Southern Houress

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Kingdom of Sestillion


King Heinrall Sestillion


Leader: King Heinrall Sestillion
Capital: Kryptalon (30,350)
Population: 300,500+
Demi-Humans: Elves, Gnomes, Halflings, and Others
Humanoids: Orcs, Gnolls, and Others

Platinum, Coal, Foodstuffs, Timber, Salt and Fishing


Current Political Structure

9 Provinces and their Governors


First Province

Governor Bai Hugar

Provincial Capital: Quillon

Second Province

Governor Prang Oralgar

Provincial Capital: Dirolg

Third Province

Governor Troy Alis

Provincial Capital (and kingdom capitol): Kryptalon

Fourth Province

Governor Gorvin Duril

Provincial Capital: Rastas

Fifth Province

Governor Alai Khaldara (F)

Provincial Capital: Tairul

Sixth Province

Governor Poprei Nalducian

Provincial Capital: Remool

Seventh Province

Governor Sei Ra Tani

Provincial Capital: Voketia

Eight Province

Governor Ofa Tirianna (F)

Provincial Capital: Lalelond

Ninth Province

Governor Zom LaCarch

Provincial Capital: Burnarrin


City Leader Pop. Pred. Race
Anilian Sativere 7,000 Elven
Asha Caelora Ilverohn 9,500 Elven
Balieff Cialeign 10,800 Elven
Blencathra Cykilius 8,200 Human
Bog Boldur Ivan 13,200 Dwarven
Burnarrin Zom 13,600 Human
Coderra Anshuu 10,000 Human
Conniska Vance 10,000 Human


Prang 7,500 Human
Efhanor Uertiga 7,000 Elven
Ferebet Nobaih 10,900 Human
Goldcrest Aullins 8,400 Human
Isymelan Llem 8,240 Elven
Jurlgreth Monthell 12,100 Barethkor
Kheylar Krahm 11,750 Dwarven
Kryptalon* Troy 30,350 Human
Kutarish Varrush 12,000 Human
Lalelond Ofa (F) 9,800 Elven
Leurbost Tishla (F) 9,300 Human
Myrefal Fennoris 7,200 Halfling
Naporfen Vonix 10,200 Dwarven
Ormgarth Karm 6,900 Human
Petunnal Nessai (F) 8,000 Human
Quillon Bai 9,000 Human
Rastas Gorvin 12,700 Human
Remool Poprei 7,500 Elven
Swinford Boforst 11,350 Human
Tairul Alai (F) 12,000 Elven
Voketia Sei Ra 10,300 Human

* = capital

The massive territory known as the Kingdom of Sestillion came into existence as a result of the fall of Varanady hundreds of years ago. The leaders of the victorious armies of the west, along with the rebels of the Northlands and Brighkly, held council for three weeks to decide the fate of the fallen dark kingdom. The queen had disappeared, supposedly killed by forces who had entered Ehn Vogharr city and burned it to the ground, and those of her leaders foolish enough to remain in Varanady were either imprisoned or executed shortly thereafter.

It was decided that lords from all of the victorious armies should have permanent residence in Varanady. The idea was to demonstrate to the war torn and suspicious people of Varanady that they would be ruled by a consensus of their victors rather then men from any one land. The kingdom was carved up into 8 roughly equal territories called the Eastern Lands, each with a noble from the victorious armies to rule them. But this idea quickly showed its flaw.

Not more than two years later, in the 132nd year of the 4th Age of Man, chaos manifested itself in the fledgling Eastern Lands. The 8 Lords, although they had cooperated remarkably in fighting the dark queen, had now begun to quarrel amongst themselves. Old arguments had surfaced, and the threat of an outbreak of hostilities between several of the Lords seemed eminent. The citizens who had been oppressed by the dark queen for over 150 years had expected hope and stability. They rose up against the squabbling lords, taking them by surprise. Five of the eight territories fell before the surprisingly organized civil forces in a short few months, and the others looked sure to fall. The bitter barbarians to the north, who had suffered heavily at the hand of the dark queen, were poised to swoop down and wipe out everyone in the name of securing their borders. The stability of the region, which had been won at such a dear cost in blood, seemed ready to fall apart.

But in the harsh winter at the end of the year 134, a figure stepped forward through the ranks of the rebels and called for peace. He purported to be the great grandson of the last legitimate royal family of the Kingdom of Sestillion, which is what the kingdom had been called until the dark queen seized power and supposedly killed all of the royal family. The man, named Barl Sestillion and who had been leading a weak resistance within Varanady against the queen, as had his father and grandfather before him, now claimed the rightful leadership of the people of what he claimed should be the Kingdom of Sestillion. Barl went before a council of leaders making up the lands of the victors over the queen. He claimed that his people, who had been brutally oppressed and exploited for so many years, deserved the right to reclaim their country and their pride. The alternative, he had hinted darkly, would be civil unrest that would keep the region unstable indefinitely.

Only the tribal Voriks from the Northlands disagreed. They wanted an excuse for blood, and this was it. But they were convinced by the other leaders that the lands of Southern Houress had tasted too much blood. No country could justify further hostilities, and Barl Sestillion was allowed to lay claim as the King of Sestillion. But for Barl to get what he wanted, he had to agree to allow four of the lords from the victorious armies over Varanady to remain as provincial leaders. And so, in the year 135, the rebirth of the Kingdom of Sestillion became a reality, and the people celebrated for over a year as their neighbors finally breathed a tentative sigh of relief for the first time in a great many years.

Currently, Sestillion is a strong kingdom that either has alliances with its neighbors or enough strength along their borders to deter aggression. The subjects of King Heinrall are a strong-willed people who bear a surprising degree of loyalty to the man who has brought some sense of security to the land. They are still wary of outsiders and are somewhat slow to trust them.


Slavery is forbidden within Sestillion borders. Slaves passing through will promptly be freed, and their captors imprisoned and heavily fined.

Points of Interest



The Alibaan Sea is located to the north of Sestillion's upper peninsula and to the south of the shores of the Northlands. This area is usually busy with fishing and merchant vessels.


Black Swamp


A part of the Aerlidonis Jungle nearly devoid of life, this dark place is the home to evil spirits, who prefer the solitude the swamp offers, safe from those who would hunt them. They spirits and ghosts of the Black Swamp prey upon those unfortunate to wander into their midst. They have the sense to leave the supply barges coming down the Flane River alone, mostly because the vessels employ priests toward the spirits off. Those foolish enough to sail without a priest of some strength, usually never reach the Darkwater.


Ceril Bay


This wide and deep bay splits a good portion of Sestillion to the north and the Defiled Lands to the south. A powerful Sestillion navy patrols these waters to keep pirates from the south from disrupting merchant and transport ships traveling up and down the Sestillion coastline.


Coasit Lake


This massive inland body of water is a central hub of trade among the Northlands, Brighkly, and Sestillion. Several towns and cities from all three countries ring the shores of Coasit, and merchant ships sail thickly on its waters. 


Dornest Mountains


A small mountain range along the northern underbelly of the kingdom, these tall and treacherous crags are the home to many unsavory humanoids such as orcs, goblins, duergar, and more. Only through a great many years of being beaten back by Sestillion forces have the humanoids retreated far below the mountains, from which they rarely venture forth in any significant numbers.




For generations, this area of the ocean near the southeastern coasts of Northern Houress have seen the waters turned black for hundreds of miles. The Darkwater literally bubbles and steams, emitting a stench that few can stomach. No life can exist in the black waters. Some speculate that there is a crack on the ocean floor leading the Hell allowing evil and ichor from the horrid place to bubble the wound in Irith's skin. Others swear that the dark queen's powers came from the Darkwater from a pact she made with a devil. Rumors of all kinds abound even today ...




An ancient elvish forest in the northwest portion of the kingdom.


Flane River


This mighty river begins its journey in the Northlands before emptying into the Coasit Lake and then resuming its journey down in the Sestillion. It continues south, splitting Blackmel and the Defiled Lands before ending its run in the Darkwater.


Gorillon Hills


These hills run along the southern border of Sestillion and the Defiled Lands. Several ancient keeps are constantly manned to watch for invaders from the south.


Gray Mist Jungle


Stretching for many miles along the Sestillions southern peninsula, this ancient jungle is thick with life. Residents are nearly all elves with few others. The elves here are fiercely protective of their lands and exact swift justice upon anyone who would dare to violate them.


Holiday Bay


Located on the northwestern portion of Sestillion's southern peninsula, this bay is see a great many ships moving north and south from the city of Anilan on supply runs to neighboring cities.


