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Demon Isle


Leader: ?
Capital: Unknown
Population: Unknown
Demi-Humans: Unknown

Humans and



Resources: Unknown


This ancient mysterious island has been known as Demon Isle since demons were found to be residing there during the time of the White Queen's reign. No one knows for sure if they worked for her, but many suspect they ultimately pay homage to one or more the many demon lords residing on the various layers of Derrosius in the Lower Realms.


After the rebels defeated the White Queen, they spent many years destroying all of her allies to make the lands safe again. When only the island remained, the weary rebels balked at the prospecting of losing so many lives assaulting a demon infested bastion. Instead, the rebel wizards them banded together and surrounded the island in a magical dome preventing any passage by physical, magical, astral, ethereal, or other methods. Since the barrier's creation, no demons have been verified to have entered or left the island, leading everyone to believe that they are contained. And since the island is off the coast of the Defiled Lands, the rest of the civilized world mostly considers the matter resolved.





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