the clergy. 


Merchants Guild


There is no guild per se. All business activities, laws, disputes, and other matters are regulated by the clergy.


Criminal Presence


Being very faithful and mindful of doing the right thing, citizens of this city rarely commit crimes. It also helps that penalties for even the slightest crimes are quite severe. There are no gangs known to operate here.


Other Places of Interest


Sacred Unicorns


Since the Second Age, a mated pair of unicorns have come to a sacred pool deep within the forest, supposedly sent by Em'Sharfhei. They arrive in the spring, summer, and fall to drink from a sacred pool that the elves have deemed off limits to everyone. The penalty for breaking that decree is death.







Leader: His Holiness Luborek Uven of Ardru

Population: 7,900

Power Center: Theocracy

Alignment: Lawful

Races: Humans: 6,500; Elves: 800; Halflings 500; Others: 100

Guards: 380; Militia: 1,900

Sheriff: Paladin lvl-19


Preock, which is situated in the Madrigal Forest and roughly in the middle of the province, is a beautiful city based largely upon elven design. Significant trade moves through Preock, making it strategically valuable.




Although there are private places within the city where people can worship their god, there are six proper temples here.


Ardru   Em'Sharfhei   Qurophys   Srultavin   Toh Pana   Vor


Wizard Presence


Out of acknowledgement of the occasional need for arcane magic, a single high-level sanctioned wizard is kept on the city payroll. Any other arcane casters, be they wizards or other, may only practice magic within the city if they have express permission from the clergy. 


Merchants Guild


There is no guild per se. All business activities, laws, disputes, and other matters are regulated by the clergy.


Criminal Presence


Being very faithful and mindful of doing the right thing, citizens of this city rarely commit crimes. It also helps that penalties for even the slightest


Other Places of Interest









Leader: Stoil Lahmet the High

Population: 7,800

Power Center: Theocracy

Alignment: Lawful Good

Races: Humans: 7,500; Others: 300

Guards: 320; Militia: 2,000

Sheriff: Paladin lvl-20


Zoval is located on the plains to the southwest of the Madrigal Forest and is an important stop along the provincial trade routes. The city and the surrounding area enjoy farming and crop as top export.




Although there are private places within the city where people can worship their god, there are four proper temples here.


Ardru   Qurophys   Toh Pana   Vor


Wizard Presence


Out of acknowledgement of the occasional need for arcane magic, a single high-level sanctioned wizard is kept on the city payroll. Any other arcane casters, be they wizards or other, may only practice magic within the city if they have express permission from the clergy. 


Merchants Guild


There is no guild per se. All business activities, laws, disputes, and other matters are regulated by the clergy.


Criminal Presence


Being very faithful and mindful of doing the right thing, citizens of this city rarely commit crimes. It also helps that penalties for even the slightest crimes are quite severe. There are no gangs known to operate here.


Other Places of Interest




For centuries, a tall, thick bank of clouds have hung over the plains about ten miles to the north of town. Their shape has never changed, and they rain for an hour each day starting at noon. No one knows how they got their or why they rain so regularly. Many thing it's a blessing from Ardru to provide water for the crops that are planted there. At night, lighting flashes playfully about the clouds, making for a spectacular show.





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