Salt Barrens


Hundreds of years ago, the ocean had occupied what is now a Sestillion and Blackmel as far north as the northern border of the Salt Barrens. Over time, the sea withdrew, leaving behind the Salt Barrens and the Aerlidonis Jungle. The portion of land known as the Salt Barrens was so rich in sea salt, that nothing ever grew there and the land remained white with dunes of pure salt. Only a few odd creatures can live there and no one risks traveling through the Barrens. The desolate, salty territory is cut in two by the Flane River on its way to the Darkwater.


Satin Bay


Another bay located on the western side of Sestillion's southern peninsula.




A large forest located in the western portion of the kingdom. The area is mainly populated by Seepwillows, which are huge drooping trees. From their bark seeps a thick dark amber sap that is often used to seal wounds.


Softwater Channel


A narrow channel located off the northwestern shores of Sestillion's southern peninsula. The waters here pass between the mainland and a trio of forested islands that create a natural barrier to the rougher waters of the Great Trade Sea.


South Harbor Bay


Located along the northwestern shores of Sestillion's southern Peninsula, this natural harbor sees a great many ships moving up and down the coast away from the threat of pirates from the Defiled Lands.


Strait of Sestillion


This narrow waterway cuts through the northern half of the Kingdom of Sestillion and the the southern half. The straight is an vital pathway for ships to access the Kataya Ocean and the countries to the north without having to sail far to the south and around the lower tip of the kingdom. The waterway is extremely well-guarded both by land and see to ensure that it remains open.


The Great Trade Sea


A huge sea separating the Defiled Lands and Sestillion's southern peninsula, these waters are perilous for ships as pirates from the Defiled Lands are always on the prowl for targets and booty.


Whorlidon Forest


This massive forest marking the eastern coastal borderrof Sestillion has been the home to the Tiar Elves since before the original Kingdom of Sestillion was formed some three thousand years ago. Powerful and extremely territorial, these elves aggressively defend their sacred forest against anyone would seek to exploit it. The threat of their power was so great that the dark queen herself let them be, while (quietly) proclaiming that the elves were part of Varanady. Today, they allow travelers through their forest to and from the coast for trade and fishing. But they are wary and suspicious of people and brook no chaos from them.





Significant Events/Holidays/Etc.


Tournament of Kings


Date: Day 2 of the Month of Spring's Waning


This weeklong tournament, held in the Kingdom of Sestillion’s capital city, draws kings from lands as far away as Ohlnidank, for the prizes are always unique and of great value. But the best draw is the competitors, who can gauge their skills against the greatest variety of men-at-arms they will ever see.





First Province


Cities, Villages, Towns, Etc.




Leader: Governor Bai Hugar

Population: 9,000

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Neutral Good

Races: Humans: 6,760; Halflings 1,000; Elves: 660; Dwarves: 250; Gnomes: 190; Half-Elves: 150; Half-Orcs: 80; Others: 10

Guards: 400; Militia: 1,000

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-14


The lakeside city of Quillon has existed on the shores of the Coasit Lake for centuries, acting as a conduit for trade coming from the north and west. A complex system of docks cover the shore for nearly a mile along the city front. Along with the many merchant ships that frequent the area, the 1st Royal Navy is stationed at Quillon. This navy consists of 12 war galleys and many more support ships. Longstanding treaties with neighboring countries have kept peace on the waters, but the 1st Royal Navy still sends regular patrol ships to ensure that peace remains.


The governor of Quillon and the First Province is a hard fisted dwarf named Bai Hugar. Having ruled over the port city for over 140 years, he has established himself as a tough but extremely just leader that people respect if not love. He sits with a council of 5 lords of the city to hear their proposals and act on them or not. They meet in Bai's home Castle Borl Chamfell, which is located on the northern side of the city overlooking the lake itself. 




Although there are private places within the city where people can worship their god, there are four proper temples here.




The temple of Aroth in Quillon is located within Castle Borl Chamfell and is a glorious structure constructed of fine dwarven stone and colorful crystal skylights. Sonsai Follom is the Exalted Priest, and he is known as being one of kindest men anyone has ever met. People come from miles around just to hear his enigmatic renditions of ancient priests and warriors whose deeds decorate the tapestry of history in Aroth's name.




The worship area for Nynneon is located in a lush park just to the west of the center of the city itself. More of an extensive grove than anything else, there are altars in several places that allow people to pray in private. The center of the grove is a small grassy field surrounded by sacred trees. From within the field is where followers if Nynneon gather for mass.


A jolly rotund gnomish maiden by the name of Glaire Weevros lays claim to the title of Happy Priestess, and she fits the description perfectly. Always smiling with ready to laugh, she prances about making sure her flock are tended to and well-versed in the ways of Nynneon. Nightly, she holds meetings in the sacred field so that everyone can sing and dance and give thanks to the great Nynneon.




Those who worship the goddess of fertility come the holy shrine located just outside the southern outskirts of Quillon. The structure is built of rounded, graceful curves, and the lush grounds surrounding it are populated with various animals, including storks.


The overseer of this place is a beautiful young human woman named Gloria Balanaia. Dressed in pure white, she and her priests work tirelessly to help those in needs, particularly women struggling with becoming pregnant.




This large church, located within the poorer section of Quillon, is a very basic structure. A small unimposing sign above the entrance bears the image of an infant sleeping on a lotus flower--the symbol of Ya-Nu. Those in need who come this place in search of solace and mercy are never turned away. This has led to some tense confrontations between the priests here and law enforcement when those accused of crimes have shown up asking for sancutary.


The half-orc Wamqe Jo is an imposing presence, yet people quickly find him to be a most gentle and understanding soul.


Wizard Presence


Although feared and looked upon with guarded respect and suspicion like all of their kind, wizards are an important part of Quillon. The council of mages resides in a large yet unassuming building situated near the courthouse.


The 5 man council is presided over by a man named Ollavis Trem, an enchanter known for his charming and persuasive ways.


Merchant Guilds


Being a focal point of trade flowing in from the Coasit Lake, the importance of maintaining a smooth organization to oversee things is paramount. Located near the docks is a city block dedicated to buildings that help to monitor, organize, and tax goods coming into Quillon. There are guilds dedicated to: textile, timber, foodstuffs, and other items moved by merchants.


The High Executor Bryant Gordelph is the man in charge of keeping all the guilds functioning and paying their dues and taxes to the city.


Thieves' Guilds


The proliferation of trade within the bustling city of Quillon has attracted the presence organized crime for centuries. There are three known guilds that exist.


Dapper Bucks


Having been around for at least 250 years, this group of criminals is known to deal in blackmail and high level theft--usually of items that are rare or otherwise quite valuable. They seem to avoid violence unless absolutely necessary, preferring the threat of it to get what they want. Many believe that they have a monetary understanding with the local law that allows them to work unhindered--a belief that has been impossible to prove for now.


Iron Knuckles


A more recent guild established around 5 centuries ago, this band of ruffians prowl the homes and businesses in and around the dock. They concentrate on robbery and embezzling of goods from unwary merchants whose companies their men have infiltrated.


Short Necks


The Short Necks is a guild whose primary focus is on street-level crimes. Poor folk, street urchins, and those generally down on their luck are excellent recruits for the Short Necks, whose motto is "If anyone asks, you just shrug." Having been in existence for at least 80 years, this guild is well-compartmentalized, making the tracking down of its leaders nearly impossible.


Sailors' Union


A well organized and strong union of sailors ranging from fisherman to those serving on merchant vessels, this organization allows their members to have a strong say in what happens to them. Because of this power, which has been built up over centuries, men of the water here are a force to be reckoned with.


Other Places of Interest


Castle Ungrim


Frowning down from the bluffs overlooking the Coasit Lake is the ageless Castle Ungrim. Constructed long ago as a black fortress to house the minions of the White Queen, this place was retaken by the armies who finally took her down. Since then, it has not only acted as a deterrent to anyone who might invade Quillon via the lake, it stands as a grim reminder of the dark reign of the cruel White Queen.


Governor Bai Hugar and several city officials and their families dwell her and hold their daily meetings to determine the wisest course to keep Quillon strong and running smoothly.


Lythalgora Repository


Heralded as one of the largest and most well-stocked repository of knowledge on the continent, the Lythalgora Repository is located in the governing block near the courthouse. Scholars and men seeking knowledge come from all corners of Houress in search of history and a wide range of other pieces of information to help them with their needs.





Leader: Fenorris Highbrow

Population: 7,200

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Neutral Good

Races: Halflings 6,010; Gnomes: 580; Humans: 570; Dwarves: 20; Half-Elves: 10; Others: 10

Guards: 388; Militia: 770

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-10


Located on the eastern banks of the Flane River is the prosperous halfling community known as Myrefal. The city is of typical halfling design--homes and other buildings constructed in the low grassy hills of the rich lands available, and nary a building higher than a couple of stories. Mostly halflings populate Myrefal, which is known for being a fine place to enjoy rest and relaxation.


