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Wild Lands


Leader: Unknown
Capitol: Unknown
Population: Unknown
Demi-Humans: Unknown


Resources: Unknown


The Wild Lands is a timeless place that has earned its name. Since before the Second Age, there a mention of this place, which, according to legend, is exactly the same now as it was thousands of years ago. More than half of this lush grassland and jungle is surrounded by hills and mountains. Various humanoids and nomadic tribes of barbarians wander the land fighting to survive against the elements, themselves and the prehistoric beasts that thickly populate the Wild Lands.


Legend has it that this is a preserve of the gods, a myth perpetuated by the line of onyx columns that ring the border of the Wild Lands. They are called T'Lea Shafts. These columns are perfectly smooth and 10 feet in diameter, rising 40 feet out of the ground to a point at the top. Arcane writing along their length warns in several different languages that those who pass into the Wild Lands are doomed to be a part of them forever. No one knows what they are made of, only that they are indestructible. There are tales of people who have seen the beast on the inside of the barrier shying away from it, perhaps because they know they cannot pass through it.


In any event, people on the outside fear the place and only the brave or foolhardy have tried to pass its borders to the lands within the shafts. None have ever been heard from again.





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