Myrefal is also a hub of trade along the river, where barges on water and merchants by land stop to rest and resupply as they continue their journeys north and south. Myrefal is mainly an exporter of agriculture, such as the finest tobaccos anywhere. Acres of tobacco are found here and guarded well against poachers.


Myrefal's coat of arms is a tree under three stars on a field of rose red.




Although there are private places within the city where people can worship their god, there are four temples here.




Being an agriculture based society, the residents of Myrefal have long worshipped Hstinzi. They sacrifice produce to him in the hopes of being granted the favor of a good and bountiful harvest. A simple hillside church is where the faithful come to worship Hstinzi. It can be identified by a rather large wooden sign standing outside the entrance. Upon it is painted a large colorful cornucopia.


Boolind Threetoe is the good-natured priest who runs the church. He is a halfling who always smokes a pipe and is ready with a good joke to all who come to him.




In a colorful building with a high steeple, the temple of Nynneon in Myrefal is located near the center of the city itself. The outer walls are decorated with images of pan flutes, dancing satyrs, and naked women.


A slender human woman named Pirrih Shakraa. Always singing and smiling, she will grab anyone who enters her church and begin dancing with them. Every night, worshippers and non-worshippers alike congregate within the grounds outside the church to sing and dance and have a wonderful time.




The temple of Orulen in Myrefal is located close to the western edge of the city. The square structure of granite painted blue is marked by mathematic equations. A brass armillary sphere rests on the roof above the entrance.


The priest here is a female gnome by the name of Boxy Lims. She is very affable and willing to help anyone in need.




The god of halflings is well represented here in Myrefal. On the highest hill in the area, near the water's edge, is a stone building of surprisingly detailed design. The walls are decorated liberally with the three tobacco leaf design that is the holy symbol of Srultavin. Surrounded by tobacco plants of all kinds, there is the constant scent of sweet smoke from leaf smoked by priests and worshippers alike.


The master grower and high priest Hambar Olliken presides over this holy location. Known to have one of the largest and most intricately carved ivory meerschaum in the kingdom, he is always sucking on the sweet leaf as he rips off the tenets of Srultavin to those within earshot.


Wizard Presence


A cluster of hills located on the southeastern outskirts of town is where the wizards of Myrefal practice their art. There are nine hilly abodes: 1 meeting hall and 8 that represent each of the arcane schools. Unlike many societies where wizards are avoided and at times reviled, mages here are looked upon a men of wisdom to be consulted for a variety of reasons


The Arch Mage is a halfling elder by the name of Afrogi Eleventoes. He is a very old and wise, and is hard of hearing, but his willingness to help the community is well-documented.


Merchants' Guild


There is a single guild representing all the merchants of Myrefal. The office of the guild is near the center of the city and is bustling with constant activity. Coordinating the operation is a bespectacled halfling of middle age named Shrius Pamforner. His attention to detail and ability to organize the incredible amount of information coming across his desk is uncanny. 


Thieves' Guild


Order of the Innocent


Organized crime is nearly unheard of in this close-knit society, but it does exist. The Order of the Innocent is a known rabble of thieves that tend to prey on travelers and merchants making their way through Myrefal. Their modus operandi is pick pocketing, thievery, and robbery. The order has been around for over 200 years, and no one knows who the leader is.


Growers Clan


The many farmers that make up the Myrefal society have banded together to share secrets of their craft, as well as for mutual protection against thieves and animals that would ravage their fields. The voice carries weight, for they make up the most important part of the income of Myrefal.


The head organizer of this clan is Imviall Krollis, a jolly fat farmer of tobacco, apples, pumpkins, wheat, corn, and peas on his 300 acres of land. He is well respected and carries a lot of "weight" on the city council.


Other Places of Interest


Pentaulius Amphitheater


Seating well over a thousand, this expertly-built amphitheater was created some three centuries ago when the leaders of Myrefal wanted a place for people to gather and enjoy plays, singing, and other performances to delight its citizens. The acoustics here are perfect, and there is always an event happening usually at night when the shops close down and the farmers have come in from the fields.





Leader: Citymaster Vonix Rogenten

Population: 10,200

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Races: Dwarves: 8,672; Humans: 700, Halflings 464; Elves: 282; Gnomes: 70; Half-Elves: 6; Others: 6

Guards: 729; Militia: 1,590

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-13


Rooted in the far eastern reaches of the Votack Mountains is the venerable city of Naporfen. Formerly known as Gaith Thlendor, a duergar city made prominent by the White Queen's power in exchange for their loyalty, Naporfen fell to dwarven arms when she was finally defeated. The duergar were scattered and the city renamed after the dwarven hero who led them to victory: Naporfen.


The mountainous region of forested land hides an underground originally city constructed as a bastion of the White Queen's westerly reach. The entrance to the city itself is fortified beyond the means of most armies to penetrate. Indeed, the Naporfen-led forces lost nearly 10,000 dwarves, elves, and men taking the place. Now it stands as a fortified western gateway into Sestillon. Enemy armies attempting to pass through will lose many men, if not all.




Although there are private places within the city where people can worship their god, there are 4 temples here.




This temple was constructed so that those entering Naporfen must march through the building itself. Constructed of thick heavy stones and carved with a myriad of heroic battle scenese, this temple sports the holy symbol of the god of war and destruction: a pair of crossed war hammers. Flanking the huge iron double doors leading into the temple are a pair of 20' tall statues of Naporfen wearing glorious battle armor in differing poses.


Grand Overpriest Sorien Gellentoth is a stern dwarf who is never seen without his ornatly decorated holy regalia. He knows how powerful his office is and uses it liberally when trying to sway the high council in city matters. He ensures rigorous training for his priest that they may be ready for battle at any time.




Horgarin's flame melted the stone that was eventually shaped into the first dwarves by the hand of Kharsallis. His temple in Naporfen is located deep under the city, where an active lava flow runs through it.


Senior Priest Ahvixis Steelbrow is the dwarf in charge here. A kindly priest with a simmering temper just below the surface, those who know him have learned not to test him, only trust him.




Located in the very heart of Naporfen, this round and high temple represents the father of dwarves. Standing nearly 50' tall, his statue straddles the temple, where he looks down sternly upon his children.


One of the most powerful dwarves on the continent is Grand Priest Jollowaar Sott. Known to be quiet until those rare instances where he leads a sermon, Jollowar works tirelessly to build relationships with other races to help them learn about and understand his own people.




The god of the dead is highly revered by the dwarves of Naporfen. Many of their ancestors were lost taking this city, and showing them the proper honor and respect for what they have done and for those who have come after them is extremely important.


The black pyramidic temple of Qurophys is located near the sacred caverns of the dead far below the city. Eternal black flames flicker from braziers placed about the temple.


Wizard Presence


The Assembly of the Scarlet Fist is an ancient organization of wizards within Naporfen. With roots extending back before the establishment of Naporfen. Looked upon by the populace as a mysterious and powerful group of spellcasters, they also regard the Assembly members as lawful and willing to do the right thing at all times. In that respect, they serve to inspire many citizens both spellcaster and non-spellcaster alike.


Leading the council of 8 representatives of each school of magic is a gnome by the name of Tongri Orlenna. An old gnome, he seems to have the answer to any question put to him, giving him the nickname "The Answer Mage."


The Assembly meets in the Colvaria Dome, a red building located in a part of the city where wizards tend to live.


Thieves' Guilds


There may be thieves living with Naporfen, none of them have organized into anything more than a rabble except for the Shadow Web. Those who have tried over the years to get serious about organizing have been hunted down, captured and publicly executed as a warning to others.


Circle of the Stone


Any Naporfen dwarf that works with stone, be they miners, stonemasons, artists, etc. are members of the Circle of the stone. Secrets of the stone have been passed on for generations to those who live to use them today.


The leader of this powerful group of dwarves is Forge Bahrbeard. Serving as one of the members of the city council, Forge's voice is always heeded.


Knights of Naporfen


The ancient order known as the Knights of the Naporfen were formed by the victors after Gaith Thlendor was taken. The knights were created in honor of Naporfen himself and have carried on his shining example of lawful goodness that has inspired his people for generations.


Their crest is the mask of Kharsallis on a field of silver. Beneath the mask is an open gauntlet representing Naporfen's hand offering peace. Under this banner the knights demonstrate virtue as they pursue truth and justice in the name of the city of Naporfen.


Other Places of Interest


Halls of Remembrance


Located below Naporfen's largest repository of information (the White Library) are the Halls of Remembrance. Within these special halls are thousands of books and scrolls chronicling the rise and fall of the White Queen and her affect on those whose lives she destroyed throughout southeastern Houress. People come from far away to peruse the material ranging from pure numbers of dead to poems to biographies written by people who lived during this dark period in history.


Vault of the True


Located beneath the Council of the High, where the city leaders meet, is the Vault of the True. A deep and sacred place where the bodies of Naporfen's most revered leaders, including Naporfen himself, are kept on white marble slabs covered in glass to preserve them for all time. These bodies are guarded year round by knights.





Second Province


Cities, Villages, Towns, Etc.



Leader: Governor Prang Oralgar

Population: 7,500

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Neutral Good

Races: Humans: 3,150; Elves: 1,875; Halflings: 1,500; Dwarves: 750; Others: 225

Guards: 590; Militia: 1,200

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-14


Capital of the 2nd Province is Dirolg. Having been in existence for centuries, Dirolg stood before the White Queen was even born. Dirolg endured her reign and has since then prospered to become a significant cog in the trade routes connecting Sestillion. The city itself is heavily fortified and surrounded by a thick wall that is always manned. Dirolg is continually bustling with traders moving through on their way to the four corners of the kingdom.




Although there are private places within the city where people can worship their god, there are 4 proper temples here.


Avizor   Breahal   Em'Sharfhei   Kharsallis   Srultavin


Wizard Presence


The wizardly presence in Dirolg is strong, and they hold a notable amount of influence among city leaders. Residing in a cluster of buildings--called the Mysticarium--that houses the various colleges and located within the center of the city, these wizards ply their craft. They also lend aid to the city in various ways, having earned them the respect of most.


Arch Mage Cirvinior Tinkmaser is the gnomish leader of the wizard's circle. He's kind and wise and is quite an ambassador for the goodwill of the wizards of Dirolg and beyond.


Merchant Guilds


A significant cog in the east/west trade route running through the kingdom, Dirolg is continually buzzing with trade and the influx of merchants transporting their good. The shop owners of the city are also quite prosperous and busy year-round.


The man in charge of ensuring that the business and traders within Dirolg are taken care of and taxed for the city coffers is Rowden James, a small but intelligent man who wears colored spectacles perched on the end of his nose. Through them, he inspects everyone and everything with a keen, discerning eye. 


Thieves' Guilds


The excitement of the city and the constant influx of travelers and merchants attracts all sorts, including thieves. There are two known crime organizations within Dirolg, although there are many other less organized cells.


Joker's Nest


This group has thrived within Dirolg for a great many years. Their cimes of choice involve street robbery, bribery, extortion, and blackmail. It is believed that they are currently led by a mysterious individual who seems to cloak himself in shadows. Speculations run from him being a wizard to a demon.


Gentlemen's Club


A high society syndicate that preys upon the wealthy and well-to-do. Their crimes focus mainly on heists, extortion, and blackmail. This group has only been around for 79 years, but they are a well organized and a constant thorn in the side of the nobles of Dirolg. No one knows who leads them.


Other Places/Events of Interest


Festival of Deliverance (First Week of the Month of Spring's Waxing)


Held at the beginning of the summer each year, this is a time of great celebration for the day that the people were liberated from the White Queen’s tyranny. During a seven-day period, the city is alight with music, dancing, food, competition, and many other things designed to let people enjoy themselves. People come from afar to enjoy the festivities and share of themselves.

Donation Boxes

Situated around the city are iron boxes with slots to allow for coins to be deposited. Above each box is a sign denoting them as donation boxes. Anyone can donate, and the money is used to help fund the free food competition prizes. There is never a shortage of coin, for people readily donate. Each box is guarded around the clock.

Muthralaa Field

This large grassy park near the northern section of the city is the site of a great battle that took place many years ago and is where the fair is located. Tents of all sizes and colors can be found here during the festival, and hundreds of people mill among them.


The following competitions will be ongoing throughout the days of the festival:


Contest Prize
Arcanic Sphere Tourney One spell for each lvl 1-6
Archery 1,000 gp + master fletcher kit
Armor Making 800 gp + master armorer kit
Axe Throwing 1,000 + favor from master
Bare-handed martial arts 1,500 gp
Caber Toss 800 gp
Cook Off 500 gp + copy of Chef Tollo's cookbook
Dress Making 500 gp + master seamstress kit
Dueling 1,500 gp
Horse Racing 2,500 gp
Javelin Throwing 800 gp
Jousting 3,000 gp
Lock Picking 800 gp + master thieves tool kit
Lumberjack 800 gp
Poetry 500 gp + encyclopedia of famous poems
Singing 800 gp + book of famous ballads
Weapon Making 800 gp + master tool set
Wrestling 1,000 gp


1st Day

Just after sunset, the Allthornin Theater will fill to capacity for two performances of the “Fall of the White Queen”, a play chronicling her rise and then defeat while focusing on the heroes of Dirolg.

2nd Day

On the Muthralaa Field, a cloud giant by the name of Komonolodotheus. He is a member of the high court of giants living in the mountains to the southeast of Dirolg. His songs are renown, and his voice is legendary. He will sing ballads of the battles that his giant ancestors and the forces of Dirolg had with those of the White Queen.

3rd Day

On the Muthralaa Field, several wizards from the Mysticarium will gather to perform a great display of magic and pyrotechnics for the people to enjoy.

4th Day

All day in the Allthornin Theater, the women of Dirolg will give several performances called “The Chorus of Belles”, where they sing and stage skits to honor the contribution of their female ancestors to the war effort against the White Queen.

5th Day

The Parade of Allies is a day-long parade that runs through the streets of Dirolg. Those within the parade are made up of ancestors of those who fought against the White Queen, including halflings, gnomes, and dwarves.

6th Day

Day of the Dead. Bells throughout the city will begin sounding throughout the city to commemorate the dead who fell in battle against the forces of the White Queen.

7th Day

Day of the Champions. Finalists in all categories will compete for the prizes offered, followed by celebration far into the night.

Great Museum of History


The war of the White Queen blazed through the lands of what is now Sestillion. A multi-story black building rising near the center of Dirolg. Within are artifacts and documents that paint a grim picture of a very dark time in the history of Sestillion. Many scholars visit the museum to learn about what happened in the hopes that such a tragedy can be avoided in the future.






Leader: High Executor Vance Ladimere

Population: 10,000

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Neutral Good

Races: Humans: 7,500; Halflings 200; Elves: 200; Gnomes: 75; Others: 25

Guards: 689; Militia: 1,244

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-13


The northern border city of Conniska is a fortress. Constructed after the White Queen had been defeated as part of a long line of defense against Northlander invasions, this walled city is the very symbol of Sestillion power. The walls are 3' thick and 15' tall, and are manned at all hours with soldiers ready for battle. A rocky hill rises high from the center of town, upon which is constructed Castle Hohglonnon.




Although there are private places within the city where people can worship their god, there are 5 proper temples here.




Having lost so many people long ago to the ravages of the White Queen's armies, the ancestors were determined to ensure that their dead were taken care of in the afterlife. With that in mind, they worshipped and paid homage to the god of the underworld: Gonibrahth. His temple is a five story high tower of smooth black. A huge crystal skull tops the structure, lit by a fire beneath.


Commanding the temple priests, all garbed in flowing black with their faces hidden within their deep hoods, is Michale Srough. This hunched old man moves slowly as if afraid to fall, but he is anything but weak. The black staff he clenches in his gloved fist is rumored to have the ability to suck the soul out of any living soul it touches.




Many of the people in and around Conniska have the blood of the barbarians of the north in their veins. Long have been the traditions of enjoying life while it lasted. That tradition has been brought forward over many generations, along with the worship of Peleah.


Her small and simple church of white wood is located in the southern part of the city within a lush park. A halfling druid by the name of Golictus Shortfoot and a three of his acolytes reside here, providing wisdom and suggestions on how to enjoy life to all those who come. 


Toh Pana


Worshippers of Toh Pana have existed in this area of the country for many centuries. From the time when Conniska was merely a small hamlet, there has been a place for worshippers to come and partake in her wisdom. Toh Pana's temple is a circular structure of emerald green with reliefs of clasped hands carved into its stone walls.


A gentle old soul by the name of Carole Balliken is the shepherd for the priests here and the flock who come to the temple to worship. 




Vor is a strong fixture in the city of Conniska, the roots of his worshippers running deep in the surrounding lands. Located on the eastern edge of the city limits is a large walled keep that acts as Vor's temple. Standing tall at the four corners of this holy structure are the statues of four of Vor's signature owls.


High Priest Altron Corro is a warrior in his prime. He manages the temple and the priests within.




A building that also doubles as one of the area's most prolific gambling sites, the temple of Williommox is located in the heart of downtown Conniska. The temple is always bustling with worshippers and simply those who wish to try their luck at the many games of chance within.


The ever-smiling Tica Blethe, a halfling woman of exquisite taste in clothing and decor, is always present to oversee operations and make sure that the flow of gambling proceeds keeps the temple coffers full.


Wizard Presence


In a lonely blue tower rising from a well-guarded grove by the city library are the wizards of Conniska. Calling themselves the Brotherhood of the Shattered Staff, these men of the arcane arts are looked at by the people of Conniska as dark and mysterious. The wizards largely keep to themselves but have helped with Conniska's needs many times over the years.


The leader of the circle is Hymo Wik, a half-elven mage of great wisdom and experience in his craft. Rarely seen outside the blue tower, it is rumored that he is protected by an invisible demon that he enslaved a century ago.


Merchants Guild


Being a major crossing point on the northern border with the Northlands, Conniska is constantly active with travelers, mainly traders and merchants. The Conniska Merchants Guild has been in place since the city's inception and service to coordinate the business within the city and the activities of those traders and merchants visiting from abroad.


Sallath Gonbar is the man responsible for running the show, which he as done with diplomatic deftness and efficiency for nearly three decades. 


Thieves' Guilds


Black Rooks


A relatively new guild made up of roughnecks and padfoots, this group has only been charted to exist for about 35 years. They usually target local shops and other businesses to shake them down for protection money while fleecing visitors to the area.


Wink and Nods


Conniska's oldest guild is very mysterious and little is known about them other than they have roots in nobility, and their crimes are of a higher caliber.


Other Organizations


Order of the Sword


The first organized militia of Conniska served as the protectors of its citizens. Over the decades, they have served with distinction against border incursion and even the forces of the White Queen. Over time, they solidified into an order that carries a great deal of power and influence in the land.


Other Places of Interest


Castle Hohglonnon


Named after a rebel general who helped lead the allied forces against the White queen, this formidable structure is made to withstand the harshest of seiges. Many believe that the walls are infused with magic to strengthen them.


Within the castle lives the High Executor Vance Ladimere and his family and several nobles, all of which are part of the city council.


Maztelokk Graveyard


A mile outside of the Conniska city limits is a flat grassy field dotted with hundreds of headstones. Centuries ago, the White Queen sent an army of ogres and giants to conquer the northern lands of what is now Sestillion. At the time, Conniska was merely a small town populated by a few hundred people, mostly farmers.


The arrival of the ogre/giant army surprised the town, the people of which knew they could not evacuate everyone in time. A militia sergeant by the name of Han Maztelokk stepped forward and made an impassioned speech to rally the men of the town to arms and then led them out to fight a hopeless fight. All but a handful of militiamen, including Maztelokk, were slaughtered. Their valiant fight, though, allowed the women and children of Conniska to flee westward. His leadership and the sacrifice of his men are forever etched into Conniska and Sestillion lore.


This graveyard is holy ground, and a testament to those who fell. The headstones of the dead are meticulously kept clean and bedecked with fresh flowers. The site is guarded year round by knights from the Order of the Swords.





Leader: City Elder Karm Tiboas

Population: 6,900

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Lawful Good

Races: Humans: 4,223; Halflings 1,180; Elves: 1,062; Dwarves: 150; Gnomes: 113; Half-Elves: 95; Half-Orcs: 77

Guards: 410; Militia: 950

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-12


Ormgarth is another walled city constructed to defend the northern border of Sestillion long ago after the White Queen was defeated. The city is built around a hill upon which rises Ormgarth Castle, which is easily recognizable by the central tower tipped by giant uncut emerald.


The walls surrounding Ormgarth are painted blood red to symbolize all of the blood lost defending the lands from the Northlanders and the armies of the White Queen.




Although there are private places within the city where people can worship their god, there are 3 proper temples here.




Having lost so many people in this region during the war with the White Queen, those who survived and their progeny have posses a deeply-embedded appreciation for life. Since the war's end, there has always been a temple of Ardru within the city walls. Located in the very heart of the city within a lush park of orange trees and thick vegetation is the temple that is covered in vines.


The overseer of Ardru's holy site is Carm Osilliath, a charming older woman with flowing locks or blonde/white hair. Wearing white and orange robes embroidered with orange blossoms, she receives ever visitor with open arms and encouraging words of wisdom.




The temple of Pomoleth is located near the southern edge of the city buy the library and courthouse. The building itself is three stories tall, white, and in immaculate condition. Nearly every wall inside is shelved with thousands of tomes and scrolls. This is truly a place where academics and philosophers can come to learn.


The curate and High Priest of this grand facility is none other than Willick Bowrn, a thin and persnickety man of great intelligence and pull within Ormgarth. He is not shy about giving his opinion, nor is he hesitant to kick anyone out of the temple for misbehaving.




Although life and learning is very important to the Ormgarthians, fighting to keep their homes and their lives intact have always been a priority. Vor's temple, located close to the northern wall, has been a fixture in Ormgarth since the city was built. The temple resembles a keep, surrounded by its own moat and walls, which are constantly manned by armed priests.


Wizard Presence


The Serquazi Covenant is the centuries-old organization of arcane spell weavers. They reside within the Qual Thenna Octagon, a short fat keep located on a high hill near the eastern wall inside the city. The walls of Qual Thenna are emblazoned with glowing green sigils that only powerful mages know the functions of.


The ruling wizard, a rail thin woman with a hairless scalp and half moon glasses perched on the end of her bulbous nose, is known as Takkai Billdron. She is well-respected by most, and disliked by many for her abrasive and no-nonsense approach to anything she does. Those wishing to earn a living as a wizard within Ormgarth must gain her blessing beforehand.


Merchant Guilds


Ormgarth is a major access point for trade between the Northands and Sestillion. A great deal of grain flows from the north while ore, metal goods, crafted wood, and other items flow from the south.


The guild of Ormgarth tightly controls the flow of goods and assures that any merchants passing through with items to trade pay the proper taxes to the city and the kingdom. Overseeing this complex process is Toxi Goldfan, an extremely bubbly gnome with the penchant for telling long stories about how he acquired his lofty position. He is a fair gnome that tends to say "yes" more often than not. 


Thieves' Guilds


The bustling atmosphere of Ormgarth and the proliferation of goods moving in and out of the city make for good thieving opportunities. With that in mind, there are three known guilds operating with in the city.


Sisterhood of Vel


Vel is an historical figure from the time of the White Queen. Vel was known to be a woman who used back allies, sewers, and smuggling to steal from those loyal to the White Queen and filter those goods to the resistance. A few years after the White Queen's fall, Vel was lost to an ailment, but her deeds remained legendary.


Over the years, a secret sisterhood of all women have continued Vel's tradition, although they do not simply limit their targets to those who oppress others. No one really knows what their true motives are, other than to gain profit at the expense of others' wallets.


The Brazen Lie


Not much is known about this organization, other than they tend to prefer infiltration and blackmail to make their gains. No one knows exactly how long this group has been in existence. Most agree that they have been around for nearly two hundred years.


The Silent Hole


This slippery bunch is thought to have prowled the sewers of the city for over a century, although law enforcement has had very little success in disbanding them or even slowing their efforts. Their members are known to have tattoos of black berets on their biceps. Their area of concentration seems to be on filching, burglary, and robbery . . . nothing too big, but still a nuisance nonetheless.


Other Places of Interest


Ormgarth Castle


Ormgarth Castle is a fortress with battlements that stretch for nearly a mile along the border with the Northlands. Constantly manned by ever-vigilant men-at-arms, the ebony walls stand twenty feet tall. Tarm Kobias and his extensive clan reside within the castle. 





Third Province


Cities, Villages, Towns, Etc.



Leader: Governor Troy Alis

Population: 30,350

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Neutral Good

Races: Humans: 20,000; Elves: 7,000; Dwarves: 1,500; Halflings: 1,250 Gnomes: 200; Half-Elves: 100; Half-Orcs: 30; Others: 20

Guards: 2,799; Militia: 8,500

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-17


Kryptalon is a city that has been a focal point of this part of the continent for centuries. A literal fortress of high impenetrable walls that are bristling with weapons, the port city is sits on the border with the Defiled Lands and his home to the 3rd Royal Navy.


The city is overseen by Governor Try Alis, a handsome man who has a dubious reputation with the ladies. He is fair, yet tends to let his emotional state dictate his decisions. He and his nuclear family reside in Kaiy Tor Boaleth, an ancient fortress built atop the Cliffs of Mauroghen overlooking the eastern shore of Ceril Bay. 




There are seven temples located in Kryptalon.


Aroth   Em'Sharfhei   Gharan-Dis   Grothkele

Jahrru   Shozrei   Vahntorii


Wizard Presence


The Council of the Trimok is a 3-member council that oversees wizard activities within the city and the nearby lands. They rule democratically on decisions regarding wizards and matters of the arcane. The current council members are Diffoor the halfling conjurer, Bollalla the human transmuter, and Limhira the female elven illusionist.


The council's lair is located in the caverns of the Cliffs of Mauroghen.


Merchant Guilds


There is only one guild that represents the interests of those who sell goods and services within Kryptalon. It is simply called the Conglomerate. Run by Zemtem, a man who answers directly to the city council and Governor Alis himself, the Conglomerate oversees all business transactions from issues licenses to adjudicating disputes to taxation. 


Thieves' Guilds


Kryptalon is a city of order and intolerance to those who prey upon others. This goes back to the lean years under the White Queen's rule, where resources were extremely limited.


The only confirmed organized crime ring is known only as the Silver Tonuges. No one knows where they are based, let alone its leaders. Kryptalonian law enforcement has been trying to root out the trouble guild for centuries with little or no success.


Sailors' Union


Nearly every naval man who isn't part of the 3rd Royal Navy is a part of the Blue Shore Union. Existing since the city's founding, this group of prominent sailors ensure the smooth functioning of the traffic in and out of Kryptalon, as well as the proper taxation of the ships and their merchandise. The acknowledged leader is Foh Rora, a legless man with a legendary temper.


Other Places of Interest


Kaiy Tor Boaleth




Cliffs of Mauroghen








Leader: Mayor Nobaih Innieth

Population: 10,900

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Neutral Evil

Races: Humans: 8,600; Elves: 1,500; Dwarves: 600; Gnomes: 100; Half-Orcs: 50; Others: 50

Guards: 800; Militia: 1,340

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-20


This ancient port city is vital to the flow of trade in and out of the kingdom.






There are seven temples in Ferebet.


Aroth   Dotorus   Em'Sharfhei   Kharsallis

Peleah   Thirion   Toh Pana


Wizard Presence


Merchant Guilds


Thieves' Guilds


Sailors' Union


Other Places of Interest





Leader: Cykilius Bortika

Population: 8.200

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Races: Humans: 7,000; Elves: 500; Halflings: 300; Dwarves: 200; Gnomes: 50; Others: 50

Guards: 550; Militia: 800

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-12






Wizard Presence


Merchant Guilds


Thieves' Guilds


Sailors' Union


Other Places of Interest





Leader: Chancellor Bofort Grivmill

Population: 11,350

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Neutral Good

Races: Humans: 8,000; Dwarves: 3,000; Halflings 150; Elves: 100; Others: 100

Guards: 780; Militia: 1,400

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-17





Wizard Presence


Merchant Guilds


Thieves' Guilds


Sailors' Union


Other Places of Interest





Fourth Province


Cities, Villages, Towns, Etc.



Leader: Most High Gorvin Thessalrom

Population: 12,700

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Neutral Good

Races: Humans: 10,000; Gnomes: 1,200; Halflings 800; Elves: 500; Dwarves: 100; Others: 100

Guards: 800; Militia: 2,000

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-17






Wizard Presence


Merchant Guilds


Thieves' Guilds


Sailors' Union


Other Places of Interest





Leader: Mayor Aullins Fith

Population: 8,400

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Lawful Good

Races: Human: 7,200; Elves: 800; Halflings 150; Gnomes: 150; Others: 100

Guards: 499; Militia: 985

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-11







Wizard Presence


Merchant Guilds


Thieves' Guilds


Sailors' Union


Other Places of Interest





Leader: General Tishla Bossurr (F)

Population: 9,300

Power Center: Conventional


Gold Piece Limit: ; Ready Cash:

Races: Human: ; Halflings ; Elves: ; Dwarves: ; Gnomes: ; Half-Elves: 0; Half-Orcs: 0; Others:

Guards: ; Militia:

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-10


Home to the 4th Royal Navy.






Wizard Presence


Merchant Guilds


Thieves' Guilds


Sailors' Union


Other Places of Interest




Bog Boldor

Leader: Stonemaster Ivan Stonetooth

Population: 13,200

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Lawful Good

Races: Dwarves: 12,572; Halflings 264; Humans: 132; Elves: 50; Gnomes: 50

Guards: 922; Militia: 1,489

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-17


Located deep within the depths of the northeastern edge of the Dornest Mountains is the ancient dwarven city of Bog Boldor. A bastion of the dwarven presence within Sestillion, Bog is a place of rigid law and terrible punishments for breaking them. Having been in existence for nearly 1,000 years, Bog Boldor has maintained a thriving city rich in culture and tradition.


The only visible evidence of the city's existence above ground is a massive square tower caved from the mountain itself. The tower is called Lam Stigil, which is dwarven for "Stone Jaw." The tower and the high, thick wall surrounding it protect the entrance to the city below.




Although there are private places within the city where people can worship their god, there are four temples here.




Located in the worship quarter of Bog Boldor is the temple of Dotorus. A squat, square, and simplistic structure, this holy place is decorated with reliefs of the great god of strength and storms. Atop of the steeple is a rod that crackles with electricity (lightning) to light the way for Dotorus's follower.


The High Stormrider (priest) is Eal Kongonnivan, a no nonsense dwarf over 500 years of age. Unlike most dwarves, he's clean-shaven and bald. In his gloved fist he grips a silver staff carved with images of lightning.




The primary deity worshipped in Bog Boldur is Kharsallis. The domed temple of onyx and iron is located within the worship quarter. Welded above the double doors is a giant iron mask, the holy symbol of Kharsallis himself.


The priests tending to the temple all wear iron masks. Their leader is Prigleth Quarratzine, a middle-aged female dwarf possessing considerable charisma and influence among the  lords of the city. 




Found in the worship quarter, the temple of Mordrun is two stories high and decorated with hammers and anvils. Otherwise, the holy shrine is somewhat subdued. Nevertheless, many come here from within the city and even outlying lands to pay homage to the god of blacksmiths.


Leading his priest is the High One Naveth Bahallia, a grisled dwarven hero of many encounters including one where slew a pair of green dragons. His word carries considerable weight within the community.




Also in the worship quarter, this spherical temple is constructed completely of fine transparent crystal. Floating about 10' above the highest point of the building is a crackling ball of white energy, representing the comet of Orodar.


Managing the temple is Kourai Fa'Lem, an elf who came to Bog Boldur many centuries ago with the word of Orodar and won over the dwarven people. He is very old yet still influential and powerful in his own right.


Wizard Presence


An accepted necessity, wizards are only tolerated in Bog Boldur even after centuries of having lived there. Each college is represented by a building that is constructed in the commoner quarter of the city. Each colleges is represented by a master who may only have two acolytes at any given time. This practice dates back to the dwarven leadership harboring a fear of arcane casters and their desire to keep them in check with rigid laws preventing their kind from growing too strong.


Those acolytes who graduate to full fledged wizards have the choice of leaving Bog Boldur or staying and renouncing their craft. The only other instance where they can stay is when a master dies or leaves, and their position needs to be filled.


The council of 8 gather to discuss matter frequently, answering to the gray council of Bog Boldur in all things not magic related. Their pull in the government is limited, as assured by the dwarven leadership.


Miners' Enclave


A powerful and well-stocked group, this organization employs hundreds of miners. Their headquarters are located in the lowest level of the city at the entrance of the mines. Anyone, dwarf or other, who wish to enter the mine and ply their trade must go through here. Dues must be paid, and a cut of what is found must be given to the enclave.


The current organizer is Hlam Jorgish, a smiling dwarf who acts as though he doesn't have a care in the world. Word has it that he is most calculating and to cross him would be most unwise.


Stoneworkers' Union


Another organization with power and influence in Bog Boldur is the Stoneworkers' Union. Dwarven craftsmanship using stone is an artform appreciated by many peoples dating back to the time when dwarves were first discovered. The main building of the union is located in the nobility quarter of the city.


The overseer of the union is a proud dwarf with a blond beard and impossibly huge arms. Many examples of his fine work are displayed in newer buildings within the city. His name is Gurhine Boralock, and he is always pleased to help others appreciate the atristry of good stonework.


Thieves' Guilds


Being a rigid and lawful society, Bog Boldur has no thieves' guilds or other known criminal organizations. Robbery, thievery, extortion, blackmail, and a laundry list of other crimes are listed as punishable by a swift death. This acts as a great deterrent to those hoping to make a dishonest profit here.


Brotherhood of the Forge


The mining of ore is a way of life for dwarves, as is forging it into their needs, such as weapons and other items of importance. As old as the city itself is the Brotherhood of the Forge, an organization of blacksmiths and others who make their living shaping metal. There is no centralized building per se, merely a monthly meeting in the great meeting hall in the center of town. There, hundreds of members gather to affirm their solidarity and share trade secrets.


The acknowledged organizer and leader of the brotherhood is Vorsh Khutai, a master armorer well over four centuries old. When there are those in need of help concerning the shaping of metal, they can always turn to him.


Other Places of Interest


Lava Falls of Gahl G'Thor


Far beneath the city, accessed only by a sacred and closely guarded path, is a huge cavern filled with a lake of bubbling lava that is fed by a lava fall that exits the mouth of an ancient tube 100' above. There is a stone path that leads to the middle of the lake, ending in a dais. From here, before Bog Boldur was a city, pagan dwarves would sacrifice themselves to the long dead god Phistula in order to gain his favor. Now, it's just a reminder of a past long abandoned by the dwarves. Occasionally, the pathway is opened to allow visitors who can see the wonders of the falls.


Chambers of the Chorus Crystals


In a series of crystal caverns, discovered over 450 years ago where the dwarves were mining, lie the Chorus Crystals. These seven caverns are of pure multi-colored crystal, with slender stalagmites rising from the ground. They act as sonic reverberators that reflect and amplify any sound made within their range. The dwarves quickly found that when a song is sung, an echoing response of many octaves will follow, making it seem like a chorus is accompanying the singer. The effect is wondrous, and dwarven parties come here often to sing and enjoy the magical effects.





Fifth Province


Cities, Villages, Towns, Etc.



Leader: High Lady Alai Khaldara (F)

Population: 12,000

Power Center: Magical

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Races: Elves: 11,350; Humans: 450; Halflings: 50; Dwarves: 50; Half-Elves: 50; Others: 50

Guards: 850; Militia: 2,250

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-13


Tairul is one of the most heavily fortified walled cities in Sestillion. Home of the 2nd Royal Navy, Tairul's extensive ports service no less than 15 war and support ships that guard the coast against the threat of pirates to the south. There are two castles guarding the southern beachfront of Tairul, with a two mile long wall stretching between them that are dotted with towers and nearly 100 catapults and other long range weapons to defend against invaders.


This ancient city is populated primarily by elves, as is evidenced by the elegant architecture of the buildings within. Although the leadership of Tairul answers to the king himself, they enjoy a sense of autonomy as part of an ages old pact between and the surviving humans of the White Queen's War.


The council of elven wizards, called "The Enclave", is led by the High Lady Alai Khaldara. She is beautiful, young (as elves go) and fair in her decisions. Even when dealing with pirates, she has shown a tendency to exhibit leniency. The Enclave meets in the mystical tower of Thenorass.


Wheras magic and those who use it can be looked upon with fear and suspicion in many communities across the continent, Tairul is one of those places where the strange power is predominately accepted and used by most. Wizards are respected and welcome by most.




Although there are private places within the city where people can worship their god, there are four proper temples here.




Located in within the base of an ancient Thorelwood tree towering over 100' high, the temple to the Elven god Em'Sharhei is extravagant to say the least. The priests here, are revered by elves of the city and surrounding area and hold great sway in the politics of Tairul. The head priest is an elder known as Gothlorahnis.




Located against the eastern side of Tairul are 100 acres of rich preserve. This sacred area of lush forest and hills are known as the "Shaer Caleal", which stands for "beat haven" in elvish. Within these lands, all animals are sacred and protected by the druids of Froyonnia that live there.


Near the center of the preserve is a sacred grove where the druid Col Taraes dwells along with his disciples. They ensure that the beasts are protected, and they administer aid to all who bring beasts to them for care. Col Tareas is a kind but passionate elf who is known for great acts of care toward those who have demonstrated care and respect for the beasts of the world. 


Su Reh


The grand temple of Su Reh in Tairul can be found on a hill near the center of the city itself. Rising from the center of the temple itself is an 80' tall tower constructed of ironwood. Atop the tower is a dome that can be opened so that all within can look up at the moon and stars and pay homage to Su Reh.


The curator of the temple is the Exalted Lady Jhannandra Yesralei, an elven woman of many years and great wisdom. She is always welcoming to those interested in worshipping Su Reh or simply learning more about him.




The modest temple of Ytos, no more than a simple single-story building located in a park near the southern shore of Ceril Bay, has been in existence for centuries. The building itself is covered in vines and colorful fauna, and a great many birds and animals make their home in the area.


In this holy place, a half elf named Honis Pahkell lives as the curator. He is a druid of considerable power and reputation, he has aided in several negotiations between leaders from the neighboring seaside cities of the Defiled Lands and those of Tairul. His results in helping the parties reach mutual agreements that kept the peace have earned him respect from both sides.


Wizard Presence


The Enclave is a body of 7 wizards that have ruled over the people and affairs of Tairul for centuries. Their roots come from a time when the people of what is now known as Sestillion banded together and were forced to use strong magic to overthrow the White Queen.


These wizards gather weekly to discuss affairs of the kingdom and Tairul and make their recommendations to those who serve them. They meet at the Korus Vlen, a cluster of buildings located in the center of the city. These buildings house the members of the enclave, those who serve them, and any others whose job it is to administer to the affairs of Tairul.


Merchants Overseer


Near the southwestern quarter of Tairul is the building of the Merchants Overseer. An elf of great importance, Loahr Vovera and his considerably busy staff are in charge of making sure that the various merchants that reside in or come through Tairul are properly treated, taxed, and managed to ensure peace and good, smooth trade.


Being a major port along the southern underbelly of Sestillion, it is important that things run smoothly for the kingdom. Loahr is in constant communication with the officers of the 2nd Royal Navy to ensure that merchant ships traveling along the Sestillion shores in and around Tairul are protected from pirates and other raiders that come out of the Defiled Lands. 


Thieves' Guilds


Since the penalties are severe in Tairul, usually meaning the loss of limb or life, thievery is practically non-existent. Those who have tried to enter the city and establish a guild or other type of organized crime have been quickly snuffed out. If an organization does exist, it has kept its presence secret for now.


Sea Drais' Enclave


The Drais are the sailors that represent the docks and Tairulian ships berthed there. Most are elven, and "Drais" means "Walkers" in elven. The sailors answer to Shoremaster Waonon, an elf with a deformed left arm that does nothing to hamper his abilities to work and command the shipping moving in and out of Tairul. In this area, Waonon only answers to the admiral of the 2nd Royal Navy, a man known as G'tock.


Other Places of Interest


Castles Cire Lohve and Blaieth, and The Wall


The Wall stretches along the southern shore of Tairul for about 2 miles and is spaced with towers. The walls bristle with heavy range weapons such as catapults to repel anyone foolish enough to attempt a landing in Tairul from the south.


Anchoring ends of The Wall are two castles: Cire Lohve and Blaieth. Both are magnificent structures of elven design--beautiful yet quite functional and well nigh impregnable. Uas Morlasia is an imposing young elven lord overseeing Cire Lohve. Blaieth is run by a human Lord known as Wain Parlume. Wain is old yet very experienced, having led troops into the Defiled lands to cleanse raiders who have dared to plot and act against Sestillion.


Fey Lights of Ghalabortaria


Located within a gorgeous park in the northeast section of Tairul is a natural amphitheater called "Ghalabortaria". Centuries ago, elven mages cast a spell that opened a viewing portal into the Fey Realm. People crowd Ghalabortaria at all times during the day and night so they can sit and gaze in wonder at the light of the mystical realm and even catch glimpses of the fey inhabiting it.


The city's council of wizards, led by High Lady Alai Khaldara, meet in a high tower in the center of the city that is called "Thenorass." This white spire is slender and elegant and is carved from base to top with elven runes. Only wizards understand what they mean, but the gist is that only those of the Enclave or welcomed by them should ever touch Thenorass.





Leader: Most Revered Krahm Oloken

Population: 11,750

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Races: Dwarves: 11,230, Halflings: 235; Humans: 117; Gnomes: 50

Guards: 830; Militia: 3,300

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-19


Nestled in the northeastern part of the Dornest Mountains is the ancient dwarven city of Kkeylar. Most of the city's roots extend into the mountain itself, where hundreds of tunnels and hollowed caverns house a great many structures that the resident dwarves live and work in. A considerable amount of square, simple, yet decidedly dwarven structures are visible above ground, surrounded by a 20' wall that is 2' thick and well defended.


Kheylar survived the scourge of the White Queen when Sestillion had been part of Varanady. Only by remaining neutral and fending off the evil advances of the queen herself did the dwarves avoid being dragged into a conflict they neither believed in nor wanted. Showing practicality and wisdom, the dwarves entered the fray once it seemed like the rebels had a chance to defeat the White Queen.




Although there are private places within the city where people can worship their god, there are four temples here.




Within the temple of the twin towers, built on the surface portion of the city and carved from the mountain itself, the followers of Kergon come to pray. High Priest Olix Barmaaga is the dwarven caretaker of this impressive structure where many come to pay their respects to the god of mountains.




Buried well below the surface in a mighty cathedral rising over 100' tall and provisioned to seat over 20,000 dwarves, the temple of Kharsallis is a marvel of dwarven craftsmanship. Lining the walls of the temple are Kheylar's greatest heroes, with a towering statue of Kharsallis standing tall behind the altar.


Ghamfre the Iron Jaw is an old dwarven High Priest who has been such for nearly 300 years. His attention to Kharsallis's dictates is legendary, and many a renown priest has come from Ghamfre's tutelage.




The domed circular temple of the god of blacksmiths is located in the surface portion of Kheylar near the center of the city itself. The structure is simple and unadorned save for etchings of the tools of the trade. In the center of the temple, surrounded by stone pews is a firey floor heath upon which is an anvil that is constantly glowing red from the fires.


The master of this place is Egallt Demonbane, an extremely fit and muscled dwarf of many years. His temper is quick but he is just as quick to lend a hand and teach someone the values of life and blacksmithing.




The grand worship hall of Vor is located deep beneath Kheylar in a multi-chambered structure decorated with owls of every sort. The curator of this holy place is one of the most powerful dwarven priests on the continent: Joltine Dragonfoe. Wearing battle armor etched with mini murals of each of his countless victories in battle, the great bearded Joltine spends much of his time roaming the many training grounds of Kheylar making sure that warriors of all levels of experience are learning the ways of proper battle and war.


Wizard Presence


The practice of wizardry among dwarves is relatively rare compared to that of humans and other humanoids. Still, the dwarves of Kheylar learned well the value of never abandoning the arcane arts. With that in mind, they've maintained a council of wizards known as the Granitium. This simple structure, located on the surface within Kheylar, extends many level below the ground.


A total of six skilled wizards sit upon this council and live within the Granitium. Although they make decisions concerning the arcane democratically, they still answer to Krahm. The recognized leader of the Granitium is Allvek Tongor, an enchanter of great prominence and skill.


Merchant Guilds


With Kheylar being an important stopping point along the southern trade route in Sestillion, trade is a integral function of the city. The various guilds are for textile, gems, metals, foodstuffs, timber, and various others.


All guilds are managed by the Central Ovariaal, a cluster of buildings located on the surface in the northwest portion of Kheylar. From within this central hub, Master Overseer Dvaaslo Urikhen makes sure that the influx of trade and merchant traffic moving through Kheylar runs smoothy and that all the appropriate taxes are collected to keep the city's coffers full.


Thieves' Guilds


Being a rigid and honorable people, dwarves for the most part are not inclined to delve into the institution of thievery--especially considering that the penalty is death by drawing and quartering. As it is with any race, there are exceptions, and Kheylar is no different.


Sharpened Tongues


The only known guild within Kheylar that is associated with organized crime is that of the Sharpened Tongues. Having reportedly been in existence since the fall of the White Queen, the STs are suspected to have members ranging from street urchins all the way to the highest levels of nobility within the city.


Despite the best efforts of the law to infiltrate the STs and dismantle the organization for good, their efforts have been for naught. The best they have been able to do was to nick low level padfoots and small time thieves who have exhibited a strong resistance to giving up their leaders. Still, the search by law enforcement goes on.




Knowing, understanding, and working stone is bred into every dwarf. Those who practice their art from carvers to miners are part of the organization of stonemason. As part of this ancient culture, they learn trade secrets that have been passed down for dozens of generations.


Other Places of Interest


Demon's Bath


Miles below the surface of Kheylar, accessed through an ancient tunnel that is heavily guarded, is the Demon's Bath. A deep, wide cavern filled with bubbling lava, the Demon's Bath is where the mighty dwarf lord Poamthis Silverbeard came with his blacksmithing tools to forget the double-bladed mystical maul known as "Hope Crusher." The weapon has been lost for many centuries, meaning everlasting glory and wealth to the one who finds it.


Fortress Anglorstaavin


Overlooking the surface of Kheylar is Anglorstaavin. Hewn from the very mountainside and extending well within, this ancient fortress is well guarded and constantly ready for any assault on the city it was constructed to protect. Long range catapults and other heavy ranged weapons line the walls, and all are manned vigilantly. Orahm Oloken lives here, as to other high lords and their families.


Hall of Legends


Within the heart of Kheylar, on the surface, rises a single square tower that rises higher than any other building. Atop this tower is a flame that burns and can be seen for many miles. Below the structure, carved into the bedrock of the mountain itself, is a sprawling chamber with over 300 slabs. Resting upon each slab is the armored skeletal remains of the heroes who have shed blood for Kheylar's glory. 





Leader: Citymaster Nessai Poecella (F)

Population: 8,000

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Neutral Good

Races: Human: 7,000; Elves: 830; Halflings: 100; Dwarves: 50; Others: 20

Guards: 482; Militia: 1,000

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-12






Wizard Presence


Merchant Guilds


Thieves' Guilds


Sailors' Union


Other Places of Interest





Leader: Mayor Varrush Raaci

Population: 12,000

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Races: Human: 10,000; Elves: 1,420; Halflings: 300; Dwarves: 100; Gnomes: 100; Others: 80

Guards: 885; Militia: 2,300

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-19









Wizard Presence


Merchant Guilds


Thieves' Guilds


Sailors' Union


Other Places of Interest





Sixth Province


Cities, Villages, Towns, Etc.




Leader: Poprei Fellithrius

Population: 7,500

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Races: Elves: 5,400; Human: 1,300; Halflings: 600; Dwarves: 50; Gnomes: 50 ; Others: 100

Guards: 460; Militia: 900

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-12







Wizard Presence


Merchant Guilds


Thieves' Guilds


Sailors' Union


Other Places of Interest





Leader: Most High Cialeign M'Rulli

Population: 10,800

Power Center: Conventional


Gold Piece Limit: ; Ready Cash:

Races: Elves: 6,700; Human: 3,900; Halflings 100; Others: 100

Guards: 875; Militia: 1,400

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-15







Wizard Presence


Merchant Guilds


Thieves' Guilds


Sailors' Union


Other Places of Interest





Leader: Mayor Anshuu Eovlard

Population: 10,000

Power Center: Non-Standard

Alignment: Lawful Good

Races: Human: 9,000; Elves: 500; Halflings 150; Dwarves: 100; Gnomes: 100; Others: 150

Guards: 698; Militia: 1,200

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-14


Home to the 5th Royal Navy.






Wizard Presence


Merchant Guilds


Thieves' Guilds


Sailors' Union


Other Places of Interest





Seventh Province


Cities, Villages, Towns, Etc.




Leader: Citymaster Sei Ra K'laissiam

Population: 10,300

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Races: Human: 5,300; Elves: 4,600; Gnomes: 400; Others: 100

Guards: 822; Militia: 1,204

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-17







Wizard Presence


Merchant Guilds


Thieves' Guilds


Sailors' Union


Other Places of Interest





Leader: Sativere Uarithe

Population: 7,000

Power Center: Magic

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Races: Elves: 6,500; Humans: 300; Gnomes: 125; Others: 75

Guards: 400; Militia: 850

Sheriff: Wizard lvl-12







Wizard Presence


Merchant Guilds


Thieves' Guilds


Sailors' Union


Other Places of Interest





Eighth Province


Cities, Villages, Towns, Etc.




Leader: Ofa Tuquell (F)

Population: 9,800

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Neutral Good

Races: Elves: 7,000; Humans: 2,000; Halflings 250; Dwarves: 200; Gnomes: 200; Others: 150

Guards: 589; Militia: 1,034

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-15


Home to the 6th Royal Navy.





Wizard Presence


Merchant Guilds


Thieves' Guilds


Sailors' Union


Other Places of Interest




Asha Caelora

Leader: Ilverohn Chais

Population: 9,500

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Races: Elven: 9,000; Humans: 200; Halflings 150; Dwarves: 75; Gnomes: 50; Others: 25

Guards: 562; Militia: 1,100

Sheriff: Ranger lvl-11






Wizard Presence


Merchant Guilds


Thieves' Guilds


Sailors' Union


Other Places of Interest





Leader: Uertiga Geltrue

Population: 7,000

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Races: Elves: 6,200; Humans: 500; Halflings 300; Gnomes: 150; Others: 50

Guards: 489; Militia: 853

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-11








Wizard Presence


Merchant Guilds


Thieves' Guilds


Sailors' Union


Other Places of Interest





Ninth Province


Cities, Villages, Towns, Etc.



Leader: General Zom Ulkevoor

Population: 13,600

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Races: Human: 7,600; Elves: 5,400; Halflings 400; Dwarves: 100; Gnomes: 50; Others: 50

Guards: 850; Militia: 1,200

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-17


Home to the 7th Royal Navy.





Wizard Presence


Merchant Guilds


Thieves' Guilds


Sailors' Union


Other Places of Interest





Leader: Llem Xiltras

Population: 8,240

Power Center: Conventional

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Races: Elves: 7,600; Human: 440; Halflings 50; Gnomes: 35; Others: 15

Guards: 785; Militia: 1,000

Sheriff: Fighter lvl-12







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